The Ear: God: Planted
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 94:9
He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Nothing Escapes God's Knowledge. ...
... question, whether God, not having failed to show care for His work, now fails to
have knowledge of it? Thus it is written: "He that planted the ear, shall He ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter xiv nothing escapes gods.htm

On the Words of the Gospel, Matt. xix. 28, "Come unto Me, all Ye ...
... is promised the Vision of the Living and the Seeing God, that we may desire eagerly
to see that God of whom Scripture saith, "He that planted the ear, shall he ...
/.../sermons on selected lessons of the new testament/sermon xix on the words.htm

The Church of God.
... wisdom. All are not an eye or ear or hand or foot. ... them. "I have planted, Apollos
watered; but God gave the increase." 1:Cor.3:6. Bishop ...
// gospel day /chapter vii the church of.htm

That the Same God, by the Same Word, Restrains from Sin by ...
... are we, Israel; for what is pleasing to God is known by us ... O Israel, the commandments
of life, and give ear to know ... and he shall be as the tree planted near the ...
/.../clement/the instructor paedagogus/chapter x that the same god.htm

Entering the Covenant: with all the Heart
... God has planted the new heart in the midst of the ... hesitate to speak the word frequently
in the ear of your ... you to what service or what sacrifice God calls you ...
/.../murray/the two covenants/chapter xviii entering the covenant .htm

Waiting on God
... of one hundred years old"when it was planted God did not ... in prayer take more time
to be still before God without saying ... That I catch the ear of Him to whom I ...
// masters indwelling/iii waiting on god.htm

Second Sermon for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
... or said, or understood, is so nigh or planted so deep ... soon as thou hast bravely turned
thy ear away, thou ... seeking for nothing further, and when God would say ...
/.../xxiii second sermon for the.htm

How any one Can Forget and Remember God.
... He that planted the ear, shall He not hear?" etc. [890] For this is spoken to those,
who said vain things concerning God through not understanding Him. ...
/.../augustine/on the holy trinity/chapter 13 how any one can.htm

The Knowledge of God
... that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see?'
He who makes a watch or engine knows all the workmanship in it. God, that ...
// body of divinity/2 the knowledge of god.htm

The Kingdom of God.
... The utterances of the old Psalmists and prophets concerning the ever-present kingdom
of God are facts, not dreams. ... He that planted the ear, shall He not ...
/.../kingsley/westminster sermons/sermon ix the kingdom of.htm



Ear in Cleansing Lepers

Ear Piercing

Ear: Anointed With Oil in Purifications

Ear: Anthropomorphic Uses of

Ear: Blood Put Upon, in Consecration of Priest

Ear: Bored As a Sign of Servitude

The Ear of Servants Who Refused to Leave Their Masters, Bored to The

The Ear of the Wicked: Itching

The Ear of the Wicked: Not Inclined to Hear God

The Ear of the Wicked: Stopped Against God's Word

The Ear of the Wicked: Turned Away from God's Law

The Ear of the Wicked: Uncircumcised

The Ear: Blood Put on the Right Ear of Priests at Consecration

The Ear: Blood Put on the Right Ear of The Healed Leper in Cleansing Him

The Ear: Capable of Trying and Distinguishing Words

The Ear: Christ Opens

The Ear: God: Judicially Closed

The Ear: God: Made

The Ear: God: Opens

The Ear: God: Planted

The Ear: Instruction Received Through

The Ear: Not Satisfied With Earthly Things

The Ear: Not to be Stopped at Cry of the Poor

The Ear: Often Adorned With Rings

The Ear: should be Bowed Down to Instructions

The Ear: should be Given to the Law of God

The Ear: should be Incline to Wisdom

The Ear: should Hear and Obey Reproof

The Ear: should Receive the Word of God

The Ear: should Seek Knowledge

The Ear: That Hears and Receives the Word of God, Blessed

The Ear: The Organ of Hearing

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