Zechariah 2
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

1I looked again, and, behold, a Man with a measuring line in His hand. 2Then I asked, “Where are You going?” And He answered, “To measure Jerusalem, its breadth and its length.”

3And while the angel who talked with me (Zechariah) was leaving, another angel came to meet him,

4And said to him, “Run, speak to this young man (Zechariah), and tell him that Jerusalem shall be inhabited like towns without walls because there will be so many people and cattle in it.”

5“And I, Myself, says the LORD, “Will be like a wall of fire around her, and will be her glory within her. 6Come! Come out! Escape from the land of the north,” says the LORD, “For I have scattered you to the four winds of the heavens. 7Escape to Zion, you who live within daughter Babylon.

8For this is what the LORD Almighty says.”

(then Christ speaks) “After a period of glory, the LORD Almighty sent Me against the nations which plundered you; for whoever touches you touches the apple (pupil) of His eye,” (i.e., Anyone who harms you harms My most precious possession.)

9(then God speaks:) “For I will surely raise My hand against them,” says the LORD, “and they shall become a spoil to be plundered by their (former captive) slaves;”

(then Christ speaks:) “And you (former captive Israel) shall know that the LORD Almighty has sent Me (Christ).”

10(then God speaks:)Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion; for I am coming, and I will dwell among you”, says the LORD.

11then Christ speaks “Many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall become My people; and I will dwell among you, and you shall know that the LORD Almighty has sent Me to you. 12And the LORD shall inherit Judah as His portion in the holy land, and shall again choose Jerusalem. 13Be silent (still), all flesh (mankind), before the LORD; for He has roused Himself from His holy habitation.”

Here, in verses 8 & 9, the pronoun “Me” is a reference to (and prediction of) the pre-incarnate Christ, the Messiah. The words of God the Father and those of the pre-incarnate Christ are interspersed within verses 8 through 11; and it is difficult to say with any degree of certainty, where the quotation marks in this passage rightfully belong. As one commentary put it: “God thus being at once the Sender and the Sent to visit in wrath "the nations which spoiled you." Messiah's twofold office from the Father is: (1) to glorify His Church; (2) to punish its foes.”


Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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