Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The LORD Creates the Earth in Wisdom |
104:1 2127 104:1 ευλόγει 104:1 Bless |
3170 εμεγαλύνθης you are magnified |
1843.1 εξομολόγησιν [2acknowledgment |
1746 ενεδύσω 1You clothed yourself with]; |
104:2 306 104:2 αναβαλλόμενος 104:2 cloaking on |
1614 εκτείνων stretching out |
104:4 3588 104:4 ο 104:4 the one |
104:5 3588 104:5 ο 104:5 the one |
2311 θεμελιών laying the foundation |
104:6 12 104:6 άβυσσος 104:6 the deep |
2476 στήσονται [2shall stand |
104:7 575 104:7 από 104:7 from |
5343 φεύξονται they shall flee; |
1168 δειλιάσουσιν they shall show timidity. |
104:8 305 104:8 αναβαίνουσιν 104:8 They ascend |
2311 εθεμελίωσας you laid a foundation |
104:9 3725 104:9 όριον 104:9 [2a limit |
1994 επιστρέψουσι shall they return |
104:10 3588 104:10 ο 104:10 The |
1821 εξαποστέλλων one sending out |
303.1 αναμέσον [3in the midst |
1330 διελεύσονται 2shall go through |
104:11 4222 104:11 ποτιούσι 104:11 they shall water |
4327 προσδέξονται [2shall receive it |
104:12 1909 104:12 επ' 104:12 by |
4071 πετεινά winged creatures |
2681 κατασκηνώσει shall encamp; |
1325 δώσουσι they shall give out |
104:13 4222 104:13 ποτίζων 104:13 watering |
5526 χορτασθήσεται [3shall be filled |
104:14 3588 104:14 ο 104:14 The one |
1816 εξανατέλλων causing [2to rise up |
104:15 2532 104:15 και 104:15 and |
104:16 5526 104:16 χορτασθήσονται 104:16 [5shall be filled |
5452 εφύτευσας you planted. |
104:17 1563 104:17 εκεί 104:17 There |
2733 κατοικία 1 the dwelling] |
2233 ηγείται takes lead over |
104:18 3735 104:18 όρη 104:18 [2mountains |
104:19 4160 104:19 εποίησε 104:19 He made |
104:20 5087 104:20 έθου 104:20 You made |
104:21 4661.1 104:21 σκύμνοι 104:21 Lion cubs |
726 αρπάσαι to seize by force; |
1473 αυτοίς for themselves. |
104:22 393 104:22 ανέτειλεν 104:22 [3arose |
4863 συνήχθησαν they were brought together, |
2844.1 κοιτασθήσονται they shall lay down. |
104:23 1831 104:23 εξελεύσεται 104:23 [2shall go forth |
104:24 5613 104:24 ως 104:24 How |
3170 εμεγαλύνθη [2were magnified |
104:25 3778 104:25 αύτη 104:25 this |
2149 ευρύχωρος broad space; |
2226 ζώα living creatures — |
104:26 1563 104:26 εκεί 104:26 there |
1279 διαπορεύονται travel over; |
104:27 3956 104:27 πάντα 104:27 All |
2121 εύκαιρον an opportune time. |
104:28 1325-1473 104:28 δόντος σου 104:28 At your giving |
4816 συλλέξουσιν they shall collect; |
4130 πλησθήσονται shall be filled |
5544 χρηστότητος by that which is good. |
104:29 654-1161 104:29 αποστρέψαντος δε 104:29 But at the turning |
5015 ταραχθήσονται they shall be disturbed; |
465.3 αντανελείς you shall take away in return |
1587 εκλείψουσι they shall fail, |
1994 επιστρέψουσιν they shall return. |
104:30 1821 104:30 εξαποστελείς 104:30 You shall send out |
2936 κτισθήσονται they shall be created; |
340 ανακαινιείς you shall renew |
104:31 1510.5 104:31 ήτω 104:31 Let [4be |
2165-2962 ευφρανθήσεται κύριος The lord shall be glad |
104:32 3588 104:32 ο 104:32 the one |
104:33 103 104:33 άσω 104:33 I shall sing |
104:34 2237.1 104:34 ηδυνθείη 104:34 Let [2be delicious |
2165 ευφρανθήσομαι shall be glad |
104:35 1587 104:35 εκλείποιεν 104:35 [2failed |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.