Leviticus 18
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

1And the LORD said to Moses, 2“Say to the children of Israel, ‘I am the LORD your God. 3You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, in which you dwelt; nor as they do in the land of Canaan, to which I am bringing you; nor shall you follow their customs. 4You shall obey My ordinances and keep My statutes, to walk in them: I am the LORD your God. 5You shall therefore keep My statutes, and My ordinances: for people who obey them shall live by them: I am the LORD.

6None of you shall approach any near relative to have sexual relations with them. I am the LORD. 7Do not violate your father by having sexual relations with your mother, she is your mother; you must not have sexual relations with her, 8Nor shall you have sexual relations with your father's wife – it would dishonor your father. 9Nor shall you have sexual relations with your sister, the daughter of your father, or the daughter of your mother, whether she was born at home, or born abroad. 10Nor shall you have sexual relations with your son's daughter, or your daughter's daughter: that would dishonor you. 11Nor shall you have sexual relations with any of the following: your father's wife's daughter, begotten of your father, she is your sister. 12Nor with your father's sister: she is your father's near kinswoman. 13 Nor with your mother's sister: for she is your mother's near kinswoman. 14Nor with your uncle, or his wife: she is your aunt. 15Nor with your daughter in law: she is your son's wife. 16Nor with your brother's wife: it would violate your brother; 17Nor with a woman and her daughter, nor her son's daughter, nor her daughter's daughter; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness. 18Neither shall you take your wife’s sister, as a rival wife, while your wife is living.

19Also, you shall not approach a woman for sexual relations during her menstrual period. 20Nor shall you have sexual relations with your neighbor's wife, to defile yourself with her. 21Nor shall you let any of your children pass through the fire to Molech; for you must not profane the name of your God: I am the LORD. 22Nor shall any man lie with another man, as with a woman: it is abomination. 23Neither shall anyone lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman stand before an animal to lie down to it: that is perversion.

24Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways: because that is how all these the nations which I drive out before you became defiled. 25And even the land was defiled; and so I punished the land for the evil within it, and the land itself vomited out its inhabitants.

26You shall therefore keep My statutes and My ordinances, and shall not commit any of these abominations - not anyone of your own nation, nor any stranger that lives among you: 27For the people of the land who were here before you have the done all these abominations; and the land was defiled. 28So see that you do not defile the land and it does not also spew you out, as it spewed out the nations that were here before you. 29For anyone who commits any of these abominations shall be cut off from among their people. 30Therefore, you shall keep My ordinances, so that you commit none of these abominable customs that were committed before you came, and so that you do not defile yourselves with them. I am the LORD your God.’”

Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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Leviticus 17
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