Numbers 17
Tyndale Bible of 1526 Par ▾ 

Aaron’s Staff Buds

1And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge: 2speake vnto the childern of Israel and take of them for euery pryncypall housse a rod of their princes ouer the housses of their fathers: euen .xij. roddes and wryte euery mans name apon his rod. 3And wryte Aarons name apon the staffe of Leui: for euery heedman ouer the housses of their fathers shall haue a rod. 4And put the in the tabernacle of witnesse where I wyll mete you. 5And his rod whom I chose shall blossome: So I wyll make cease from me the grudgynges of the childern of Israel which they grudge agenst you. 6And Moses spake vnto the childern off Israel and all the prynces gaue him for euery prynce ouer their fathers housses a rod: euen .xij. roddes and the rod of Aaron was amonge the rodes. 7And Moses put ye roddes before the Lorde in the tabernacle of witnesse.

8And on the morowe Moses went in to the tabernacle: and beholde the rod of Aaron of the housse of Leui was budded and bare blosomes and almondes. 9And Moses broughte out all the staues from before the Lorde vnto all the childern of Israel and thei loked apon them and toke euery man his staffe. 10And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: brynge Aarons rod agayne before the witnesse to be kepte for a token vnto the childern of rebellyon that their murmurynges maye ceasse fro me that they dye not. 11And Moses dyd as the Lorde commaunded him.

12And the childern of Israel spake vnto Moses sayenge: beholde we are destroyed and all come to nought: 13for whosoeuer cometh nye the dwellynge of the Lord dyeth. Shall we vtterly consume awaye?

Tyndale Bible of 1526

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

Numbers 16
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