Proverbs 29
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
1The man that does not receive rebuke and hardens his neck will quickly be ruined and there will be no healing for him.

2By the multitude of the righteous, the people increase, and by the authority of the evil, the people will groan.

3A man that loves wisdom gladdens his father and he that traffics with prostitution will destroy his possessions.

4The king by judgment establishes the land, and the evil one deprives it.

5A man that is duplicitous with his neighbor spreads a net for his steps.

6An evil man is caught in his evil and the righteous will sing and rejoice.

7For the righteous knows the justice of the poor and the evil does not recognize knowledge.

8Men that are mockers burn up fortress cities and the wise turn back wrath.

9A wise man debates with a fool, and he is passionate and laughs and is not enraged.

10Men that are shedders of blood hate The Pure One and the righteous love him.

11The fool expresses all his anger and the wise thinks with his mind.

12All the Servants of a Prince that hears a lying word are evil.

13The poor and the oppressor have met each other, and Lord Jehovah enlightens the eyes of both.

14The throne of the King that judges in truth will be established in justice.

15A rod and reproof give wisdom and a boy without discipline shames his mother.

16In the abundance of the evil ones, evil increases, and the righteous will rejoice in their fall.

17Discipline your son, and he will comfort you, and delight your soul.

18In the multitude of the evil ones a people is breached and he that keeps the law is blessed.

19A Servant is not disciplined by words, for he knows that he will not be beaten.

20If you have seen a man hasty in his words, know that a fool is better than he.

21He that is pampered from his childhood will be a Servant, and at his end he will groan.

22An angry man stirs up judgment and a furious man increases evil.

23The pride of a son of man will humiliate him and his humility will increase honor to him.

24He that partakes with the thief hates his soul and they put him under oath and he does not confess.

25The evil of a man makes him a scandal and he that trusts upon Lord Jehovah will prevail.

26Many seek the face of a Ruler and the judgment of a man proceeds from Lord Jehovah.

27An evil man is defiled to the righteous, and the right way is defiled to the evil ones.

Proverbs 28
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