Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
5:1 4245 5:1 πρεσβυτέρω 5:1 [4an elder |
1969 επιπλήξης 1You should 3rebuke], |
3870 παρακάλει appeal to him |
5:2 4245 5:2 πρεσβυτέρας 5:2 elder women |
3501 νεωτέρας younger women |
5:3 5503 5:3 χήρας 5:3 [2widows |
3129 μανθανέτωσαν let them learn |
2151 ευσεβείν 1to be pious], |
587 απόδεκτον worthy of being received |
3443 μεμονωμένη being left alone, |
4684 σπαταλώσα living extravagantly, |
423-1510.3 ανεπίληπτοι ώσιν they should be unassailable! |
3609 οικείων 7of his family |
4306 προνοεί 2think beforehand], |
720 ήρνηται 1he has denied], |
5:9 5503 5:9 χήρα 5:9 [3a widow |
2639 καταλεγέσθω 1Let 4be enrolled |
5:10 1722 5:10 εν 5:10 with |
3140 μαρτυρουμένη being witnessed, |
5044 ετεκνοτρόφησεν she reared children, |
3580 εξενοδόχησεν she was hospitable, |
2346 θλιβομένοις to the ones being afflicted |
1884 επήρκεσεν she assisted, |
1872 επηκολούθησε she followed after. |
5:11 3501-1161 5:11 νεωτέρας δε 5:11 And younger |
2691 καταστρηνιάσωσι they should grow careless towards |
5:12 2192 5:12 έχουσαι 5:12 having |
114 ηθέτησαν they disregarded. |
5:13 260-1161 5:13 άμα δε 5:13 And together |
4022 περιερχόμεναι to go around |
4021 περίεργοι useless works, |
5:14 1014 5:14 βούλομαι 5:14 I prefer |
5041 τεκνογονείν to bear children, |
3616 οικοδεσποτείν to manage the home, |
1624 εξετράπησαν were turned aside |
5:16 1536 5:16 ει τις 5:16 If any |
1884 επαρκέση 1it should assist]! |
5:17 3588 5:17 οι 5:17 [2the |
515 αξιούσθωσαν 1Let 6be worthy], |
1319 διδασκαλία instruction! |
5:18 3004 5:18 λέγει 5:18 [4says |
5:19 2596 5:19 κατά 5:19 [5against |
5:20 3588 5:20 τους 5:20 The ones |
5:21 1263 5:21 διαμαρτύρομαι 5:21 I testify |
5442 φυλάξης you should guard, |
4299 προκρίματος prejudice, |
4346 πρόσκλισιν inclination. |
5:22 5495 5:22 χείρας 5:22 A hand |
2841 κοινώνει participate with |
245 αλλοτρίαις of strangers! |
5:23 3371 5:23 μηκέτι 5:23 No longer |
5202 υδροπότει drink water, |
5:24 5100 5:24 τινών 5:24 Of some |
4254 προάγουσαι leading before |
1872 επακολουθούσιν follow after. |
5:25 5615 5:25 ωσαύτως 5:25 Likewise |
2192 έχοντα having taken place |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.