Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The Disturbed Soul Thirsts for God |
42:1 3739 42:1 ον 42:1 In which |
42:2 1372 42:2 εδίψησεν 42:2 [2thirsted |
42:3 1096 42:3 εγενήθη 42:3 [2became |
42:4 3778 42:4 ταύτα 42:4 These things |
3403 εμνήσθην I remembered, |
1330 διελεύσομαι I shall go through |
2298 θαυμαστής 1of the wonderful], |
20 αγαλλιάσεως of exultation, |
1843.1 εξομολογήσεως acknowledgment |
1858 εορτάζοντος of the solemnizing a holiday. |
42:5 2444 42:5 ινατί 42:5 Why |
1843 εξομολογήσομαι I shall acknowledge |
4992 σωτήριον the deliverance |
5015 εταράχθη was disturbed; |
3403 μνησθήσομαί I will remember |
42:7 12 42:7 άβυσσος 42:7 The deep |
42:8 2250 42:8 ημέρας 42:8 By day |
1781-2962 εντελείται κύριος the lord gives charge to |
42:9 2046 42:9 ερώ 42:9 I will say |
483.1 αντιλήπτωρ [2shielder |
4658.1 σκυθρωπάζων [2looking downcast |
42:10 1722 42:10 εν 42:10 In |
2616.4 καταθλάσθαι breaking in pieces |
42:11 2444 42:11 ινατί 42:11 Why |
1843 εξομολογήσομαι I shall acknowledge |
4991 σωτήριον the deliverance |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.