Psalm 107:7 And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation. The way by which God led them was — I. A LONG WAY. For example, the answer to prayer is sometimes long delayed; but if the blessing tarry, wait for it, — it is worth waiting for, and will come at last. II. A DESOLATE WAY. Your way to heaven lies through the wilderness — the wilderness of His world. There is no other way, and there could be no better way. There might be a smoother, easier, more flowery, less thorny path; but such a path might lead you to lose sight of your journey's end, and of your own character as pilgrims. III. A DIFFICULT WAY. All our powers are improved by exercise; the very muscles of our bodies require labour to form and bring them to their full strength. So it is with our powers of mind; their education consists in meeting and overcoming difficulties. So it is in regard to the higher powers of the soul; they are matured and perfected by the labours and difficulties that meet us in the way to heaven In all our labours we have a direct object in view, which may often seem very ignoble and temporary. Much of our time and effort are engaged in securing the bread that perisheth, gold that perisheth, and other things that perish in the using. But in this very labour, God has another object in view — our preparation for the active duties of heaven, and the forming in us of qualities that may fit us to act our part there. IV. A DANGEROUS WAY. Our pilgrimage, like theirs, is a warfare. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers of darkness. Therefore we must not only be strong in the Lord, but take to ourselves the whole armour of God. V. AN UNKNOWN WAY. (C. G. Scott.) Parallel Verses KJV: And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.WEB: he led them also by a straight way, that they might go to a city to live in. |