The Joy of Forgiveness 1
2Blessed is ye man vnto whom God imputeth no vnrighteousnes: & in whose spirit there is no guile.
3For whyle I helde my tongue: my bones consumed away through my dayly roaring.
4For thy hande is heauie vpon me day and night: and my moysture is like the drouth in sommer. Selah.
6For this shall euery one that is godly make his prayer vnto thee in the time when thou mayest be founde: so that in the great water fluddes they shal not come nye hym.
7Thou art my refuge, thou wylt preserue me from trouble: thou wylt compasse me about with songes of deliueraunce. Selah.
8I will geue thee wise instructions, and teach thee in the way wherin thou shalt go: & I wil guyde thee with mine eye.
9Be ye not lyke a horse
10Great plagues remaine for the vngodly: but who so putteth his trust in God, mercy imbraceth him on euery side.
11Be glad in God, & reioyce O ye righteous: be ioyfull also all ye that be vpright of heart. |