Elisha: Prophecies of The Birth of a Son to the Shunammite Woman
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2 Kings 4:16
And he said, About this season, according to the time of life, you shall embrace a son. And she said, No, my lord, you man of God, do not lie to your handmaid.
Nave's Topical Index



Elisha: Bones of, Restore a Dead Man to Life

Elisha: Called by Elijah

Elisha: Causes the King to Restore the Property of the Hospitable Shunammite Woman

Elisha: Death of

Elisha: Elijah Instructed to Anoint

Elisha: Instructs That Jehu be Anointed As King of Israel

Elisha: Life of, Sought by Jehoram

Elisha: Ministers Unto Elijah

Elisha: Miracles of Brings Blindness Upon the Army of Syria

Elisha: Miracles of Divides the Jordan

Elisha: Miracles of Heals Naaman the Leper

Elisha: Miracles of Increases the Bread to Feed One-Hundred Men

Elisha: Miracles of Increases the Oil of the Woman Whose Sons Were to be Sold for Her Debt

Elisha: Miracles of Neutralizes the Poison of the Stew

Elisha: Miracles of Opens the Eyes of his Servant to See the Hosts of the Lord

Elisha: Miracles of Purifies the Waters of Jericho by Casting Salt Into the Fountain

Elisha: Miracles of Raises the Son of the Shunammite Woman from the Dead

Elisha: Miracles of Recovers the Ax That had Fallen Into a Stream by Causing It to Float

Elisha: Miracles of Reveals the Counsel of the King of Syria

Elisha: Miracles of Sends Naaman's Leprosy Upon Gehazi As a Judgment

Elisha: Mocked by the Young Men of Beth-El

Elisha: Prophecies of Bounty to the Starving People in Samaria

Elisha: Prophecies of Elevation of Hazael to the Throne

Elisha: Prophecies of Seven Years of Famine in the Land of Canaan

Elisha: Prophecies of The Birth of a Son to the Shunammite Woman

Elisha: Prophecies of The Death of Ben-Hadad, King of Syria

Elisha: Prophecies of The Death of the Unbelieving Prince

Elisha: Prophecies of The Victory of Jehoash Over Syria

Elisha: Witnesses Elijah's Transporting, Receives a Double Portion of his Spirit

Select Readings: Elisha and the Widow's Oil

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