I Stretch Out My Hands to You 1
2And enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunt: for in thy syght no man lyuyng can be iustified.
3For the enemie hath persecuted my soule, he hath smitten my lyfe downe to the grounde: he hath layde me in darknesse as men that haue ben long dead.
4And my spirite is ouerwhelmed within me: and my heart is desolate in the midst of me.
5I call to remembraunce the tyme long past: I muse vpon euery act of thine, I exercise my study on the worke of thy handes.
6I stretche foorth myne handes vnto thee: my soule as a thirstie lande
7Make speede, hearken vnto me O God, my spirite waxeth faynt: hyde not thy face from me, for I am lyke vnto them that go downe into the pyt.
8Cause me to heare of thy louyng kindnesse betymes in the mornyng: for in thee is my trust.
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