Can it exist if I don't understand it?
How can something exist if I can't understand it?

I. Definition and Overview

Something can exist even when it transcends our full comprehension. Throughout history, individuals have grappled with realities they could not fully understand-like gravity before modern physics, or microbial life before the invention of microscopes. The principle also applies to spiritual truths, which often go beyond limited human perspective yet remain consistent with evidence, reason, and testimony.

II. The Nature of Human Understanding

Human cognition is finite. We observe and interpret the world through our five senses, aided by reason, but many phenomena remain just beyond our grasp. Even fundamental scientific concepts-quantum mechanics, for instance-can baffle the brightest minds. Similarly, spiritual truths described in Scripture remain accurate regardless of our capacity to exhaustively analyze them.

Scripture indicates this limitation in passages such as Job 38:4: “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.” This highlights that there are intricate realities of creation we cannot fully fathom.

III. Scriptural Foundation for Existence beyond Understanding

1. God as Creator. Genesis 1:1 declares, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This foundational text testifies to the existence of a Creator outside the bounds of human explanation.

2. Sustaining Power. Colossians 1:16-17 states, “All things were created through Him and for Him… and in Him all things hold together.” While we can study natural laws, Scripture asserts that they remain upheld by God’s ongoing power.

3. Evidence in Nature. Romans 1:20 affirms, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities… have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship.” The natural order points to an eternal designer, even if we cannot fully comprehend every aspect of His nature.

IV. The Mystery of God and Human Limitations

1. Beyond Full Comprehension. Deuteronomy 29:29 teaches, “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever.” This indicates that some truths remain veiled in mystery.

2. Infinite vs. Finite. The Creator is infinite, while we are limited. Isaiah 55:9 says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” This doesn’t negate the reality of God’s existence; it simply underscores our finite perspective.

3. Historical Parallel. Before telescopes, people could not see distant stars, but they existed regardless. In the same way, God’s reality and spiritual truths remain genuine whether or not they fit neatly into our mental frameworks.

V. Historical and Archaeological Anchors

1. Verified Places and Events. Archaeological discoveries have corroborated numerous biblical accounts, such as the existence of cities like Jericho (excavations by Kathleen Kenyon and others) and the historical people named in Scripture (e.g., the House of David inscription uncovered at Tel Dan). These findings support biblical reliability and point to a consistent narrative that testifies to an eternal God acting in human history.

2. Ancient Manuscript Consistency. Scholars have noted that biblical texts, such as the Isaiah scroll among the Dead Sea Scrolls, reveal an astonishing degree of consistency over centuries. This reliability in the transmission of Scripture fortifies trust in its claims, even regarding the supernatural and incomprehensible.

3. Eyewitness Testimonies. Early records of Christ’s resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3-8) reflect accounts from people who witnessed the resurrected Jesus. These testimonies stand as historic claims that something miraculous-beyond ordinary human experience-actually occurred.

VI. Scientific Perspectives and Mystery

1. Intelligent Design Principles. Observations in cellular biology (noted by researchers such as Dr. Stephen Meyer) reveal staggering complexity that suggests purposeful design rather than undirected processes. Phenomena like DNA’s information-rich coding highlight realities we are still striving to fully understand.

2. Young Earth Arguments. Some geological findings-such as soft tissue found in dinosaur fossils-are used by certain scholars (e.g., Ken Ham) to prove a timeline more in keeping with a literal reading of Scripture. While vigorously debated, these discoveries illustrate that not all phenomena align neatly with widely accepted timelines, suggesting room for further inquiry into what we currently understand.

3. Embracing the Unfathomable. Even advanced science acknowledges mysteries-like dark matter, dark energy, or quantum entanglement-that challenge conventional logic. This similarly underscores that existence is not limited by our immediate comprehension.

VII. Biblical Examples of Things Beyond Human Comprehension

1. The Incarnation of Christ. Philippians 2:6-7 describes the eternal Son taking on human flesh: “Who, existing in the form of God… emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant.” This union of finite and infinite defies complete human explanation, yet remains central to Scripture.

2. Miracles and Healings. From Old Testament marvels (e.g., 1 Kings 17:22, the resurrection of a widow’s son) to modern-day testimonies of unexplained healings, miracles illustrate that events can surpass our typical understanding yet be grounded in reality.

3. The Resurrection. The cornerstone of Christian hope highlighted by numerous scholars (Gary Habermas, among others) is Christ’s resurrection. This occurrence is recorded in multiple Gospels (Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20) with eyewitness testimony, even though it defies conventional explanation.

VIII. Faith, Reason, and Confidence in the Midst of Mystery

1. Faith and Evidence. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as “the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see.” This faith is not blind-it rests on historical documentation, eyewitness accounts, archaeological support, and logical deductions rooted in the belief that truth exists beyond our complete understanding.

2. Dialogue and Inquiry. Investigative approaches-like those advocated by Lee Strobel or Josh McDowell-demonstrate how evidence can lead from skepticism to conviction. Honest inquiry itself admits that greater realities exist than we first conceive.

3. Confidence Rooted in Trust. John 20:29 records, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Though certain truths remain unseen and partly beyond comprehension, Scripture invites trust in a God who has proven Himself through creation, revelation, and historical events.

IX. Practical Response and Daily Application

1. Humility in Learning. Recognizing our limitations fosters humility. As we remain open to new discoveries-scientific or spiritual-our worldview expands.

2. Ongoing Exploration. A lifetime of studying Scripture and the world around us offers continuous discoveries. Just as the apostle Paul encouraged believers in 2 Timothy 2:15 to “present yourself approved to God… who correctly handles the word of truth,” consistent study deepens our appreciation of realities we cannot fully understand at first glance.

3. Peace in Mystery. Rather than causing distress, the acknowledgement that some things exist beyond our understanding can bring peace. According to Philippians 4:7, “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Our lack of exhaustive knowledge need not undermine our confidence in overarching truths.

X. Conclusion

Existence is not predicated on our total ability to comprehend. Physical laws and spiritual truths alike can surpass our finite intellect. Just as scientific inquiry often ventures into the unknown, Scripture affirms the reality of an infinite Creator who transcends human understanding yet consistently reveals Himself through the natural world, historical events, rational evidence, and the transformative testimonies of believers.

Ultimately, recognizing our limitations underscores the beauty and magnitude of the One who brought all things into being. We can rest assured that truth remains steadfast-even when it lies beyond our powers of understanding.

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