The Second Passover 1And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses in the wildernesse of Sinai, in the first moneth of the seconde yere, after they were come out of the lande of Egypt, saying: 2Let the children of Israel celebrate the Passouer at the tyme appoynted thervnto: 3Euen ye fourteenth day of this moneth at euen: ye shall kepe it in his season accordyng to all the ceremonies of it, and according to all the maners therof, shall ye kepe it. 4And Moyses spake vnto the children of Israel, that they should celebrate the Passouer. 5And they kept the Passouer the foureteenth day of the first moneth at euen in the wildernesse of Sinai: according to all that the Lorde comaunded Moyses, euen so dyd the children of Israel. 6And certayne men were defiled by a dead man, that they myght not kepe the Passouer the same day, and they came before Moyses & Aaron the same day. 7And those men sayde vnto hym, we are defiled by a dead man: wherfore are we kept backe, that we may not offer an offeryng vnto the Lorde in due season, among the children of Israel? 8And Moyses sayd vnto them: Stande styll, and I wyll heare what the Lorde wyll commaunde concernyng you. 9And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 10Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say: If any man be vncleane by the reason of a coarse, or be in a way farre distaunt from you and from your generations, he shall kepe the Passouer vnto the Lorde. 11The fourteenth day of the seconde moneth at euen let them kepe it: and eate it with vnleauened bread, & sowre hearbes. 12Let them leaue none of it vnto the morning, nor breake any bone of it: But accordyng to all the ordinaunce of the Passouer, let them kepe it. 13But the man that is cleane, and is not in a iourney, and yet was negligent to kepe the Passouer: the same soule shalbe cut of from his people, because he brought not the offeryng of the Lorde in his due season, that man shall beare his sinne. 14And if a straunger dwell among you, and wyll kepe the Passouer vnto the Lorde: accordyng to the ordinance of the Passouer and maner therof, so shall he do. Ye shall haue one lawe both for the straunger, and for hym that was borne in the same lande. The Cloud above the Tabernacle 15And the same day that the tabernacle was reared vp, a cloude couered the tabernacle, |