What advice do the ungodly offer?
What advice do the ungodly offer?

Definition and Context

The term “ungodly” typically describes those whose values, words, or actions depart from righteous principles in Scripture. Their advice often originates from a mindset that rejects or overlooks the teachings revealed in the biblical record. Psalm 1:1 states, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the pathway of sinners, nor sit in the seat of mockers.” This verse highlights a warning against heeding guidance that leads away from a life in harmony with divine truth.

Because such counsel lacks spiritual discernment, it tends to prioritize self-exaltation or material pursuits over wholehearted devotion. The overall biblical narrative presents multiple examples of ungodly advice and admonishes readers to exercise caution.

Sources of Ungodly Advice

Ungodly advice can emerge from varied sources:

1. Peer Influence

First Corinthians 15:33 observes, “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’” Friends or close associates who maintain destructive habits or perspective can offer guidance that subtly steers one away from foundational instruction.

2. Secular Philosophies

Colossians 2:8 warns, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ.” While many philosophical ideas attempt to address life’s big questions, those disregarding spiritual truth can direct people to place undue confidence in fallible human reasoning.

3. Self-Promotion and Pride

In James 3:14–15, there is an alert to beware of “bitter jealousy and selfish ambition,” which produce a kind of “wisdom” that is not from above. Advice rooted in self-serving motives can appear sensible but lacks the humility and reverence reflected in Scripture.

Characteristics of Ungodly Advice

1. Immediate Gratification

Many times, ungodly counsel centers on rapid personal gain or pleasure. It rarely calls for delayed satisfaction or moral discipline. The voice that urges shortcuts or justifies deceit is well illustrated in the suggestion to “curse God and die” (Job 2:9). Although an extreme example, it points to the principle of ignoring steadfast perseverance in favor of escape.

2. Opposition to Scriptural Principles

Counsel that directly contradicts God’s revealed word demonstrates its fallibility. In 1 Kings 12:6–8, Rehoboam rejected the wise guidance of elders and, instead, accepted the suggestions from his peers, resulting in disastrous leadership decisions. Modern parallels are found in the idea of valuing only external status or wealth above the pursuit of genuine righteousness.

3. Undermining Trust in the Divine

The Book of Isaiah includes instances where certain officials advocated making alliances with foreign powers rather than relying on providential protection (Isaiah 30:1–2). Today, analogous counsel may dismiss prayerful dependence and place hope entirely on societal or personal strategies devoid of spiritual discernment.

Biblical Warnings Against Ungodly Counsel

1. Psalm 1 and the Contrast of Paths

Psalm 1 highlights the clear difference between the “counsel of the wicked” and “the law of the LORD.” Verses 1–2 emphasize that those who reject ungodly advice receive divine favor, while those who follow it “are like chaff that the wind blows away” (v. 4).

2. Proverbs on Companionship and Counsel

Proverbs repeatedly extols wisdom born of reverence. In Proverbs 14:7, one is warned: “Stay away from a foolish man; you will gain no knowledge from his speech.” The text cautions that if a source consistently contradicts biblical principles, it will not yield valuable insight.

3. New Testament Cautions

Galatians 1:10 questions whether one’s aim is to please people or the divine will. It influences the perspective on whose advice believers should seek. Additionally, James 1:5–6 encourages asking God for wisdom “in faith, without doubting.” Depending on counsel lacking scriptural conviction often leads to instability and misdirection.

Consequences of Following Ungodly Counsel

1. Emotional and Relational Strain

Absalom’s disastrous attempt to overthrow King David in 2 Samuel 15–18 involved following the counsel of individuals driven by ambition and revenge. This path tore families and communities apart. Contemporary parallels may include personal or professional choices fueled by resentment, leading to conflict and broken relationships.

2. Spiritual Decline

A departure from scriptural truth can, over time, erode one’s conscience. Romans 1:21 suggests that when an individual or community “fails to honor Him as God,” thinking becomes “futile,” and hearts diminish in discernment. Walking in ungodly counsel consistently leads to spiritual confusion and disillusionment.

3. Loss of Eternal Perspective

Focusing only on temporary gain can rob one of true peace. Matthew 16:26 poses the question, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?” Ungodly advice may promise short-term satisfaction but does so at the expense of one’s ultimate well-being.

Archaeological and Historical Insights

Multiple archaeological discoveries and historical documents corroborate the biblical accounts where warnings against ungodly advice are illustrated. The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in the mid-20th century, contain portions of the Book of Isaiah and other Old Testament texts. Their remarkable alignment with later manuscripts demonstrates the consistency of these teachings over centuries. This textual reliability supports the trustworthiness of the broader scriptural narrative that consistently condemns harmful guidance.

Additionally, extra-biblical writings like those of Flavius Josephus reference historical figures and events found in the biblical record, hinting at the real-world settings in which ungodly counsel took its toll. These findings lend credence to the view that the Scripture’s call to reject harmful instruction stands on historically grounded occasions where misguided choices spelled downfall for entire generations or kingdoms.

Overcoming Ungodly Advice

1. Seeking Divine Wisdom

James 1:5 proclaims, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault.” Requesting insight from a divine source ensures that decisions are anchored in reliable principles rather than ever-changing human impulses.

2. Studying Scripture Thoroughly

Being well-versed in the Word allows individuals to more easily identify counsel contrary to sound instruction. Acts 17:11 praises the Bereans for examining the Scriptures daily to verify truth. Such diligence remains a robust safeguard against misleading ideas.

3. Mentorship and Fellowship

Surrounding oneself with those who impart edifying guidance offers critical protection from destructive influences. Proverbs 27:17 explains: “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Esteeming fellowship rooted in sound teaching provides encouragement and accountability.

Practical Steps to Discern Counsel

1. Examine Motives

Ask: Does the advice promote humility or self-exaltation? Does it align with service and love, or foster arrogance?

2. Compare with Scripture

Investigate whether the guidance contradicts any biblical doctrines or commandments. Consistency with the broader scriptural narrative is essential.

3. Verify Outcomes

Appraise the potential fruit of following certain direction. Galatians 5:22–23 outlines virtues (love, joy, peace, etc.) that accompany life in step with spiritual truth. If advice leads to opposite results—like ongoing strife or moral compromise—it demands caution.

4. Pray for Direction

Philippians 4:6–7 advises seeking clarity through prayer and assures that divine peace can guide hearts and minds.


Ungodly advice, deriving from pride or human-centered worldviews, diverges from the timeless truths emphasized throughout Scripture. Recognizing its origin, whether peer pressure or secular ideologies, helps identify its corrosive elements. History and archaeology affirm that the pattern of rejecting divine wisdom and succumbing to misguided counsel often yields destructive consequences.

Protection from misleading voices grows through consistent study of the Word, seeking divine wisdom, and surrounding oneself with sound, principled advisors. This resilient posture guards against fleeting trends and aligns one’s life with guidance that nurtures genuine fulfillment and a steadfast outlook for the future. As Psalm 119:105 declares, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path,” offering the surest safeguard against any counsel that hinders the path toward truth.

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