Job 41
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

1“Can you drag leviathan out with a hook, or snag his tongue with a cord which you lower? 2Can you put a hook in his nose, or pierce his jaw with a hook? 3Will he beg you for mercy? Will he speak soft words to you? 4Will he agree to work for you? Or will he be your servant forever? 5Will you tame and make him your pet, as you might a bird? Or will you leash him for your young girls? 6Shall traders make merchandise of him? Shall they divide him among them? 7Can you pierce his skin with barbed irons, or his head with fish spears? 8If you lay your hand upon him, you will remember the battle that ensues, and never do that again! 9Behold, the hope of (subduing) him is in vain; shall one’s courage not melt even at the sight of him?

10“Given that no one dares to stir him up, who then can to stand up to Me? 11Who has given anything to Me, that I am indebted to him? Whatever is under the whole heaven is Mine. 12I will not conceal his (leviathan’s) parts, his immense strength, nor his graceful form. 13Who can strip off his hide, or penetrate his double layer of armor? Or who can approach him with a double bridle? 14Who can pry open his jaws that are surrounded by his terrible teeth? 15His rows of scales are his pride, locked together like a tight seal, 16Each one so close to another, that no air can come between them. 17They are joined and stick together, such that they cannot be separated. 18When he snorts, he emits flashes of light; and his eyes are like rays of morning light. 19Sparks of fire leap out of his mouth as from a hot fire. 20Out of his nostrils comes steam, as from a boiling caldron. 21His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames shoot out of his mouth. 22The strength of his neck strikes terror wherever he goes. 23The folds of his flesh are joined tightly together; so firm within themselves, they cannot be moved. 24His chest is as firm as a stone; yes, as hard as a piece of the lower millstone. 25When he rises, the mighty are afraid; in their consternation they withdraw themselves. 26The sword that reaches him has no effect, nor does the spear, the dart, nor the javelin {habergeon}. 27He regards iron as straw, and bronze as rotten wood. 28The arrow cannot make him flee; stones from a sling are turned into stubble by him, as are darts. 29He laughs at clubs or a spear. 30His undersides are of sharp stones; he leaves sharp pointed things in the mud. 31He makes the depths to churn like a boiling pot; he makes the sea like a jar of ointment. 32He leaves a glistening wake path behind him; one would think the deep had turned white. 33Nothing on earth is his equal, a creature without fear. 34He looks down on all high and mighty things; he is a king over all the children of pride.”

The Amplified Bible adds the following to verse 34: “[And now, Job, who are you who does not dare to disturb the beast, yet dares resist Me, the beast’s Creator? Everything under the heavens is Mine; therefore, who can have a claim against God?]

Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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Job 40
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