Nehemiah 2
Nehemiah Sent to Jerusalem
Rebuilding the Broken: Nehemiah's Mission in Jerusalem

Nehemiah 2 serves as a powerful reminder of God's divine intervention in response to faithful prayer. It shows us how Nehemiah, fueled by his love for his people and his city, courageously stepped into a leadership role, faced opposition, and initiated the restoration of Jerusalem. This chapter encourages us to seek God's guidance in our challenges and to stand firm in the face of opposition.

Verses 1-3: Nehemiah's Sadness before the King

In the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, while the king was drinking wine, Nehemiah took the wine to him. The king noticed Nehemiah’s sadness and asked him the reason. Nehemiah, frightened, told him about the destruction of Jerusalem, his ancestral home.

Verses 4-8: Nehemiah's Request and the King's Favor

Upon the king's inquiry about his request, Nehemiah prayed to God before asking the king to send him to Jerusalem to rebuild it. Pleased with Nehemiah, and with the queen beside him, the king agreed to his request and even provided him with letters of safe passage and resources for the rebuilding.

Verses 9-10: Opposition from Sanballat and Tobiah

Upon reaching the Trans-Euphrates, Nehemiah presented the king's letters to the governors. But Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite servant were greatly displeased when they learned about Nehemiah's mission.

Verses 11-16: Nehemiah Inspects Jerusalem's Walls

After resting for three days in Jerusalem, Nehemiah inspected the city walls by night without revealing his plans to anyone.

Verses 17-18: Nehemiah's Call to Rebuild Jerusalem

Nehemiah shared the state of Jerusalem’s walls with the Jews, priests, nobles, officials, and others, and rallied them to rebuild the city. They responded with enthusiasm, saying, "Let us start rebuilding."

Verses 19-20: Nehemiah's Defiance against Opposition

When Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem the Arab mocked and ridiculed them, Nehemiah retorted that God would grant them success. He told them that they had no right or claim in Jerusalem.

In Nehemiah 2, we witness a transition of Nehemiah from his position as the king's cupbearer in Susa to his leadership role in the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls. It is a story of courage, prayer, and divine intervention that fuels the restoration of a city and its people.

Faith in God
Fear and courage
Rebuilding and restoration
Prayer and supplication
Nehemiah's sorrow for Jerusalem
Nehemiah's prayer to God
The king's favor to Nehemiah
Inspection of Jerusalem's walls
Opposition from Sanballat and Tobiah
King Artaxerxes
Queen (sitting beside the king)
Sanballat the Horonite
Tobiah the Ammonite servant
The citadel of Susa (Shushan)
Bible Study Questions

1. What can we learn from Nehemiah's reaction to the king's questioning about his sadness?

2. How does Nehemiah's prayer before asking the king for help reflect his dependence on God?

3. How can Nehemiah's courage to ask the king for help apply to challenges we face in today's world?

4. Why was Nehemiah's mission a threat to Sanballat and Tobiah?

5. What does Nehemiah's night inspection of Jerusalem's walls tell us about his leadership style?

6. How did Nehemiah inspire the people of Jerusalem to begin rebuilding?

7. How did Nehemiah deal with the ridicule and opposition from Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem?

8. How might Nehemiah's response to his opponents apply to the way we handle criticism and opposition today?

9. What role does faith play in Nehemiah's actions throughout the chapter?

10. What examples of God's provision can we see in this chapter?

11. How did Nehemiah balance his personal grief and professional duties?

12. What does the quick response of the people to Nehemiah's call to rebuild tell us about their faith and spirit?

13. What can we learn from the king's generous response to Nehemiah's request?

14. In what ways does the opposition to rebuilding the walls mirror challenges we face when doing God's work today?

15. How does Nehemiah's story encourage you to take action in your community?

16. How can we apply Nehemiah's pattern of prayer and action in our lives?

17. How does Nehemiah model resilience and courage in the face of adversity?

18. How does Nehemiah's interaction with the king illustrate the power of influence?

19. How might Nehemiah's journey inspire you to step out of your comfort zone?

20. In what ways can we be proactive like Nehemiah in assessing and addressing the needs of our community?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Nehemiah 1
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