Servants and Family Members
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In the biblical context, the roles and relationships of servants and family members are deeply intertwined with the cultural, social, and religious fabric of ancient Israel and the early Christian communities. The Scriptures provide numerous insights into how these relationships were structured and the expectations placed upon individuals within these roles.


The term "servant" in the Bible can refer to various types of service, ranging from household servants to those in positions of significant responsibility. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word "ebed" is commonly used, which can mean servant, slave, or bondservant. The New Testament Greek equivalent is "doulos."

1. Old Testament Context:
· Servants in ancient Israel were often part of the household and could be either Israelites or foreigners. The Mosaic Law provided specific regulations regarding the treatment of servants, emphasizing humane and just treatment. For example, Exodus 21:2-6 outlines the conditions under which Hebrew servants were to be released after six years of service, unless they chose to remain with their master.
· Servants could also hold positions of trust and authority. Joseph, for instance, was sold into slavery but rose to become the overseer of Potiphar's house (Genesis 39:4).

2. New Testament Context:
· In the New Testament, the role of servants is addressed within the context of Christian households. Ephesians 6:5-8 instructs servants to obey their earthly masters with respect and sincerity, as they would obey Christ. This reflects a broader principle of serving with integrity and devotion.
· The early Christian community included both free individuals and servants, and the message of the Gospel emphasized equality in Christ. Galatians 3:28 states, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Family Members:

The family unit is a central theme in the Bible, serving as a foundational institution for both society and faith. The Scriptures provide guidance on the roles and responsibilities of family members, emphasizing love, respect, and obedience.

1. Husbands and Wives:
· The marital relationship is depicted as a covenant reflecting God's relationship with His people. Ephesians 5:22-33 describes the roles of husbands and wives, with husbands called to love their wives as Christ loved the church, and wives instructed to submit to their husbands as to the Lord.
· The Proverbs 31 woman is celebrated for her wisdom, industriousness, and fear of the Lord, serving as an exemplar of a virtuous wife and mother.

2. Parents and Children:
· The Bible places a strong emphasis on the responsibility of parents to teach and guide their children in the ways of the Lord. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 commands parents to diligently teach God's commandments to their children.
· Children are instructed to honor and obey their parents, as seen in Ephesians 6:1-3, which promises blessings for those who do so.

3. Extended Family:
· The concept of family in the Bible often extends beyond the nuclear family to include extended relatives. The account of Ruth and Naomi highlights the importance of loyalty and care within the extended family network.
· The early church is depicted as a family of believers, with members caring for one another's needs, as seen in Acts 2:44-47.

In summary, the Bible presents a comprehensive view of the roles and relationships of servants and family members, emphasizing principles of love, respect, and service that reflect God's character and His design for human relationships.


Servants are Inferior to Their Masters

Servants Heart

Servants: Bad: Absalom's Servants [Absalom's Servants Obeyed a Bad Master;

Servants: Bad: Gehazi

Servants: Bad: Jeroboam

Servants: Bad: Job's Servants

Servants: Bad: Onesimus Before his Conversion

Servants: Bad: Servants of Abimelech

Servants: Bad: Servants of Abraham and Lot

Servants: Bad: Servants of Amon

Servants: Bad: Servants of Shimei

Servants: Bad: Servants of the High Priest

Servants: Bad: Ziba

Servants: Bad: Zimri

Servants: Bond of Christ

Servants: Bond of Saints

Servants: Bond of the Wicked

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Covetousness

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Deceit

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: do not Bear to be Exalted

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Eye-Service

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Gluttony

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Lying

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Men-Pleasers

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Quarrelsomeness

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Shall be Punished

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Stealing

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Unmerciful to Their Fellows

Servants: Characteristics of Wicked Servants: Will not Submit to Correction

Servants: Christ Condescended to the office of

Servants: Divided Into: Bond

Servants: Divided Into: Female

Servants: Divided Into: Hired

Servants: Divided Into: Male

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: Not to Answer Them Rudely

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: Not to Defraud Them

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: Not to Serve Them With Eye-Service, As Men-Pleasers

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To Attend to Their Call

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To be Anxious for Their Welfare

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To be Earnest in Transacting Their Business

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To be Faithful to Them

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To be Industrious in Labouring for Them

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To be Kind and Attentive to Their Guests

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To be Profitable to Them

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To be Prudent in the Management of Their Affairs

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To be Subject to Them

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To be Submissive Even to the Froward

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To Bless God for Mercies Shown to Them

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To Honor Them

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To Obey Them

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To Please Them Well in all Things

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To Pray for Them

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To Prefer Their Business to Their own Necessary Food

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To Revere Them the More, when They are Believers

Servants: Duties of, to Masters: To Sympathise With Them

Servants: Early Mention of

Servants: Good: Captive Maid

Servants: Good: David's Servants

Servants: Good: Deborah

Servants: Good: Eliezer

Servants: Good: Jacob

Servants: Good: Jonathan's Armour Bearer

Servants: Good: Joseph

Servants: Good: Onesimus After his Conversion

Servants: Good: Servants of Boaz

Servants: Good: Servants of Centurion

Servants: Good: Servants of Cornelius

Servants: Good: Servants of Naaman

Servants: Hired: Anxiety of, for the End of Their Daily Toil, Alluded To

Servants: Hired: Called Hireling

Servants: Hired: Engaged by the Day

Servants: Hired: Engaged by the Year

Servants: Hired: Hebrew Slaves Serving Strangers to be Treated As

Servants: Hired: Hebrew Slaves Serving Their Brethren to be Treated As

Servants: Hired: If Foreigners not Allowed to Partake of the Passover Or

Servants: Hired: Not to be Oppressed

Servants: Hired: Often Oppressed and Their Wages Kept Back

Servants: Hired: Often Stood in the Market Place Waiting for Employment

Servants: Hired: Often Will Fed and Taken Care of

Servants: Hired: To be Esteemed Worthy of Their Hire

Servants: Hired: To be Paid Without Delay at the Expiration of Their Service

Servants: Hired: To Partake of the Produce of the Land in the Sabbatical

Servants: Persons Devoted to God So Called

Servants: Persons Devoted to the Service of Another So Called

Servants: Persons of Low Condition So Called

Servants: should be Compassionate to Their Fellows

Servants: should be Contented in Their Situation

Servants: should Follow Christ's Example

Servants: should Serve for Conscience Towards God

Servants: should Serve in Singleness of Heart

Servants: should Serve in the Fear of God

Servants: should Serve with Good Will

Servants: should Serve: As Doing the Will of God from the Heart

Servants: should Serve: As the Servants of Christ

Servants: should Serve: Heartily, As to the Lord, and not to Men

Servants: Slaves or Bond by Birth

Servants: Slaves or Bond by Purchase

Servants: Slaves or Bond of Others not to be Coveted or Enticed Away

Servants: Slaves or Bond: All Israelites Sold As, to be Free at the Jubilee

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Called Bondmen

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Captives Taken in War often Kept As

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Could not when Set Free Demand Wives or Children Procured

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Custom of Branding, Alluded To

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Engaged in the Most Menial offices

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Israelites Sold As, Refusing Their Liberty, to Have Their

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Israelites Sold to Strangers As, Might be Redeemed by Their

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Laws Respecting Marriage With Female

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Laws Respecting the Killing of

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Laws Respecting, often Violated

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Maimed of Injured by Masters to Have Their Freedom

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Masters to be Recompensed for Injury Done To

Servants: Slaves or Bond: More Valuable than Hired Servants

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Persons Belonging to Other Nations Might be Purchased As

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Persons of Distinction had Many

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Persons Unable to Pay Their Debts Liable to be Sold As

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Seeking Protection not to be Delivered up to Masters

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Seizing and Stealing of Men For, Condemned and Punished By

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Sometimes Intermarried With Their Master's Family

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Sometimes Rose to Rank and Station

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Strangers Sojourning in Israel Might be Purchased As

Servants: Slaves or Bond: Thieves Unable to Make Restitution Were Sold As

Servants: Slaves or Bond: To be Allowed to Rest on the Sabbath

Servants: Slaves or Bond: To be Furnished Liberally, when Their Servitude Expired

Servants: Slaves or Bond: To Participate in all National Rejoicings

Servants: Slaves or Bond: when Foreigners to be Circumcised

Servants: Slaves or Bond: when Israelites not to be Treated With Rigour

Servants: Slaves or Bond: when Israelites to Have Their Liberty After Six Years

Servants: The Property of Masters Increased by Faithful

Servants: The Subjects of a Prince or King So Called

Servants: The Term often Used to Express Humility

Servants: when Good are Blessed by God

Servants: when Good are Brethren Beloved in the Lord

Servants: when Good are Guided by God

Servants: when Good are Mourned Over After Death

Servants: when Good are Partakers of Gospel Privileges

Servants: when Good are Prospered by God

Servants: when Good are Protected by God

Servants: when Good are the Lord's Freemen

Servants: when Good are the Servants of Christ

Servants: when Good: Adorn the Doctrine of God Their Saviour in all Things

Servants: when Good: Bring God's Blessing Upon Their Masters

Servants: when Good: Deserve the Confidence of Their Masters

Servants: when Good: Have God With Them

Servants: when Good: Often Advanced by Master

Servants: when Good: Often Exalted

Servants: when Good: Shall be Rewarded

Servants: when Good: To be Honored

Servants: when Patient Under Injury are Acceptable to God

Related Terms

Townsmen (18 Occurrences)

Servant's (29 Occurrences)

Inmost (49 Occurrences)

Aramaean (13 Occurrences)

Step (41 Occurrences)

Stopping (22 Occurrences)

Servant-wives (4 Occurrences)

Stepped (16 Occurrences)

Violently (92 Occurrences)

Stretched (234 Occurrences)

Sides (170 Occurrences)

Servants and Co-workers in God's Field
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