2 Corinthians 1:24
Not that we lord it over your faith, but we are fellow workers with you for your joy, because it is by faith that you stand firm.
Not that we lord it over your faith
Paul emphasizes his role as a servant leader rather than a domineering authority. This reflects Jesus' teaching in Matthew 20:25-28, where He instructs His disciples to lead by serving. The early church faced challenges with authority, and Paul distinguishes his approach from that of false apostles who sought control (2 Corinthians 11:20). This phrase underscores the humility and servant-hearted nature of true Christian leadership.

but we are fellow workers with you for your joy
Paul sees himself as a co-laborer with the Corinthians, highlighting the collaborative nature of ministry. This aligns with 1 Corinthians 3:9, where Paul describes believers as "God's fellow workers." The goal of this partnership is the joy of the believers, which is a recurring theme in Paul's letters (Philippians 1:25). Joy is seen as a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and a sign of spiritual maturity and health.

because it is by faith that you stand firm
Faith is the foundation of the Christian life, as seen in Hebrews 11:1, which defines faith as confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Paul emphasizes that it is not human effort or wisdom that enables believers to stand firm, but faith in Christ. This echoes Ephesians 6:16, where faith is described as a shield that extinguishes the flaming arrows of the evil one. Standing firm in faith is crucial for enduring trials and remaining steadfast in the truth of the Gospel.

Persons / Places / Events
1. Paul
- The apostle who authored the letter to the Corinthians, addressing issues within the church and providing guidance.

2. Corinthians
- The recipients of the letter, members of the early Christian church in Corinth, dealing with various challenges and misunderstandings.

3. Fellow Workers
- Refers to Paul and his companions who are working alongside the Corinthians for their spiritual growth and joy.
Teaching Points
Servant Leadership
Paul emphasizes that leadership in the church should not be about control or domination but about serving and working alongside others for their benefit.

Joy in Faith
The ultimate goal of Christian ministry is to foster joy in believers, which comes from a deep and abiding faith in Christ.

Standing Firm by Faith
Faith is the foundation upon which believers stand firm. It is not through human effort or authority but through faith that stability is achieved.

Partnership in Ministry
Ministry is a collaborative effort. Paul sees himself as a co-worker with the Corinthians, highlighting the importance of partnership in the Christian journey.

Encouragement and Support
Encouraging others in their faith journey is a vital aspect of Christian community, helping each other to stand firm and find joy.
Bible Study Questions
1. How does Paul's approach to leadership in 2 Corinthians 1:24 challenge modern perceptions of authority within the church?

2. In what ways can we, as fellow believers, work together to enhance each other's joy in faith?

3. How does the concept of standing firm by faith, as mentioned in this verse, relate to the challenges you face in your daily life?

4. Reflect on a time when you experienced joy through your faith. How can you share that joy with others in your community?

5. How can the principles of servant leadership and partnership in ministry be applied in your local church or small group setting?
Connections to Other Scriptures
1 Peter 5:3
- This verse also speaks about not lording over others but being examples to the flock, emphasizing servant leadership.

Philippians 1:25
- Paul expresses his desire to remain with the believers for their progress and joy in the faith, similar to his message in 2 Corinthians 1:24.

Romans 11:20
- Discusses standing firm by faith, reinforcing the idea that faith is the foundation of a believer's stability.
Helpers of JoyJ.R. Thomson 2 Corinthians 1:24
The Apostolic MinistryD. Fraser 2 Corinthians 1:24
Defence of Himself; Character of His PreachingC. Lipscomb 2 Corinthians 1:12-24
A Threefold ThemeD. Thomas, D. D.2 Corinthians 1:23-24
Christian Ministers Helpers of Their People's JoyD. Bagot, B. D.2 Corinthians 1:23-24
Helpers of Others' JoyJ. Stratten.2 Corinthians 1:23-24
Helpers of Your JoyR. Sibbes, D. D.2 Corinthians 1:23-24
Ministerial HelpfulnessA. Raleigh, D. D.2 Corinthians 1:23-24
The Victory of FaithR. South, D. D.2 Corinthians 1:23-24
Why Paul Did not Visit CorinthF. W. Robertson, M. A.2 Corinthians 1:23-24
Corinthians, Paul, Silas, Silvanus, Timotheus, Timothy
Achaia, Asia, Corinth, Judea, Macedonia
Authority, Desire, Dominion, Faith, Fast, Fellow, Fellow-workmen, Firm, Helpers, However, Joy, Lords, Lordship, Matter, Respect, Rule, Stand, Standing, Support, Workers
Dictionary of Bible Themes
2 Corinthians 1:24

     5184   standing
     5953   stability

June the Eighteenth the Benefitted as Benefactors
"Who comforteth us ... that we may be able to comfort." --2 CORINTHIANS i. 3-7. And how does the Lord comfort us? He has a thousand different ways, and no one can ever tell by what way the comfort will come to his soul. Sometimes it comes by the door of memory, and sometimes by the door of hope. Sometimes it is borne to us through the ministry of nature, and at other times through the ministry of human speech and kindness. But always, I think, it brings us the sense of a Presence, as though we
John Henry Jowett—My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year

Corinthians. God's Yea; Man's Amen
'For how many soever be the promises of God, in Him is the yea: wherefore also through Him is the Amen.'--2 COR. i. 20 (R.V.). This is one of the many passages the force and beauty of which are, for the first time, brought within the reach of an English reader by the alterations in the Revised Version. These are partly dependent upon the reading of the text and partly upon the translation. As the words stand in the Authorised Version, 'yea' and 'amen' seem to be very nearly synonymous expressions,
Alexander Maclaren—Romans, Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V)

Anointed and Stablished
'Now He which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God.'--2 COR. i. 21. The connection in which these words occur is a remarkable illustration of the Apostle's habit of looking at the most trivial things in the light of the highest truths. He had been obliged, as the context informs us, to abandon an intended visit to Corinth. The miserable crew of antagonists, who yelped at his heels all his life, seized this change of purpose as the occasion for a double-barrelled charge.
Alexander Maclaren—Romans, Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V)

Seal and Earnest
'Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.'--2 COR. i. 23. There are three strong metaphors in this and the preceding verse--'anointing,' 'sealing,' and 'giving the earnest'--all of which find their reality in the same divine act. These three metaphors all refer to the same subject, and what that subject is is sufficiently explained in the last of them. The 'earnest' consists of 'the Spirit in our hearts,' and the same explanation might have been appended to both
Alexander Maclaren—Romans, Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V)

Consolation Proportionate to Spiritual Sufferings
There are four things in my text to which I invite your attention: the first is the sufferings to be expected--"The sufferings of Christ abound in us;" secondly, the distinction to be noticed--they are the sufferings of Christ; thirdly, a proportion to be experienced--as the sufferings of Christ abound, so our consolations abound; and fourthly, the person to be honored--"So our consolation aboundeth by CHRIST." I. Our first division then is, THE SUFFERINGS TO BE EXCPECTED. Our holy Apostle says "The
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 1: 1855

The Tenses
"Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us."--2 Corinthians 1:10. WHEN children are learning their grammar, they have to pay particular attention to the tenses of the verbs; and it is important for Christians also to remember their tenses,--to recollect the past, the present, and the future. Our text brings all three very vividly before us, and reminds us that God hath delivered, doth deliver, and will yet deliver. First, let us think for
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 47: 1901

Eighth Day for the Spirit on all Christian Workers
WHAT TO PRAY.--For the Spirit on all Christian Workers "Ye also helping together on our behalf; that for the gift bestowed upon us by means of many, thanks may be given by many on our behalf."--2 COR. i. 11. What multitudes of workers in connection with our churches and missions, our railways and postmen, our soldiers and sailors, our young men and young women, our fallen men and women, our poor and sick. God be praised for this! What could they accomplish if each were living in the fulness of
Andrew Murray—The Ministry of Intercession

"Now the End of the Commandment," &C.
1 Tim. i. 5.--"Now the end of the commandment," &c. We come now, as was proposed, to observe, Thirdly,(474) That faith unfeigned is the only thing which gives the answer of a good conscience towards God. Conscience, in general, is nothing else but a practical knowledge of the rule a man should walk by, and of himself in reference to that rule. It is the laying down a man's state, and condition, and actions beside the rule of God's word, or the principles of nature's light. It is the chief piece
Hugh Binning—The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning

Of the Wonderful Power of the Divine Love
I bless Thee, O Heavenly Father, Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, for that Thou hast vouchsafed to think of me, poor that I am. O, Father of Mercies and God of all comfort,(1) I give thanks unto Thee, who refreshest me sometimes with thine own comfort, when I am unworthy of any comfort. I bless and glorify Thee continually, with thine only begotten Son and the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, for ever and ever. O Lord God, Holy lover of my soul, when Thou shalt come into my heart, all my inward parts
Thomas A Kempis—Imitation of Christ

St. Malachy's Apostolic Labours, Praises and Miracles.
[Sidenote: 1140, October] 42. (23). Malachy embarked in a ship, and after a prosperous voyage landed at his monastery of Bangor,[576] so that his first sons might receive the first benefit.[577] In what state of mind do you suppose they were when they received their father--and such a father--in good health from so long a journey? No wonder if their whole heart gave itself over to joy at his return, when swift rumour soon brought incredible gladness even to the tribes[578] outside round about them.
H. J. Lawlor—St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Life of St. Malachy of Armagh

Seventh Day for the Power of the Holy Spirit on Ministers
WHAT TO PRAY.--For the Power of the Holy Spirit on Ministers "I beseech you that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me."--ROM. xv. 30. "He will deliver us; ye also helping together by your supplication on our behalf."--2 COR. i. 10, 11. What a great host of ministers there are in Christ's Church. What need they have of prayer. What a power they might be, if they were all clothed with the power of the Holy Ghost. Pray definitely for this; long for it. Think of your own minister,
Andrew Murray—The Ministry of Intercession

Twenty-Sixth Day for the Holy Spirit on Young Converts
WHAT TO PRAY.--For the Holy Spirit on Young Converts "Peter and John prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost; for as yet He was fallen upon none of them: only they had been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus."--ACTS viii. 15, 16. "Now He which establisheth us with you in Christ, and anointed us, is God; who also gave us the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts."--2 COR. i. 21, 22. How many new converts who remain feeble; how many who fall into sin; how many who backslide
Andrew Murray—The Ministry of Intercession

Fifteenth Lesson. If Two Agree
If two agree;' Or, The Power of United Prayer Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them.--Matt. xviii. 19, 20. ONE of the first lessons of our Lord in His school of prayer was: Not to be seen of men. Enter thy inner chamber; be alone with the Father. When He has thus taught us that the
Andrew Murray—With Christ in the School of Prayer

PAUL ENTIRELY SANCTIFIED. I might urge a great many other considerations, and as I have said, fill a book with scriptures, and arguments, and demonstrations, of the attainability of entire sanctification in this life. But I forbear, and will present only one more consideration--a consideration which has great weight in some minds. It is a question of great importance, whether any actually ever did attain this state. Some who believe it attainable, do not consider it of much importance to show that
Charles Grandison Finney—Systematic Theology

Epistle Xlv. To Theoctista, Patrician .
To Theoctista, Patrician [153] . Gregory to Theoctista, &c. We ought to give great thanks to Almighty God, that our most pious and most benignant Emperors have near them kinsfolk of their race, whose life and conversation is such as to give us all great joy. Hence too we should continually pray for these our lords, that their life, with that of all who belong to them, may by the protection of heavenly grace be preserved through long and tranquil times. I have to inform you, however, that I have
Saint Gregory the Great—the Epistles of Saint Gregory the Great

Concerning Baptism.
Concerning Baptism. [967] As there is one Lord, and one faith, so there is one baptism; which is not the putting away the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience before God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And this baptism is a pure and spiritual thing, to wit, the baptism of the Spirit and Fire, by which we are buried with him, that being washed and purged from our sins, we may walk in newness of life: of which the baptism of John was a figure, which was commanded for a time,
Robert Barclay—Theses Theologicae and An Apology for the True Christian Divinity

Concerning the Power of the Civil Magistrate in Matters Purely Religious, and Pertaining to the Conscience.
Concerning the Power of the Civil Magistrate in Matters purely Religious, and pertaining to the Conscience. Since God hath assumed to himself the power and Dominion of the Conscience, who alone can rightly instruct and govern it, therefore it is not lawful [1226] for any whosoever, by virtue of any authority or principality they bear in the government of this world, to force the consciences of others; and therefore all killing, banishing, fining, imprisoning, and other such things which are inflicted
Robert Barclay—Theses Theologicae and An Apology for the True Christian Divinity

Vanity of Human Glory.
"The world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not."--1 John iii. 1 Of St. Simon and St. Jude, the Saints whom we this day commemorate, little is known[1]. St. Jude, indeed, still lives in the Church in his Catholic epistle; but of his history we only know that he was brother to St. James the Less, and nearly related to our Lord and that, like St. Peter, he had been a married man. Besides his name of Jude or Judas, he is also called Thaddaeus and Lebbaeus in the Gospels. Of St. Simon we only
John Henry Newman—Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. VIII

Christ all and in All.
(Colossians iii. 11.) Christ is all to us that we make Him to be. I want to emphasize that word "all." Some men make Him to be "a root out of a dry ground," "without form or comeliness." He is nothing to them; they do not want Him. Some Christians have a very small Saviour, for they are not willing to receive Him fully, and let Him do great and mighty things for them. Others have a mighty Saviour, because they make Him to be great and mighty. If we would know what Christ wants to be to us, we
Dwight L. Moody—The Way to God and How to Find It

Epistle vii. To Peter, Domitian, and Elpidius.
To Peter, Domitian, and Elpidius. Gregory to Peter, Domitian, and Elpidius, Bishops [1688] . I rejoice exceedingly that you welcomed with great joy the ordination of the most holy Cyriacus, my brother and fellow-priest. And since we have learnt from the preaching of Paul the apostle that If one member rejoice, all the members rejoice with it (1 Cor. xii. 26), you must needs consider with how great exultation I rejoice with you in this thing, wherein not one member, but many members of Christ have
Saint Gregory the Great—the Epistles of Saint Gregory the Great

Epistle xxxix. To Anastasius, Bishop .
To Anastasius, Bishop [1602] . Gregory to Anastasius, Bishop of Antioch. Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will (Luke ii. 14), because that great river which once had left the rocks of Antioch dry has returned at length to its proper channel, and waters the subject valleys that are near, so as also to bring forth fruit, some thirty-fold, some sixty-fold, and some an hundred-fold. For now there is no doubt that many flowers of souls are growing up in its valleys, and that
Saint Gregory the Great—the Epistles of Saint Gregory the Great

Letter xvi to Rainald, Abbot of Foigny
To Rainald, Abbot of Foigny Bernard declares to him how little he loves praise; that the yoke of Christ is light; that he declines the name of father, and is content with that of brother. 1. In the first place, do not wonder if titles of honour affright me, when I feel myself so unworthy of the honours themselves; and if it is fitting that you should give them to me, it is not expedient for me to accept them. For if you think that you ought to observe that saying, In honour preferring one another
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux—Some Letters of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux

How the Obstinate and the Fickle are to be Admonished.
(Admonition 19.) Differently to be admonished are the obstinate and the fickle. The former are to be told that they think more of themselves than they are, and therefore do not acquiesce in the counsels of others: but the latter are to be given to understand that they undervalue and disregard themselves too much, and so are turned aside from their own judgment in successive moments of time. Those are to be told that, unless they esteemed themselves better than the rest of men, they would by no
Leo the Great—Writings of Leo the Great

Why all Things Work for Good
1. The grand reason why all things work for good, is the near and dear interest which God has in His people. The Lord has made a covenant with them. "They shall be my people, and I will be their God" (Jer. xxxii. 38). By virtue of this compact, all things do, and must work, for good to them. "I am God, even thy God" (Psalm l. 7). This word, Thy God,' is the sweetest word in the Bible, it implies the best relations; and it is impossible there should be these relations between God and His people, and
Thomas Watson—A Divine Cordial

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