Jeremiah 4
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

1“If you will return to Me, O Israel”, says the LORD, and if you will get rid of those detestable idols that only serve to lead you astray, then you shall not be removed. 2And if you can truly swear, ‘The LORD lives, in truth, justice, and righteousness; and the nations shall be blessed in Him, and in Him shall they glory’, 3Then this is what the LORD says to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, ‘Break up your fallow ground, and do not sow your seed among thorns. 4Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and remove the foreskins of your heart (surrender your pride and consecrate your hearts to Me), you men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem; before My fury breaks out like fire that none can quench, because of your evil doings.’

5Declare in Judah, and proclaim this in Jerusalem, ‘Blow the trumpet in the land: shout, gather, and say, “Come, and let us retreat into the fortified cities.”’ 6Raise the signal flag for Zion to flee for safety without delay; for I will bring disaster from the north, and terrible destruction. 7The lion has come up from his thicket, and a destroyer of the nations has left his place, and is on his way to make your land desolate. Your cities shall be laid waste, without inhabitants. 8So put on your sackcloth, lament, and wail; for the fierce anger of the LORD has not been rescinded from us. 9In that day”, says the LORD, “the king and his officials will lose heart; the priests shall be astonished, and the prophets amazed.” 10Then I said, “Ah, LORD God! Surely You have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, by saying, ‘You shall have peace:’ when, indeed, the sword is at their throats.

11At that time this people and Jerusalem will be told, “A scorching wind blows from the high barren places toward My people, but not just to fan, nor to cleanse, 12It is a roaring blast of wind that shall come at My command; and I will now pronounce my judgments upon them.” 13Behold, he (Nebuchadnezzar) shall blow in like dust storm clouds, and his chariots like a whirlwind; his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us! For we are ruined. 14O Jerusalem, wash the evil from your heart, and be saved. How long shall you harbor vain and evil thoughts? 15For a voice declares from Dan, and proclaims calamity from Mount Ephraim. 16Warn the nations; pronounce this against Jerusalem, that the enemy is coming from a far country, to raise a war cry against the cities of Judah. 17“They surround her like men guarding a field, because she has been rebellious against Me”, says the LORD. 18“Your own actions have brought these things upon you; this is a result of your wickedness. It is bitter, reaching into your very heart.”

19My grief, my grief! My very heart is pained and pounds within me; I cannot remain silent, because my soul has heard the trumpet, the alarm of war. 20Waves of destruction roll across the whole land. My tents and my curtains are suddenly destroyed - in a moment. 21How long must I see the battle standard, and hear the battle call of the trumpet? 22My people are foolish, they do not know Me”, says the LORD; “they are senseless children, with no understanding; they are skilled at doing evil, but not at doing good.”

23I looked at the earth, and it was without form, and empty; and the heavens had no light. 24I looked at the mountains, and they were quaking, and all the hills shook. 25I looked, and there were no people; and even the birds of the heavens had fled. 26I looked, and the fertile land was a barren, and all its cities were in ruins at the presence of the LORD, and His fierce anger. 27For the LORD has said, “The whole land shall be desolate; and yet, I will not completely destroy it. 28The earth shall mourn, and the heavens darken; because I have determined it, and I will not relent, nor will I turn from it.”

29At the noise of horsemen and archers, the whole city shall flee into thickets, and clamber up on the rocks; every city shall be abandoned. 30And, what will you do when you are invaded? Though you clothe yourself with crimson, and adorn yourself with gold jewels, and with makeup, in vain shall you try to make yourself presentable; they will despise you, they will seek your life. 31For I have heard a voice like that of a woman in labor, bearing her first child - the voice of the daughter of Zion, who frets herself, spreading her hands, and saying, “Woe is me now! For my soul faints because of murderers.”

Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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