And he did evil in the sight of the LORD by following the abominations of the nations that the LORD had driven out before the Israelites. And he did evil in the sight of the LORDThis phrase refers to King Manasseh of Judah, who reigned for 55 years, the longest of any king in Judah or Israel. His actions are described as evil, indicating a direct violation of God's commandments. The "sight of the LORD" emphasizes that God's perspective is the ultimate measure of righteousness, not human standards. This phrase is a recurring theme in the books of Kings, highlighting the moral and spiritual failures of Israel's leaders. Manasseh's reign is marked by idolatry and apostasy, contrasting with the reforms of his father, Hezekiah. by following the abominations of the nations that the LORD had driven out before the Israelites Persons / Places / Events 1. ManassehThe king of Judah who reigned for 55 years and is noted for his evil practices, including idolatry and leading Judah astray. 2. Judah The southern kingdom of Israel, where Jerusalem is located, and where Manasseh ruled. 3. The LORD The God of Israel, who had given the Israelites the land and commanded them to follow His laws. 4. The Nations Refers to the pagan nations that previously inhabited the land of Canaan, known for their idolatrous practices. 5. The Abominations The detestable practices of the pagan nations, which included idol worship and other acts contrary to God's commands. Teaching Points The Consequences of IdolatryManasseh's actions remind us of the severe consequences of turning away from God to follow idols. Idolatry leads to spiritual decay and separation from God. Influence of Leadership As a leader, Manasseh's choices had a profound impact on the nation. This highlights the responsibility of leaders to guide others in righteousness. God's Patience and Justice Despite Manasseh's evil, God’s patience is evident, yet His justice eventually prevails. This teaches us about the balance of God's mercy and justice. Repentance and Restoration Although not detailed in this verse, Manasseh's later repentance (as seen in 2 Chronicles 33) shows that no one is beyond God's forgiveness if they truly repent. Guarding Against Cultural Influence The Israelites were influenced by surrounding nations, leading to their downfall. Christians today must be vigilant against cultural influences that lead away from God. Bible Study Questions 1. What specific actions did Manasseh take that were considered evil in the sight of the LORD, and how do these actions compare to the warnings given in Deuteronomy 18:9-12?2. How does Manasseh's leadership reflect the importance of godly leadership in our own communities and churches today? 3. In what ways can we identify and remove "idols" in our own lives that may be leading us away from God? 4. How does the account of Manasseh illustrate the balance between God's justice and mercy, and how can this understanding impact our view of repentance? 5. What steps can we take to ensure that we are not unduly influenced by the secular culture around us, similar to how Judah was influenced by the nations? Connections to Other Scriptures Deuteronomy 18:9-12This passage warns the Israelites against adopting the abominable practices of the nations they were to dispossess, highlighting the same behaviors Manasseh engaged in. 2 Chronicles 33:1-9 Provides a parallel account of Manasseh's reign, detailing his idolatry and the consequences for Judah. Exodus 20:3-5 The Ten Commandments, where God commands against idolatry, which Manasseh violated. Romans 1:21-23 Discusses the consequences of turning away from God to idolatry, similar to Manasseh's actions. 1 Kings 14:22-24 Describes similar abominations committed by Judah under previous kings, showing a pattern of disobedience.
People Ahab, Amon, Amorites, David, Haruz, Hephzibah, Hezekiah, Israelites, Josiah, Manasseh, Meshullemeth, Solomon, UzzaPlaces Egypt, Jerusalem, Jotbah, Samaria, UzzaTopics Abominable, Abominations, Cast, Copying, Detestable, Disgusting, Dispossessed, Driven, Drove, Evil, Heathen, Israelites, Nations, Practices, Presence, Sight, SonsDictionary of Bible Themes 2 Kings 21:1-2 5277 criminals 7316 blood, OT sacrifices Library The Medes and the Second Chaldaean EmpireTHE FALL OF NINEVEH AND THE RISE OF THE CHALDAEAN AND MEDIAN EMPIRES--THE XXVIth EGYPTIAN DYNASTY: CYAXARES, ALYATTES, AND NEBUCHADREZZAR. The legendary history of the kings of Media and the first contact of the Medes with the Assyrians: the alleged Iranian migrations of the Avesta--Media-proper, its fauna and flora; Phraortes and the beginning of the Median empire--Persia proper and the Persians; conquest of Persia by the Medes--The last monuments of Assur-bani-pal: the library of Kouyunjik--Phraortes … G. Maspero—History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, V 8 The Sins of Communities Noted and Punished. Josiah, a Pattern for the Ignorant. Kings Links 2 Kings 21:2 NIV2 Kings 21:2 NLT 2 Kings 21:2 ESV 2 Kings 21:2 NASB 2 Kings 21:2 KJV 2 Kings 21:2 Commentaries Bible Hub |