Psalm 110
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

A Psalm of David. On the promise by Nathan to David

Psalm 110 is referred to several times in the New Testament (Acts 2:34-35; Hebrews 1:13, 5:6, 6:20, 7:21, and 10:12-13). In this prophetic psalm by David, God the Father speaks to God the Son (Christ). (vv1-2)

It should be noted that the use or absence of the bold font attribute here (and throughout this entire version of the Bible) is simply a mechanism to aid in distinguishing between these two members of the Holy Trinity - God the Father (purple bold font) and God the Son - Jesus Christ (purple but not bold font). In many cases, it is easier to distinguish between references to the God, the Father, (First Person) and the Holy Spirit (Third Person) of the Holy Trinity, than it is to distinguish between references to God, the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. (Second Person of the Trinity). This bold/no-bold ‘device’ is used to make that distinction - a visual clue to our readers – but does not in any way suggest or imply a slighting of any member of the Holy Trinity. This psalm is a good example of where such a visual distinction could be useful – but because there is no consensus among Bible scholars regarding the nouns / pronouns in vv.5-7, such a distinction can also be a detriment! The following rendering using that bold/non-bold device is one of several plausible ones.

1The LORD said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies Your footstool.” 2The LORD shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.” 3In the day of Your battle, Your troops shall serve You willingly; in Your holy splendor; Your young men will come to You like the morning dew. 4The LORD has sworn, and will not change His mind; You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. 5The Lord is at Your right hand; He shall strike down kings in the day of His wrath. 6He shall judge the nations; He shall fill their land with the dead bodies; He shall crush the rulers of many countries. 7He shall stoop and drink from a brook along the way; then He shall lift His head high.

Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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