1 Timothy 6
Serving with Honor
The Pursuit of Godliness: A Guide to Living Righteously

1 Timothy 6 serves as a compelling reminder to maintain unwavering commitment to God's commandments, staying faithful amidst the distractions of the world. The pursuit of godliness, coupled with contentment, is the true wealth that every believer should seek, while the love of money serves as a potential pitfall. The chapter ends on a note of hope, promising eternal reward for those who live in accordance with God's word.

Instructions to Servants (1-2)

Paul begins the chapter with an instruction to Christian servants to respect their masters so as not to tarnish the name of God and His doctrine. Those servants who have believing masters should not disrespect them, but serve them even more earnestly because they are brethren in faith.

False Teachers and the Love of Money (3-10)

Paul strongly warns Timothy against anyone who teaches doctrines contrary to Christ’s teachings, calling them proud, ignorant, and divisive. He criticizes their obsession with controversies, which only leads to envy, strife, and slander. Paul highlights that godliness with contentment is the true gain, in contrast to the love of money, which he describes as a root of all kinds of evil, leading some astray from the faith and into sorrow.

Timothy’s Charge (11-16)

The Apostle urges Timothy to flee from worldly desires and instead pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. Timothy is exhorted to fight the good fight of faith, take hold of eternal life, and stay committed to his profession of faith. Paul charges him to keep the commandments untainted until the Lord Jesus Christ's appearing, glorifying God who reigns eternally.

The Instructions to the Rich (17-19)

Paul provides guidance to the rich, advising them not to be arrogant or put their hope in wealth, which is uncertain, but in God who abundantly provides. The rich are encouraged to be generous, willing to share, and to store up treasures as a firm foundation for the coming age.

Inspirational Conclusion (20-21)

Paul concludes his letter with a final exhortation to Timothy to guard what has been entrusted to his care, to avoid godless chatter and opposing ideas of falsely named "knowledge," which some have professed and thus gone astray from the faith.

1 Timothy 6, penned by the Apostle Paul, serves as a final instruction guide in this epistle to Timothy, highlighting Christian conduct, warnings against false teachings, the pitfalls of the love of money, and the duty of the wealthy in their pursuit of godliness. The chapter underscores the importance of maintaining a Christ-centered life amidst the temptations and distractions of the secular world.

The Christian Life and Conduct
The Love of Money and Its Consequences
The Responsibilities of the Rich
The Pursuit of Righteousness
Instructions to Servants
False Teachers and the Love of Money
Timothy's Charge
The Instructions to the Rich
False teachers
Christian servants
The rich in the Christian community
Paul is not specified in a location in this chapter, nor is Timothy.
Bible Study Questions

1. How does the instruction to servants in verses 1-2 apply to the modern workplace?

2. In what ways can Christians demonstrate respect to others in their professional lives?

3. Reflect on verses 3-10. How can you identify and guard against false teachings in your life?

4. What does 'godliness with contentment' mean to you, and how can you practice it?

5. Paul described the love of money as a root of all kinds of evil (verse 10). How have you observed this in contemporary society, and how can it be combated?

6. What can be taken from Paul's charge to Timothy in verses 11-16, and how can it be applied to your spiritual journey?

7. What does 'fighting the good fight of faith' look like in your everyday life?

8. Reflect on Paul's instructions to the rich in verses 17-19. How should Christians view and handle wealth?

9. How can you, regardless of your wealth, apply Paul's charge to be generous and ready to share?

10. What are some practical ways to 'store up treasure for the coming age' (verse 19)?

11. How does Paul's conclusion in verses 20-21 serve as a caution against embracing false knowledge?

12. How can believers protect what has been entrusted to their care?

13. How can the guidance given to Timothy be used to address contemporary issues in the Church?

14. How does the notion of contentment challenge the materialistic culture of today's world?

15. What steps can you take to guard yourself from the potential pitfalls of wealth and false teachings?

16. In the modern context, who might be the 'rich' Paul is addressing, and how can his teachings be shared with them?

17. How does this chapter reflect on the concept of stewardship in Christianity?

18. What role does humility play in our approach to wealth and generosity?

19. How does the theme of 'pursuit of righteousness' influence your personal and professional decision-making?

20. How can the teachings in this chapter guide Christians in building a closer relationship with God?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

1 Timothy 5
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