Proverbs 10
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

1The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a father glad, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother. 2Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death. 3The LORD will not allow the righteous to hunger; but He frustrates the efforts of the wicked to satisfy their desires. 4Those with slack hands soon become poor; but the hand of the diligent makes prosperity. 5He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he that sleeps during harvest is a disgrace. 6Blessings crown the head of the just, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked. 7The memory of the godly is pleasant; but the name and memory of the wicked shall rot. 8The wise in heart will accept instruction; but a prating fool shall come to ruin. 9He who walks with integrity walks safely, but he with perverted ways shall be exposed. 10He that winks maliciously causes grief; but a prating fool shall not prosper. 11The words of a righteous man is a wellspring of life, but the wicked conceals violent intentions. 12Hatred stirs up conflict; but love covers all wrongs. 13Wisdom is found on the lips of people with understanding; but a rod is for the back of him who lacks judgement. 14Wise men gather knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites disaster. 15The wealth of the rich man is his fortress; but poverty is the ruin of the poor. 16The earnings of the righteous enhances their life; but the gain of the wicked enables more sin. 17He who heeds discipline stays on the path of life; but he who rejects correction goes astray. 18He that hides hatred does so with lying lips, and he that spreads slander is a fool. 19When there are many words there is room for sin, but he that exercises restraint in what he says is wise. 20The words of the just is like choice silver; the heart of the wicked has little worth. 21The words of the righteous nourish many, but fools starve for lack of wisdom. 22The blessing of the LORD brings you wealth without stressful effort. 23Doing mischief is like sport to a fool; but a man of understanding delights in wisdom. 24What the wicked dreads shall overtake him; but what the righteous desires shall be granted. 25When the whirlwind has passed, the wicked is no more; but the righteous stand forever on their firm foundation. 26As vinegar is to the teeth, and smoke is to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them who employ him. 27The reverence of the LORD prolongs days, but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. 28The outlook of the righteous is cheerful; but the expectation of the wicked shall come to nothing. 29The way of the LORD is strength to the upright; but destruction awaits the workers of iniquity. 30The righteous shall never be uprooted; but the wicked shall not remain long on the earth. 31From the mouth of the just comes forth wisdom, but the perverse tongue shall be silenced. 32The lips of the righteous speak what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked speak only perverse thoughts.

Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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