Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The LORD's Compassion Over Lawless Israel |
106:1 1843 106:1 εξομολογείσθε 106:1 Make acknowledgment |
5543 χρηστός he is gracious; |
106:2 5100 106:2 τις 106:2 Who |
4160 ποιήσει who shall offer |
106:3 3107 106:3 μακάριοι 106:3 Blessed are |
1343 δικαιοσύνην righteousness |
106:4 3403 106:4 μνήσθητι 106:4 Remember |
2165 ευφρανθήναι to be glad |
1867 επαινείσθαι to applaud |
106:6 264 106:6 ημάρτομεν 106:6 We sinned |
457.1 ηνομήσαμεν we acted lawlessly; |
91 ηδικήσαμεν we did wrong. |
3893 παρεπίκραναν they rebelled |
305 αναβαίνοντες while ascending |
106:8 2532 106:8 και 106:8 And |
1107 γνωρίσαι to make known |
106:9 2532 106:9 και 106:9 And |
2008 επετίμησε he reproached |
3583 εξηράνθη it was dried up. |
106:10 2532 106:10 και 106:10 And |
3404 μισούντος of the one detesting; |
3084 ελυτρώσατο he ransomed |
106:11 2572 106:11 εκάλυψεν 106:11 [2covered |
2346 θλίβοντας ones afflicting |
5275 υπελείφθη was left behind. |
106:12 2532 106:12 και 106:12 And |
4100 επίστευσαν they trusted |
106:13 5035.1 106:13 ετάχυναν 106:13 They hastened; |
1950 επελάθοντο they forgot |
106:14 2532 106:14 και 106:14 And |
1937 επεθύμησαν they desired |
504 ανύδρω a waterless place. |
106:15 2532 106:15 και 106:15 And |
106:16 2532 106:16 και 106:16 And |
3949-* παρώργισαν Μωυσήν they provoked Moses to anger |
106:17 455 106:17 ηνοίχθη 106:17 [3opened |
2666 κατέπιε swallowed down |
4864 συναγωγήν congregation |
106:18 2532 106:18 και 106:18 And |
1572 εξεκαύθη [2was kindled |
268 αμαρτωλούς the sinners. |
106:19 2532 106:19 και 106:19 And |
4352 προσεκύνησαν they did obeisance to |
106:20 2532 106:20 και 106:20 And |
3667 ομοιώματι a representation |
106:21 2532 106:21 και 106:21 And |
1950 επελάθοντο they forgot |
4982 σώζοντος one delivering |
106:22 2297 106:22 θαυμάσια 106:22 wonders |
106:23 2532 106:23 και 106:23 And |
1842 εξολοθρεύσαι to utterly destroy |
1842 εξολοθρεύσαι utterly destroy |
106:24 2532 106:24 και 106:24 And |
1847 εξουδένωσαν they treated [3with contempt |
1938.1 επιθυμητήν 1 the desirable]; |
106:25 2532 106:25 και 106:25 And |
1111 εγόγγυσαν they grumbled |
106:26 2532 106:26 και 106:26 And |
106:27 2532 106:27 και 106:27 and |
2598 καταβαλείν to throw down |
1287 διασκορπίσαι to disperse |
106:28 2532 106:28 και 106:28 And |
5055 ετελέσθησαν they were initiated |
106:29 2532 106:29 και 106:29 And |
3947 παρώξυναν they provoked |
4129 επληθύνθη [3was multiplied |
106:30 2532 106:30 και 106:30 And |
2476-* έστη Φινεές Phinehas stood |
1837.2 εξιλάσατο made atonement, |
106:31 2532 106:31 και 106:31 And |
3049 ελογίσθη it was imputed |
1343 δικαιοσύνην righteousness, |
106:32 2532 106:32 και 106:32 And |
3949-1473 παρώργισαν αυτόν they provoked him to anger |
2559 εκακώθη evil was inflicted upon |
106:33 3754 106:33 ότι 106:33 for |
3893 παρεπίκραναν they greatly embittered |
1291 διέστειλεν he drew apart |
106:34 3756 106:34 ουκ 106:34 They did not |
1842 εξωλόθρευσαν utterly destroy |
106:35 2532 106:35 και 106:35 And |
106:36 2532 106:36 και 106:36 And |
1398 εδούλευσαν they served |
4625 σκάνδαλον a cause of offence. |
106:37 2532 106:37 και 106:37 And |
2380 έθυσαν they sacrificed |
106:38 2532 106:38 και 106:38 and |
1632 εξέχεαν they poured out |
2380 έθυσαν they sacrificed |
5407.1 εφονοκτονήθη [3was polluted with murder |
106:39 2532 106:39 και 106:39 and |
3392 εμιάνθη it was defiled |
4203 επόρνευσαν they committed harlotry |
106:40 2532 106:40 και 106:40 And |
3710 ωργίσθη [2was provoked to anger |
106:41 2532 106:41 και 106:41 And |
3860 παρέδωκεν he delivered |
2961 εκυρίευσαν [4dominated |
3404 μισούντες 2ones detesting |
106:42 2532 106:42 και 106:42 And |
5013 εταπεινώθησαν they were humbled |
106:43 4121.1 106:43 πλεονάκις 106:43 Many times |
3893 παρεπίκραναν greatly embittered |
5013 εταπεινώθησαν they were humbled |
458-1473 ανομίαις αυτών their lawless deeds. |
106:44 2532 106:44 και 106:44 And |
2346-1473 θλίβεσθαι αυτούς their being afflicted |
1522 εισακούσαι listening to |
106:45 2532 106:45 και 106:45 And |
106:46 2532 106:46 και 106:46 And |
3628 οικτιρμούς compassions |
162 αιχμαλωτευσάντων ones having captured |
106:47 4982 106:47 σώσον 106:47 Deliver |
1843 εξομολογήσασθαι to acknowledge |
106:48 2128 106:48 ευλογητός 106:48 Blessed be |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.