Clement (1 Occurrence)... fellow-labourer," whose name he mentions as "in the book of life" (Philippians
4:3). It was an opinion of ancient writers that he was the
Clement of Rome whose
.../c/clement.htm - 8kSubapostolic
... lit'-er-a-tur, sub-ap-os-tol'-ik (Christian): I. EPISTLE OF CLEMENT TO THE CORINTHIANS
1. Authorship and Date 2. Occasion and Contents 3. Apologetic Testimony 4 ...
/s/subapostolic.htm - 38k
... lit'-er-a-tur, sub-ap-os-tol'-ik (Christian): I. EPISTLE OF CLEMENT TO THE CORINTHIANS
1. Authorship and Date 2. Occasion and Contents 3. Apologetic Testimony 4 ...
/s/sub-apostolic.htm - 38k
Yoke-fellow (1 Occurrence)
... Renan's idea is a modification of an opinion which is as old as Clement
of Alexandria, that Paul here referred to his own wife. ...
/y/yoke-fellow.htm - 9k
... Greek and in Greek papyri in its primary sense of "unwritten," "unrecorded." In
early Christian literature, especially in the writings of Clement of Alexandria ...
/a/agrapha.htm - 21k
Fourth (87 Occurrences)
... The oldest extant name is "The Prophet Ezra" (Esdras ho prophetes; see Clement of
Alexandria, Strom., iii.16): It has been often called the Latin Esdras ...
/f/fourth.htm - 43k
... Renan's idea is a modification of an opinion which is as old as Clement
of Alexandria, that Paul here referred to his own wife. ...
/y/yokefellow.htm - 9k
... She was identified with Ishtar in Assyria and Ashtoreth in Phoenicia, by the Greeks
as Aphrodite (Clement of Alexandria Protr., 19), but sometimes as Artemis ...
/n/nanaea.htm - 8k
Spain (2 Occurrences)
...Clement of Rome speaks of the apostle as having reached "the extreme limit of the
West" (Epistle of Clement, v). See PAUL, THE APOSTLE; TARSHISH. ...
/s/spain.htm - 8k
Luke (4 Occurrences)
... Biblica) says: "This `tradition,' however, cannot be traced farther back than toward
the end of the 2nd century (Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria ...
/l/luke.htm - 55k
Bible Concordance
Clement (1 Occurrence)Philippians 4:3 Yes, I beg you also, true yokefellow, help these women, for they labored with me in the Good News, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
Clementmild; good; merciful
Smith's Bible Dictionary
Clement(mild, merciful), (Philemon 4:3) a fellow laborer of St. Paul when he was at Philippi. (A.D. 57.) It was generally believed in the ancient Church that this Clement was identical with the bishop of Rome who afterwards became so celebrated.
ATS Bible Dictionary
ClementMentioned in Philippians 4:3. It is conjectured, though without evidence, that this is the same Clement who was afterwards a bishop at Rome, commonly called Clemens Romanus. The church at Corinth having been disturbed by divisions, Clement wrote a letter to the Corinthians, which was so much esteemed by the ancients, that they read it publicly in many churches.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Mild, a Christian of Philippi, Paul's "fellow-labourer," whose name he mentions as "in the book of life" (
Philippians 4:3). It was an opinion of ancient writers that he was the Clement of Rome whose name is well known in church history, and that he was the author of an Epistle to the Corinthians, the only known manuscript of which is appended to the Alexandrian Codex, now in the British Museum. It is of some historical interest, and has given rise to much discussion among critics. It makes distinct reference to Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
a.) Mild in temper and disposition; merciful; compassionate.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
CLEMENTklem'-ent (Klemes, "mild"): A fellow-worker with Paul at Philippi, mentioned with especial commendation in Philippians 4:3. The name being common, no inference can be drawn from this statement as to any identity with the author of the Epistle to the Corinthians published under this name, who was also the third bishop of Rome. The truth of this supposition ("it cannot be called a tradition," Donaldson, The Apostolical Fathers, 120), although found in Origen, Eusebius, Epiphanius and Jerome, can neither be proved nor disproved. Even Roman Catholic authorities dispute it (article "Clement," Catholic Cyclopaedia, IV, 13). The remoteness between the two in time and place is against it; "a wholly uncritical view" (Cruttwell, Literary History of Early Christianity, 31).
H. E. Jacobs
2815. Klemes -- Clement, a Christian at Philippi ... Clement, a Christian at Philippi. Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine Transliteration:
Klemes Phonetic Spelling: (klay'-mace) Short Definition:
Clement Definition
... // - 6kLibrary
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians. <. The First Epistle of Clement
to the Corinthians Clement of Rome. Table of Contents. Title Page. ...
/.../ first epistle of clement to the corinthians/
The Epistles of Clement
The Epistles of Clement. <. The Epistles of Clement Rev. John Keith, DD.
Table of Contents. Title Page. The Epistles of Clement. Source. ...
// epistles of clement/
Recognitions of Clement.
Recognitions of Clement. . Recognitions of Clement. Pseudo-Clementine
Literature. Table of Contents. Title Page. Introductory ...
// of clement /
The Second Epistle of Clement
The Second Epistle of Clement. <. The Second Epistle of Clement
Unknown. Table of Contents. Title Page. AN ANCIENT HOMILY ...
// second epistle of clement/
Clement of Alexandria.
... Subject Indexes CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ... earthly, image
of heavenly, 421. Clement of Alexandria, a reformer, 165. ...
/.../clement/who is the rich man that shall be saved/clement of alexandria.htm
Recognitions of Clement.
Recognitions of Clement. . ... Recognitions of Clement. Rufinus, Presbyter
of Aquileia; His Preface to Clement's Book of Recognitions. ...
/.../unknown/recognitions of clement /recognitions of clement.htm
Clement of Alexandria
... Clement of Alexandria. Clement of ... 202. Origen and Alexander, Bishop of
Jerusalem, were both pupils of Clement at Alexandria. The ...
/.../nutter/hymn writers of the church/clement of alexandria.htm
... Chapter XV. Clement. Clement, [2401] of whom the apostle Paul writing to
the Philippians says "With Clement and others of my fellow ...
/.../various/jerome and gennadius lives of illustrious men /chapter xv clement.htm
Introductory Notice to 1St Clement.
The Epistles of Clement. <. ... The Epistles of Clement. Introductory Notice
to 1st Clement. [From Vol. I. of the Ante-Nicene Fathers.] ...
/.../keith/the epistles of clement/introductory notice to 1st clement.htm
The Epistle of Clement and the Writings Falsely Ascribed to Him.
... Book III. Chapter XXXVIII."The Epistle of Clement and the Writings falsely
ascribed to him. 1. Thus Ignatius has done in the epistles ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter xxxviii the epistle of clement.htm
Clement: A Disciple at Philippi
Related Terms
Yoke-fellow (1 Occurrence)
Fourth (87 Occurrences)
Spain (2 Occurrences)
Luke (4 Occurrences)
Ephesians (4 Occurrences)
Literature (2 Occurrences)
Bishop (4 Occurrences)
New (1850 Occurrences)
Hebrews (24 Occurrences)
Introduction (3 Occurrences)
Apostles (79 Occurrences)
Consist (7 Occurrences)
Papyrus (4 Occurrences)
Romans (8 Occurrences)
Second (2060 Occurrences)
According (7613 Occurrences)
Matthew (5 Occurrences)
Zephaniah (11 Occurrences)
Naomi (25 Occurrences)
Nicolaitans (2 Occurrences)
Jude (4 Occurrences)
Lady (37 Occurrences)
Labored (35 Occurrences)
Labourers (11 Occurrences)
Linus (1 Occurrence)
Loyal (15 Occurrences)
Laboured (34 Occurrences)
Genuine (9 Occurrences)
Workers (76 Occurrences)
Intreat (13 Occurrences)
Fellowlabourers (2 Occurrences)
Fellow-workers (6 Occurrences)
Fellow-laborers (2 Occurrences)
Fellow-labourers (1 Occurrence)
Temperate (6 Occurrences)
Toil (66 Occurrences)
Temperance (3 Occurrences)
Thomas (12 Occurrences)
Recorded (141 Occurrences)
Euodia (1 Occurrence)
Elect (32 Occurrences)
Manasses (1 Occurrence)
Magi (4 Occurrences)
Mild (2 Occurrences)
Brother-workers (3 Occurrences)
Colossians (1 Occurrence)
Clemency (1 Occurrence)
Cleopas (2 Occurrences)
Companion (44 Occurrences)
Connection (72 Occurrences)
Contended (24 Occurrences)
Assisting (3 Occurrences)
Assist (17 Occurrences)
Corinthians (3 Occurrences)
Struggle (16 Occurrences)
Shared (21 Occurrences)
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