Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The LORD Sets the Hearts on Fire |
26:1 2919 26:1 κρίνόν 26:1 Judge |
770 ασθενήσω should I weaken. |
26:2 1381 26:2 δοκίμασόν 26:2 Try |
26:3 3754 26:3 ότι 26:3 For |
2100 ευηρέστησα I was well-pleased |
4892 συνεδρίου the sanhedrin |
3891 παρανομούντων ones acting unlawfully |
1525 εισέλθω shall I enter. |
26:5 3404 26:5 εμίσησα 26:5 I detested |
1577 εκκλησίαν the assembly |
4188.2 πονηρευομένων of ones doing wickedness; |
26:6 3538 26:6 νίψομαι 26:6 I shall wash |
121 αθώοις 3innocent things |
2944 κυκλώσω I shall encircle |
1334 διηγήσασθαι to describe |
26:8 2962 26:8 κύριε 26:8 O lord, |
4638 σκηνώματος of the tent |
26:9 3361 26:9 μη 26:9 You should not |
4881 συναπολέσης destroy together |
458 ανομίαι are lawless deeds, |
2118 ευθύτητι straightness. |
1577 εκκλησίαις the assemblies |
2127 ευλογήσω I shall bless |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.