Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The LORD Sees the Distress of Men |
107:1 1843 107:1 εξομολογείσθε 107:1 Make acknowledgment |
5543 χρηστός he is gracious, |
107:2 2036 107:2 ειπάτωσαν 107:2 Let [5speak |
3084 λελυτρωμένοι 2having been ransomed |
3084 ελυτρώσατο he ransomed |
107:3 2532 107:3 και 107:3 And |
107:4 4105 107:4 επλανήθησαν 107:4 They wandered |
2732 κατοικητηρίου 4for a home |
107:5 3983 107:5 πεινώντες 107:5 Hungering |
107:6 2532 107:6 και 107:6 And |
2896 εκέκραξαν they cried out |
2346-1473 θλίβεσθαι αυτούς their being afflicted, |
107:7 2532 107:7 και 107:7 And |
2117 ευθείαν 1 the straight], |
2732 κατοικητηρίου of habitation. |
107:8 1843 107:8 εξομολογησάσθωσαν 107:8 Let them make acknowledgment |
107:9 3754 107:9 ότι 107:9 For |
1705 ενέπλησεν he filled up |
18 αγαθών with good things; |
107:10 2521 107:10 καθημένους 107:10 even the ones sitting down |
3975.2 πεπεδημένους being shackled |
107:11 3754 107:11 ότι 107:11 for |
3893 παρεπίκραναν they rebelled against |
3947 παρώξυναν they provoked. |
107:12 2532 107:12 και 107:12 And |
5013 εταπεινώθη [2was humbled |
770 ησθένησαν they weakened |
107:13 2532 107:13 και 107:13 And |
2896 εκέκραξαν they cried out |
2346-1473 θλίβεσθαι αυτούς their being afflicted; |
107:14 2532 107:14 και 107:14 And |
1284 διέρρηξεν 1he tore up]. |
107:15 1843 107:15 εξομολογησάσθωσαν 107:15 Let them make acknowledgment |
107:16 3754 107:16 ότι 107:16 For |
4917 συνέθλασεν he fractured in pieces. |
107:17 482 107:17 αντελάβετο 107:17 He took hold of |
458-1473 ανομίας αυτών of their lawlessnesses; |
458-1473 ανομίας αυτών their lawlessnesses |
5013 εταπεινώθησαν they were humbled. |
107:18 3956 107:18 παν 107:18 [3every |
1448 ήγγισαν they approached |
107:19 2532 107:19 και 107:19 And |
2896 εκέκραξαν they cried out |
2346-1473 θλίβεσθαι αυτούς their being afflicted; |
107:20 649 107:20 απέστειλε 107:20 He sent |
107:21 1843 107:21 εξομολογησάσθωσαν 107:21 Let them make acknowledgment |
107:22 2532 107:22 και 107:22 And |
2380 θυσάτωσαν let them sacrifice |
1804 εξαγγειλάτωσαν let them declare |
107:23 3588 107:23 οι 107:23 The men |
2597 καταβαίνοντες going down |
107:24 1473 107:24 αυτοί 107:24 these men |
107:25 2036 107:25 είπε 107:25 He spoke, |
5312 υψώθη [2are raised up high |
107:26 305 107:26 αναβαίνουσιν 107:26 They ascend |
2597 καταβαίνουσιν they go down |
107:27 5015 107:27 εταράχθησαν 107:27 They were disturbed; |
4531 εσαλεύθησαν they were shaken |
3184 μεθύων being intoxicated, |
2666 κατεπόθη was swallowed down. |
107:28 2532 107:28 και 107:28 And |
2896 εκέκραξαν they cry out |
2346-1473 θλίβεσθαι αυτούς their being afflicted; |
107:29 2532 107:29 και 107:29 And |
2004 επέταξε he gave orders |
107:30 2532 107:30 και 107:30 And |
2165 ευφράνθησαν they were glad |
2270 ησύχασαν they were stilled; |
107:31 1843 107:31 εξομολογησάσθωσαν 107:31 Let them make acknowledgment |
107:32 5312-1473 107:32 υψωσάτωσαν αυτόν 107:32 Let them exalt him |
4245 πρεσβυτέρων 4of the elders |
134-1473 αινεσάτωσαν αυτόν 1let them praise him]! |
107:33 5087 107:33 έθετο 107:33 He put |
107:34 1093 107:34 γην 107:34 a ground |
2593 καρποφόρον bearing fruit |
107:35 5087 107:35 έθετο 107:35 He made |
107:36 2532 107:36 και 107:36 And |
3983 πεινώντας ones hungering, |
4921 συνεστήσαντο they stood together |
2729.1 κατοικεσίας of habitation. |
107:37 2532 107:37 και 107:37 And |
1081 γεννήματος of produce. |
107:38 2532 107:38 και 107:38 And |
4129 επληθύνθησαν they were multiplied |
107:39 2532 107:39 και 107:39 And |
3642.1 ωλιγώθησαν they were made few |
2559 εκακώθησαν were maltreated |
2347 θλίψεως the affliction |
107:40 1632 107:40 εξεχύθη 107:40 [2was poured out |
4.2 αβάτω an untrodden place |
107:41 2532 107:41 και 107:41 But |
107:42 3708 107:42 όψονται 107:42 [2shall see |
2165 ευφρανθήσονται be glad; |
107:43 5100 107:43 τις 107:43 Who |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.