While he was speaking with me, I fell into a deep sleep, with my face to the ground. Then he touched me, helped me to my feet, Sermons
I. THE DEFINITENESS OF THE END. Here "the cleansing of the sanctuary." II.. THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF ALL INTERMEDIATE SECOND CAUSES. The number, force, combination, duration of their action. III. CONSEQUENT LIMIT OF TIME. In the Divine mind. Not necessarily revealed to us; though the exact number of the days was so in this case. IV. OUR MORAL ATTITUDE. Belief in the word. Confidence in the Word-giver. Obedience, active and passive. The entertainment of a great hope. Let the sunshine of the assured future light the present. - R.
The ancient of days did sit. Daniel claimed two offices for the Messiah.1. He should be a King. 2. A Judge.These claims rested on the unity of nature — the "ancient of days " being "brought near " and taking "hold of, the Son of man; thus making both One and this One offering a propitiation — being "out off," but not from Himself. The first claim has been met; Christ is the King! He shall be the Judge Kingship becomes the guarantee of Judgeship. We proceed to proclaim a coming judgment. I. IT IS THE UNIVERSAL EXPRESSION OF OUR RACE. 1. By personal conscience. 2. By relative necessity. 3. By ideal anticipation. II. IT IS THE UNIFORM TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE. The Bible teaches throughout that "the judgment " will take place. In this testimony we find three grand facts. 1. All the dead are reserved to judgment. 2. All the living are going to judgment 3. All conditions of life will be known at the judgment. (1) (2) (3) III. IT IS THE INVOLVED CULMINATION OF REDEMPTION. 1. It will exhibit the personal glory of our Redeemer's character. 2. It will vindicate the supreme importance of our Redeemer's mission. 3. It will display the impartiality of our Redeemer's administration. 4. It will declare the immunities of our Redeemer's followers. (Joseph Odell.) I. THE GLORIOUS APPEARANCE OF OUR SAVIOUR. 1. That Christ will re-visit this earth is a fact stated in many passages of Scripture. What shall be the nature of the grandeur and glory of His final appearing, or how it will be displayed, none can tell. II. ITS ATTENDANT CIRCUMSTANCES. More particularly as to ourselves and mankind at large. Mark how diverse the characters of those around the throne! What an affecting contrast is presented to our minds! (Edward Pizey, B. A.) Thousand thousands ministered unto Him The thought that the Christian life consists in the performance of everyday duties on the principles of the Gospel, and with the temper and disposition of the blessed inhabitants of Heaven, may help to restrain us from two serious errors into which, from our extreme frailty, we must confess ourselves but too liable to fall. One error is the disposition to imagine that religion is a matter of so transcendantly high and spiritual a nature as to be quite above and unmixed with earthly things. The other error is the disposition to lower the standard and measure of Christian morality. It is of the highest importance that we pray and endeavour to have our elections deadened to this present world, and our minds drawn up to high and Heavenly things. Habitual reflection on the habits of glorified spirits in the beatific presence of their and our God would greatly tend to wean our affections from mean, unworthy objects, to fill us with humility and awe, and, at the same time, to give us a notion of our true dignity as God's adopted children in Christ Jesus. The mere thought that there are in existence innumerable glorious immortal spirits — that their God is our God — that let our condition in this world be ever so poor and degraded, yet these blessed angels disdain not to acknowledge themselves our "fellow-servants"; that they care for us, and minister for us as Christians, and heirs of salvation, may well arouse us from the low-born cares and follies of this present world, lead us to consider what we are, and what we are coming to. To be in the presence and favour of the Almighty God, this and this only can constitute the happiness of all reasonable creatures, of angels in Heaven, or of men on earth. To live in the presence of God is the happiness of glorified spirits in Heaven. To live as in His presence is the great rule of holiness to men on earth. It is of great consequence for serious minds to raise their thoughts to high and Heavenly realities; especially to the thought of the innumerable society of good angels, who sing their Alleluias before the throne.(Serrmons by Authors "Tracts for the Times.") The curtain of Heaven was lifted up, and Daniel, wrapt in the spirit and vision of prophecy, was favoured with a view of the celestial regions. The scene is laid in the wide etherial of the third heaven. The Ancient of Days appeared upon a burning throne, which, being provided with wheels, was the chariot in which He made the immense circuit of His dominion. A numerous and splendid host of angels and redeemed spirits minister unto Him, and stand before Him. To minister and to stand in Scripture language, mean service. These countless millions, therefore, stand before God to wait His commands, and then they minister unto Him, that is, they flee to do His sovereign pleasure. The truth to be gathered from this part of Daniel's vision is, that Heaven is a state of exalted service.I. THE PECULIAR NATURE OF THE HEAVENLY SERVICE. 1. It will be suited to a state of final reward. There will be nothing that will imply a state of probation or trial. When we reach Heaven, all service which had the nature of a means to attaining the end of moral perfection will pass away. 2. It will include all essential duties that are due from the creature to the Creator. Many of the duties of revealed religion will cease in Heaven, because they are designed to effect a temporary purpose only. Through eternity, angels and redeemed will be dependent upon God, and receive all good from Him. Love, and the manifestation of love, will be one portion of this edis One offering a propitiation — being "out off," but not from Himself. The first claim has been met; Christ is the King! He shall be the Judge Kingship becomes the guarantee of Judgeship. We proceed to proclaim a coming judgment. I. IT IS THE UNIVERSAL EXPRESSION OF OUR RACE. 1. By personal conscience. 2. By relative necessity. 3. By ideal anticipation. II. IT IS THE UNIFORM TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE. The Bible teaches throughout that "the judgment " will take place. In this testimony we find three grand facts. 1. All the dead are reserved to judgment. 2. All the living are going to judgment 3. All conditions of life will be known at the judgment. (1) (2) (3) III. IT IS THE INVOLVED CULMINATION OF REDEMPTION. 1. It will exhibit the personal glory of our Redeemer's character. 2. It will vindicate the supreme importance of our Redeemer's mission. 3. It will display the impartiality of our Redeemer's administration. 4. It will declare the immunities of our Redeemer's followers. (Joseph Odell.) |