Psalm 20
Bishops' Bible of 1568 Par ▾ 

The Day of Trouble

1To the chiefe musition, a psalme of Dauid. God heare thee in the day of trouble: the name of the Lorde of Iacob defende thee.

2Let him sende thee helpe from the sanctuarie: and ayde thee out of Sion.

3Let him remember all thy offeringes: and turne into asshes thy burnt sacrifices. Selah.

4Let him graunt thee thy heartes desire: and accomplishe all thy deuice.

5We wyll reioyce in thy saluation, and triumph in the name of our Lorde: for God wyll perfourme all thy petitions.

6Nowe I knowe that God wyll saue his annoynted, he wyll heare him from his heauenly sanctuarie: there is saluation in the mightinesse of his right hande.

7Some put their trust in chariotes, and some in horses: but we wyll remember the name of God our Lorde.

8They shalbe made to bowe and fall: but we shall arise, and stande vpright.

9Saue thou O God: that the king may heare vs in the day when we call.

Bishops' Bible of 1568

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

Psalm 19
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