Jump to: Smith's • ATS • ISBE • Easton's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Library • Subtopics • Terms Thesaurus Trogyllium (1 Occurrence)... 15). Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. TROGYLLIUM. tro-jil ... port. EJ Banks. Multi-Version Concordance Trogyllium (1 Occurrence). Acts 20 ... /t/trogyllium.htm - 8k Samos (1 Occurrence) Trode (8 Occurrences) Troop (28 Occurrences) Kios (1 Occurrence) Opposite (137 Occurrences) Over-against (156 Occurrences) Tarried (42 Occurrences) Miletus (3 Occurrences) Mile'tus (3 Occurrences) Bible Concordance Trogyllium (1 Occurrence)Acts 20:15 Sailing from there, we came the following day opposite Chios. The next day we touched at Samos and stayed at Trogyllium, and the day after we came to Miletus. Smith's Bible Dictionary Trogylliumis the rocky extremity of the ridge of Mycale, exactly opposite Samos. (Acts 20:15) A little to the east of the extreme point there is an anchorage, which is still called St. Paul's port. [SAMOS] ATS Bible Dictionary TrogylliumThe name of a town and promontory of Ionia, in Asia Minor, between Ephesus and the mouth of the Meander, opposite to Samos. The promontory is a spur of Mount Mycale, Acts 20:15. Easton's Bible Dictionary A town on the western coast of Asia Minor, where Paul "tarried" when on his way from Assos to Miletus, on his third missionary journey (Acts 20:15). International Standard Bible Encyclopedia TROGYLLIUMtro-jil'-i-um, tro-gil'-i-um (Trogullion): According to Acts 20:15 the King James Version, the American Revised Version margin, the ship in which Paul sailed to Caesatea on his return from his 3rd missionary journey tarried at Trogyllium. Several of the early manuscripts omit the words, "tarried at Trogyllium" (Westcott and Hort omit as "Western" interpolation); yet, whether the words belonged to the text or not, Paul evidently passed the promontory, and probably stopped there. From the coast near Miletus the promontory projects into the sea toward the island of Samos; the strait separating the mainland from the island is scarcely a mile wide. It was in this strait which is now called Kutchuk Boghaz by the Turks that the battle of Mycale was fought in 479 B.C. The promontory now bears the name of Santa Maria, and the place of anchorage is called Saint Paul's port. Greek 5175. Trogullion -- Trogyllium, a place in Ionia. ... 5174, 5175. Trogullion. 5176 . Trogyllium, a place in Ionia. ... Word Origin of uncertain origin Definition Trogyllium, a place in Ionia. Trogyllium. ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5175.htm - 6k Library Paul's Journeys Acts 13:1-38:31 Acts XX Subtopics Related Terms Over-against (156 Occurrences) Links Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus |