Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
27:1 3361 27:1 μη 27:1 Do not |
3588 τα concerning the things |
5088 τέξεται [3shall give birth |
27:2 1471.1 27:2 εγκωμιαζέτω 27:2 Let [3laud |
27:3 926 27:3 βαρύ 27:3 [2 is heavy |
1419 δυσβάστακτον [2hard to bear |
27:4 415 27:4 ανελεήμων 27:4 [2 is unmerciful |
2205 ζήλος before jealousy. |
27:5 2908 27:5 κρείσσους 27:5 [3 is better than |
601 αποκαλυπτόμενοι 1Revealing] |
27:6 513.1 27:6 αξιοπιστότερα 27:6 More worthy of trust |
27:7 5590 27:7 ψυχή 27:7 A soul |
27:8 5618 27:8 ώσπερ 27:8 As |
2665.1 καταπετασθή it flies down |
633.1 αποξενωθή he estranges himself |
27:9 3464 27:9 μύροις 27:9 Perfumes, |
2674.5 καταρρήγνυται [3breaks down |
4850.4 συμπτωμάτων 5adverse incidents |
27:10 5384 27:10 φίλον 27:10 [2friend |
27:11 4680 27:11 σοφός 27:11 [2wise |
2165 ευφραίνηταί [3should gladden |
27:12 3835 27:12 πανούργος 27:12 A clever man, |
1904 επερχομένων coming along, |
613 απεκρύβη conceals himself; |
1904 επελθόντες coming along, |
27:13 851 27:13 αφελού 27:13 Remove |
5197 υβριστής 2an insulting man], |
245 αλλότρια [2a stranger's goods |
3075 λυμαίνεται 1lays waste]. |
27:14 3739 27:14 ος 27:14 Who |
2672 καταρωμένου [4from one cursing |
27:15 4711.1 27:15 σταγόνες 27:15 Drops of rain |
1544 εκβάλλουσιν [4shall cast |
1537 εκ drives a man from out of |
27:16 1005 27:16 βορέας 27:16 The north |
27:17 4604 27:17 σίδηρος 27:17 Iron |
2083 εταίρου of his companion. |
27:18 3739 27:18 ος 27:18 The one who |
5091 τιμηθήσεται shall be esteemed. |
27:19 5618 27:19 ώσπερ 27:19 As |
4383 προσώποις to other faces, |
444 ανθρώπων [2to other men's |
27:20 86 27:20 άδης 27:20 Hades |
1705 εμπίμπλανται filled up; |
571.2 άπληστοι 1insatiable]. |
946 βδέλυγμα [3 is an abomination |
521 απαίδευτοι uninstructed ones |
193 ακρατείς are immoderate |
27:21 1383 27:21 δοκίμιον 27:21 Proving |
4451 πύρωσις is through burning by fire; |
1471.1 εγκωμιαζόντων of ones lauding |
27:22 1437 27:22 εάν 27:22 If |
4892 συνεδρίω of a sanhedrin, |
818 ατιμάζων dishonoring him, |
4014 περιέλης shall [2be removed |
27:23 1110.1 27:23 γνωστώς 27:23 Knowingly, |
1921 επιγνώση you shall recognize things concerning |
2186 επιστήσεις you shall set [2over |
27:24 3754 27:24 ότι 27:24 For |
3860 παραδίδωσιν does he deliver it up |
27:25 1959 27:25 επιμελού 27:25 Care for |
5515 χλωρών 1green things]! |
2751 κερείς you shall shear |
4863 συνάγαγε gather together |
3714 ορεινόν of the mountainous area! |
27:26 2443 27:26 ίνα 27:26 that |
27:27 5207 27:27 υιέ 27:27 O son, |
2324 θεραπόντων attendants. |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.