Proverbs 8
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

1Does not wisdom cry? And does understanding not raise her voice? 2She stands at the highest point along the way, where paths cross, there she takes her stand, 3At the gates leading into the city, she cries aloud. 4To you, O people, I call; I raise My voice to all of mankind. 5O you simple ones, learn wisdom; and, you foolish ones, set your heart on gaining understanding. 6Hear; for I have trustworthy things to offer; and when I open My lips, I utter truths. 7For My mouth speaks truth; and My lips detest wickedness. 8All the words of My mouth are righteous; there is nothing crooked or perverse in them. 9They are all plain to those with understanding, and upright to those who find knowledge. 10Choose My instruction over silver; and knowledge over gold. 11For wisdom is better than rubies; and nothing that you may desire can be compared with it. 12I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and know how to derive knowledge out of sage words. 13The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; I despise pride, and arrogancy, evil ways, and perverse talk. 14Counsel and sound judgement are Mine. I have discernment and understanding; as well as strength. 15By Me kings reign, and princes issue decrees of justice. 16By Me, princes rule, and nobles - all that govern justly. 17I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me early shall find Me. 18Riches and honor are with Me; yes, enduring riches and prosperity. 19My fruit is better than fine gold; and My revenue is better than choice silver. 20I lead in the paths of righteousness - the paths of justice: 21Those who love Me inherit substance; and I will fill their treasuries. 22The LORD formed Me in the beginning, before He formed anything else. 23I was formed from everlasting, from the beginning, and before the earth ever was. 24When there were no watery depths, I was brought forth - when there were no fountains abounding with water. 25Before the mountains and hills were settled in place, I was brought forth; 26Before He had made the earth, the fields, or even the dust of the world. 27I was there when He prepared the heavens,; when He marked out the horizon or the face of the depth; 28When He established the clouds above; when He established the fountains of the deep: 29When He gave the sea its boundary, that the waters should not pass beyond His commandment; when He established the foundations of the earth, 30Then I was constantly by Him, as one brought up with Him; and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him, 31Rejoicing in the habitable part of His earth; and My delight was with the sons of men (mankind). 32Now, therefore, hear Me, O My children; for blessed are they who keep My ways. 33Hear instruction, and be wise, and do not reject it. 34Blessed are those who hear Me, watching daily at My gates, waiting at My doors. 35For those who find Me find life, and shall obtain favor from the LORD. 36But those that sin against Me wrong their own soul; all they who hate Me love death.

Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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