Ephesians 2:16 And that he might reconcile both to God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: 1. Our reconciliation itself. 2. The order of it. (1) Incorporate in Christ. (2) Concorporate with His members. 3. To whom. 4. The cause. (1) More remote — Himself crucified. (2) More immediate — the abolishing of hatred in Himself. I. BY NATURE WE ARE AT ENMITY WITH GOD. 1. Note and bewail thy natural condition. 2. To become God's friend, become a new creature. II. IN CHRIST IS RECONCILIATION MADE. 1. The removal of that which was hateful. 2. The love of God is procured. 3. The fruits of His love are communicated. (1) Make sure of such reconcilement. (2) Renew it after each breach. III. We must be INCORPORATED WITH CHRIST BEFORE WE CAN BE RECONCILED to God. This incorporation is in the Church, which is Christ's body. Let us take care that we have it. IV. CHRIST, BY OFFERING HIMSELF UPON THE CROSS, HAS MADE PEACE between God and us. 1. We see what we must look to, if the wrath of God stings us. Christ crucified is the propitiatory sacrifice. 2. It confirms our faith, that the Lord Jesus will bring us to glory (Romans 5:10). 3. A ground of exhortation to all, that they seek to be reconciled. We make the blood of Christ a vain thing, when we will not be reconciled to God. It is as if a traitor, in prison for treason, should still plot and practise more villainy; and when the prince has procured his pardon, should still conspire, and not listen to the benefit, nor set his heart to return into the king's favour. (Paul Bayne.) Parallel Verses KJV: And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: |