Abaddon (7 Occurrences)... In the last three of these passages the Revised Version retains the word "
We may regard this word as a personification of the idea of destruction, or
.../a/abaddon.htm - 12kApollyon (1 Occurrence)
... It is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Abaddon (qv). Noah Webster's Dictionary. ...
ix. 11) for the angel of the bottomless pit, answering to the Hebrew Abaddon. ...
/a/apollyon.htm - 12k
Nether-world (41 Occurrences)
... sheol those that have sinned. (See JPS). Job 26:6 Sheol is naked before God ,
And Abaddon hath no covering. (See JPS). Psalms 6:5 For ...
/n/nether-world.htm - 16k
Sheol (64 Occurrences)
... 23 Ezekiel 26:20, etc.), and is described by other terms, as "the pit" (Job 33:24
Psalm 28:1; Psalm 30:3 Proverbs 1:12 Isaiah 38:18, etc.), ABADDON (which see ...
/s/sheol.htm - 34k
Destruction (734 Occurrences)
... Easton's Bible Dictionary In Job 26:6, 28:22 (Hebrews abaddon) is sheol,
the realm of the dead. Destruction, City of. ... See ABADDON. ...
/d/destruction.htm - 39k
Abad'don (1 Occurrence)
Abad'don. Abaddon, Abad'don. Abadias . Multi-Version Concordance Abad'don
(1 Occurrence). ... (See RSV). Abaddon, Abad'don. Abadias . Reference Bible.
/a/abad'don.htm - 6k
Locusts (33 Occurrences)
... Revelation 9:11 The locusts had a king over them--the angel of the bottomless pit,
whose name in Hebrew is 'Abaddon,' while in the Greek he is called 'Apollyon ...
/l/locusts.htm - 16k
Bottomless (9 Occurrences)
... Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless
pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue ...
/b/bottomless.htm - 10k
Cover (254 Occurrences)
... clothing or bed-covering. Figurative: "Abaddon hath no covering"; (kecuth)
from God (Job 26:6); "He will destroy. the face of the ...
/c/cover.htm - 40k
Bible Concordance
Abaddon (7 Occurrences)Revelation 9:11 They have over them as king the angel of the abyss. His name in Hebrew is "Abaddon," but in Greek, he has the name "Apollyon."
Job 26:6 Sheol is naked before God, and Abaddon has no covering.
Job 28:22 Destruction and Death say,'We have heard a rumor of it with our ears.'
Job 31:12 For it is a fire that consumes to destruction, and would root out all my increase.
Psalms 88:11 Is your loving kindness declared in the grave? Or your faithfulness in Destruction?
Proverbs 15:11 Sheol and Abaddon are before Yahweh- how much more then the hearts of the children of men!
Proverbs 27:20 Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied; and a man's eyes are never satisfied.
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
Abaddonthe destroyer
Smith's Bible Dictionary
AbaddonSee APOLLYON.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Destruction, the Hebrew name (equivalent to the Greek Apollyon, i.e., destroyer) of "the angel of the bottomless pit" (
Revelation 9:11). It is rendered "destruction" in
Job 28:22;
Proverbs 15:11;
27:20. In the last three of these passages the Revised Version retains the word "Abaddon." We may regard this word as a personification of the idea of destruction, or as sheol, the realm of the dead.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (
n.) The destroyer, or angel of the bottomless pit; -- the same as Apollyon and Asmodeus.
2. (n.) Hell; the bottomless pit.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
ABADDONa-bad'-on ('abhaddon, "ruin," "perdition," "destruction"): Though "destruction" is commonly used in translating 'abhaddon, the stem idea is intransitive rather than passive-the idea of perishing, going to ruin, being in a ruined state, rather than that of being ruined, being destroyed.
The word occurs six times in the Old Testament, always as a place name in the sense in which Sheol is a place name. It denotes, in certain aspects, the world of the dead as constructed in the Hebrew imagination. It is a common mistake to understand such expressions in a too mechanical way. Like ourselves, the men of the earlier ages had to use picture language when they spoke of the conditions that existed after death, however their picturing of the matter may have differed from ours. In three instances Abaddon is parallel with Sheol (Job 26:6 Proverbs 15:11; Proverbs 27:20). In one instance it is parallel with death, in one with the grave and in the remaining instance the parallel phrase is "root out all mine increase" (Job 28:22 Psalm 88:11 Job 31:12). In this last passage the place idea comes nearer to vanishing in an abstract conception than in the other passages.
Abaddon belongs to the realm of the mysterious. Only God understands it (Job 26:6 Proverbs 15:11). It is the world of the dead in its utterly dismal, destructive, dreadful aspect, not in those more cheerful aspects in which activities are conceived of as in progress there. In Abaddon there are no declarations of God's lovingkindness (Psalm 88:11).
In a slight degree the Old Testament presentations personalize Abaddon. It is a synonym for insatiableness (Proverbs 27:20). It has possibilities of information mediate between those of "all living" and those of God (Job 28:22).
In the New Testament the word occurs once (Revelation 9:11), the personalization becoming sharp. Abaddon is here not the world of the dead, but the angel who reigns over it. The Greek equivalent of his name is given as Apollyon. Under this name Bunyan presents him in the Pilgrim's Progress, and Christendom has doubtless been more interested in this presentation of the matter than in any other.
In some treatments Abaddon is connected with the evil spirit Asmodeus of Tobit (e.g. 3:8), and with the destroyer mentioned in The Wisdom of Solomon (18:25; compare 22), and through these with a large body of rabbinical folklore; but these efforts are simply groundless. See APOLLYON. Willis J. Beecher
3. Abaddon -- Abaddon, the angel of the abyss ... 2, 3.
Abaddon. 4 .
Abaddon, the angel of the abyss. Part of Speech:
Proper Noun, Indeclinable Transliteration:
Abaddon Phonetic
... // - 6k623. Apolluon -- "a destroyer," Apollyon, the angel of the abyss
... Phonetic Spelling: (ap-ol-loo'-ohn) Short Definition: Apollyon, Destroyer Definition:
Apollyon, The Destroying One, a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon. ...
// - 6k
Strong's Hebrew
11. abaddon -- (place of) destruction or ruin, Abaddon... 10, 11.
abaddon. 12 . (place of) destruction or ruin,
Abaddon. Transliteration:
abaddon Phonetic Spelling: (ab-ad-done') Short Definition:
... /hebrew/11.htm - 6k 10. abaddoh -- destruction
... abaddoh. 11 . destruction. Transliteration: abaddoh Phonetic Spelling:
(ab-ad-do') Short Definition: destruction. Word Origin the same as abaddon, qv. ...
/hebrew/10.htm - 5k
The Angel of the Bottomless Pit
... The Angel of the Bottomless Pit. "And they had a king over them, which is the Angel
of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in ...
// antichrist/25 the angel of the.htm
Of the Thousand Years in which the Dragon or Satan is bound, with ...
... For is not that king of the locusts of the fifth trumpet, who is called the angel
of the abyss, to whom the Hebrew name of Abaddon is applied, and the Greek of ...
/.../mede/a key to the apocalypse/synchronism iv of the thousand.htm
Of the Three Woe Trumpets.
... "And they had," says he, "a king over them, the angel of the abyss." His name in
Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he has the name of Apollyon, that is, the ...
/.../mede/a key to the apocalypse/of the three woe trumpets.htm
God, the All-Seeing One
... comprehended in a sentence something like this""Death and hell are before the Lord."
The separate state of departed spirits, and destruction, Abaddon, as the ...
/...// on proverbs/god the all-seeing one.htm
God, the All-Seeing One
... in a sentence something like this,""Death and hell are before the Lord." The separate
state of departed spirits, and destruction, Abaddon, as the Hebrew has ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/god the all-seeing one.htm
Letter vi. Temptation.
... Hence he is called Destroyer,[G] Adversary, Accuser, Tormentor, and
Murderer.[H]. [Footnote G: Abaddon signifies destroyer.]. [Footnote ...
/.../a practical directory for young christian females/letter vi temptation.htm
Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness.
... to under many other terms, such as Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24); serpent (Revelation
12:9); prince of the powers of the air (Ephesians 2:2); Abaddon (Hebrew) and ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/xix jesus tempted in the.htm
The Seven Trumpets.
... They had a king over them, the messenger of the abyss, whose name in Hebrew
is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue he hath the name Apollyon. ...
/.../bliss/a brief commentary on the apocalypse/the seven trumpets.htm
The Second vision "On Earth"
... 11. And they have over them a king, the angel of the abyss, whose name in Hebrew
is Abaddon, and in the Greek he hath his name Apollyon.] It is a special ...
/.../bullinger/commentary on revelation/the second vision on earth.htm
The Scope of the Apocalypse is Indicated by Its Place in the ...
... In the third place, we are here told that his name "in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon,
but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." This title serves to ...
// antichrist/the scope of the apocalypse.htm
Abaddon or Apollyon
Abaddon: The Angel of the Bottomless Pit
Related Terms
Apollyon (1 Occurrence)
Nether-world (41 Occurrences)
Sheol (64 Occurrences)
Destruction (734 Occurrences)
Abad'don (1 Occurrence)
Locusts (33 Occurrences)
Bottomless (9 Occurrences)
Cover (254 Occurrences)
Covering (191 Occurrences)
Abyss (11 Occurrences)
Apol'lyon (1 Occurrence)
Satiated (14 Occurrences)
Greek (19 Occurrences)
Pit (110 Occurrences)
Underworld (87 Occurrences)
Naked (56 Occurrences)
Tongue (160 Occurrences)
Deep (237 Occurrences)
Death (1610 Occurrences)
Satisfied (110 Occurrences)
Angel (209 Occurrences)
Lies (208 Occurrences)
Hebrew (37 Occurrences)
Language (112 Occurrences)
Messenger (235 Occurrences)
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