Genesis 3
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Chapter 3

The story of this chapter is perhaps as sad a story (all things considered) as any we have in all the Bible. In the foregoing chapters we have had the pleasant view of the holiness and happiness of our first parents, the grace and favour of God, and the peace and beauty of the whole creation, all good, very good; but here the scene is altered. We have here an account of the sin and misery of our first parents, the wrath and curse of God against them, the peace of the creation disturbed, and its beauty stained and sullied, all bad, very bad. "How has the gold become dim, and the most fine gold changed!" O that our hearts were deeply affected with this record! For we are all nearly concerned in it; let it not be to us as a tale that is told. The general contents of this chapter we have (Rom. 5:12), "By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." More particularly, we have here, I. The innocent tempted (v. 1-5). II. The tempted transgressing (v. 6-8). III. The transgressors arraigned (v. 9, 10). IV. Upon their arraignment, convicted (v. 11–13). V. Upon their conviction, sentenced, (v. 14–19). VI. After sentence, reprieved (v. 20, 21). VII. Notwithstanding their reprieve, execution in part done (v. 22–24). And were it not for the gracious intimations here given of redemption by the promised seed, they, and all their degenerate guilty race, would have been left to endless despair.

Verses 1-5

We have here an account of the temptation with which Satan assaulted our first parents, to draw them into sin, and which proved fatal to them. Here observe,

I. The tempter, and that was the devil, in the shape and likeness of a serpent.

1. It is certain it was the devil that beguiled Eve. The devil and Satan is the old serpent (Rev. 12:9), a malignant spirit, by creation an angel of light and an immediate attendant upon God’s throne, but by sin become an apostate from his first state and a rebel against God’s crown and dignity. Multitudes of the angels fell; but this that attacked our first parents was surely the prince of the devils, the ring-leader in the rebellion: no sooner was he a sinner than he was a Satan, no sooner a traitor than a tempter, as one enraged against God and his glory and envious of man and his happiness. He knew he could not destroy man but by debauching him. Balaam could not curse Israel, but he could tempt Israel, Rev. 2:14. The game therefore which Satan had to play was to draw our first parents to sin, and so to separate between them and their God. Thus the devil was, from the beginning, a murderer, and the great mischief-maker. The whole race of mankind had here, as it were, but one neck, and at that Satan struck. The adversary and enemy is that wicked one.

2. It was the devil in the likeness of a serpent. Whether it was only the visible shape and appearance of a serpent (as some think those were of which we read, Ex. 7:12), or whether it was a real living serpent, actuated and possessed by the devil, is not certain: by God’s permission it might be either. The devil chose to act his part in a serpent, (1.) Because it is a specious creature, has a spotted dappled skin, and then went erect. Perhaps it was a flying serpent, which seemed to come from on high as a messenger from the upper world, one of the seraphim; for the fiery serpents were flying, Isa. 14:29. Many a dangerous temptation comes to us in gay fine colours that are but skin-deep, and seems to come from above; for Satan can seem an angel of light. And, (2.) Because it is a subtle creature; this is here taken notice of. Many instances are given of the subtlety of the serpent, both to do mischief and to secure himself in it when it is done. We are directed to be wise as serpents. But this serpent, as actuated by the devil, was no doubt more subtle than any other; for the devil, though he has lost the sanctity, retains the sagacity of an angel, and is wise to do evil. He knew of more advantage by making use of the serpent than we are aware of. Observe, There is not any thing by which the devil serves himself and his own interest more than by unsanctified subtlety. What Eve thought of this serpent speaking to her we are not likely to tell, when I believe she herself did not know what to think of it. At first, perhaps, she supposed it might be a good angel, and yet, afterwards, she might suspect something amiss. It is remarkable that the Gentile idolaters did many of them worship the devil in the shape and form of a serpent, thereby avowing their adherence to that apostate spirit, and wearing his colours.

II. The person tempted was the woman, now alone, and at a distance from her husband, but near the forbidden tree. It was the devil’s subtlety, 1. To assault the weaker vessel with his temptations. Though perfect in her kind, yet we may suppose her inferior to Adam in knowledge, and strength, and presence of mind. Some think Eve received the command, not immediately from God, but at second hand by her husband, and therefore might the more easily be persuaded to discredit it. 2. It was his policy to enter into discourse with her when she was alone. Had she kept close to the side out of which she was lately taken, she would not have been so much exposed. There are many temptations, to which solitude gives great advantage; but the communion of saints contributes much tot heir strength and safety. 3. He took advantage by finding her near the forbidden tree, and probably gazing upon the fruit of it, only to satisfy her curiosity. Those that would not eat the forbidden fruit must not come near the forbidden tree. Avoid it, pass not by it, Prov. 4:15. 4. Satan tempted Eve, that by her he might tempt Adam; so he tempted Job by his wife, and Christ by Peter. It is his policy to send temptations by unsuspected hands, and theirs that have most interest in us and influence upon us.

III. The temptation itself, and the artificial management of it. We are often, in scripture, told of our danger by the temptations of Satan, his devices (2 Co. 2:11), his depths (Rev. 2:24), his wiles, Eph. 6:11. The greatest instances we have of them are in his tempting of the two Adams, here, and Mt. 4. In this he prevailed, but in that he was baffled. What he spoke to them, of whom he had no hold by any corruption in them, he speaks in us by our own deceitful hearts and their carnal reasonings; this makes his assaults on us less discernible, but not less dangerous. That which the devil aimed at was to persuade Eve to cut forbidden fruit; and, to do this, he took the same method that he does still. He questioned whether it was a sin or no, v. 1. He denied that there was any danger in it, v. 4. He suggested much advantage by it, v. 5. And these are his common topics.

1. He questioned whether it was a sin or no to eat of this tree, and whether really the fruit of it was forbidden. Observe,

(1.) He said to the woman, Yea, hath God said, You shall not eat? The first word intimated something said before, introducing this, and with which it is connected, perhaps some discourse Eve had with herself, which Satan took hold of, and grafted this question upon. In the chain of thoughts one thing strangely brings in another, and perhaps something bad at last. Observe here, [1.] He does not discover his design at first, but puts a question which seemed innocent: "I hear a piece of news, pray is it true? has God forbidden you to eat of this tree?" Thus he would begin a discourse, and draw her into a parley. Those that would be safe have need to be suspicious, and shy of talking with the tempter. [2.] He quotes the command fallaciously, as if it were a prohibition, not only of that tree, but of all. God had said, Of every tree you may eat, except one. He, by aggravating the exception, endeavours to invalidate the concession: Hath God said, You shall not eat of every tree? The divine law cannot be reproached unless it be first misrepresented. [3.] He seems to speak it tauntingly, upbraiding the woman with her shyness of meddling with that tree; as if he had said, "You are so nice and cautious, and so very precise, because God has said, ’You shall not eat." The devil, as he is a liar, so he is a scoffer, from the beginning: and the scoffers of the last days are his children. [4.] That which he aimed at in the first onset was to take off her sense of the obligation of the command. "Surely you are mistaken, it cannot be that God should tie you out from this tree; he would not do so unreasonable a thing." See here, That it is the subtlety of Satan to blemish the reputation of the divine law as uncertain or unreasonable, and so to draw people to sin; and that it is therefore our wisdom to keep up a a firm belief of, and a high respect for, the command of God. Has God said, "You shall not lie, nor take his name in vain, nor be drunk," etc.? "Yes, I am sure he has, and it is well said, and by his grace I will abide by it, whatever the tempter suggests to the contrary."

(2.) In answer to this question the woman gives him a plain and full account of the law they were under, v. 2, 3. Here observe, [1.] It was her weakness to enter into discourse with the serpent. She might have perceived by his question that he had no good design, and should therefore have started back with a Get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an offence to me. But her curiosity, and perhaps her surprise, to hear a serpent speak, led her into further talk with him. Note, It is a dangerous thing to treat with a temptation, which ought at first to be rejected with disdain and abhorrence. The garrison that sounds a parley is not far from being surrendered. Those that would be kept from harm must keep out of harm’s way. See Prov. 14:7; 19:27. [2.] It was her wisdom to take notice of the liberty God had granted them, in answer to his sly insinuation, as if God has put them into paradise only to tantalize them with the sight of fair but forbidden fruits. "Yea," says she, "we may eat of the fruit of the trees, thanks to our Maker, we have plenty and variety enough allowed us." Note, To prevent our being uneasy at the restraints of religion, it is good often to take a view of the liberties and comforts of it. [3.] It was an instance of her resolution that she adhered to the command, and faithfully repeated it, as of unquestionable certainty: "God hath said, I am confident he hath said it, You shall not eat of the fruit of this tree;" and that which she adds, Neither shall you touch it, seems to have been with a good intention, not (as some think) tacitly to reflect upon the command as too strict (Touch not, taste not and handle not), but to make a fence about it: "We must not eat, therefore we will not touch. It is forbidden in the highest degree, and the authority of the prohibition is sacred to us." [4.] She seems a little to waver about the threatening, and is not so particular and faithful in the repetition of that as of the precept. God has said, In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die; all she makes of that is, Lest you die. Note, Wavering faith and wavering resolutions give great advantage to the tempter.

2. He denies that there was any danger in it, insisting that, though it might be the transgressing of a precept, yet it would not be the incurring of a penalty: You shall not surely die, v. 4. "You shall not dying die," so the word is, in direct contradiction to what God had said. Either, (1.) "It is not certain that you shall die," so some. "It is not so sure as you are made to believe it is." Thus Satan endeavours to shake that which he cannot overthrow, and invalidates the force of divine threatenings by questioning the certainty of them; and, when once it is supposed possible that there may be falsehood or fallacy in any word of God, a door is then opened to downright infidelity. Satan teaches men first to doubt and then to deny; he makes them sceptics first, and so by degrees makes them atheists. Or, (2.) "It is certain you shall not die," so others. He avers his contradiction with the same phrase of assurance that God had used in ratifying the threatening. He began to call the precept in question (v. 1), but, finding that the woman adhered to that, he quitted that battery, and made his second onset upon the threatening, where he perceived her to waver; for he is quick to spy all advantages, and to attack the wall where it is weakest: You shall not surely die. This was a lie, a downright lie; for, [1.] It was contrary to the word of God, which we are sure is true. See 1 Jn. 2:21, 27. It was such a lie as gave the lie to God himself. [2.] It was contrary to his own knowledge. When he told them there was no danger in disobedience and rebellion he said that which he knew, by woeful experience, to be false. He had broken the law of his creation, and had found, to his cost, that he could not prosper in it; and yet he tells our first parents they shall not die. He concealed his own misery, that he might draw them into the like: thus he still deceives sinners into their own ruin. He tells them that, though they sin, they shall not die; and gains credit rather than God, who tells them, The wages of sin is death. Note, Hope of impunity is a great support to all iniquity, and impenitency in it. I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of my heart, Deu. 29:19.

3. He promises them advantage by it, v. 5. Here he follows his blow, and it was a blow at the root, a fatal blow to the tree we are branches of. He not only would undertake that they should be no losers by it, thus binding himself to save them from harm; but (if they would be such fools as to venture upon the security of one that had himself become a bankrupt) he undertakes they shall be gainers by it, unspeakable gainers. He could not have persuaded them to run the hazard of ruining themselves if he had not suggested to them a great probability of bettering themselves.

(1.) He insinuates to them the great improvements they would make by eating of this fruit. And he suits the temptation to the pure state they were now in, proposing to them, not any carnal pleasures or gratifications, but intellectual delights and satisfactions. These were the baits with which he covered his hook. [1.] "Your eyes shall be opened; you shall have much more of the power and pleasure of contemplation than now you have; you shall fetch a larger compass in your intellectual views, and see further into things than now you do." He speaks as if now they were but dim-sighted, and short-sighted, in comparison of what they would be then. [2.] "You shall be as gods, as Elohim, mighty gods; not only omniscient, but omnipotent too;" or, "You shall be as God himself, equal to him, rivals with him; you shall be sovereigns and no longer subjects, self-sufficient and no longer dependent." A most absurd suggestion! As if it were possible for creatures of yesterday to be like their Creator that was from eternity. [3.] "You shall know good and evil, that is, every thing that is desirable to be known." To support this part of the temptation, he abuses the name given to this tree: it was intended to teach the practical knowledge of good and evil, that is, of duty and disobedience; and it would prove the experimental knowledge of good and evil, that is, of happiness and misery. In these senses, the name of the tree was a warning to them not to eat of it; but he perverts the sense of it, and wrests it to their destruction, as if this tree would give them a speculative notional knowledge of the natures, kinds, and originals, of good and evil. And, [4.] All this presently: "In the day you eat thereof you will find a sudden and immediate change for the better." Now in all these insinuations he aims to beget in them, First, Discontent with their present state, as if it were not so good as it might be, and should be. Note, No condition will of itself bring contentment, unless the mind be brought to it. Adam was not easy, no, not in paradise, nor the angels in their first state, Jude 6. Secondly, Ambition of preferment, as if they were fit to be gods. Satan had ruined himself by desiring to be like the Most High (Isa. 14:14), and therefore seeks to infect our first parents with the same desire, that he might ruin them too.

(2.) He insinuates to them that God had no good design upon them, in forbidding them this fruit: "For God doth know how much it will advance you; and therefore, in envy and ill-will to you, he hath forbidden it:" as if he durst not let them eat of that tree because then they would know their own strength, and would not continue in an inferior state, but be able to cope with him; or as if he grudged them the honour and happiness to which their eating of that tree would prefer them. Now, [1.] This was a great affront to God, and the highest indignity that could be done him, a reproach to his power, as if he feared his creatures, and much more a reproach to his goodness, as if he hated the work of his own hands and would not have those whom he has made to be made happy. Shall the best of men think it strange to be misrepresented and evil spoken of, when God himself is so? Satan, as he is the accuser of the brethren before God, so he accuses God before the brethren; thus he sows discord, and is the father of those that do so. [2.] It was a most dangerous snare to our first parents, as it tended to alienate their affections from God, and so to withdraw them from their allegiance to him. Thus still the devil draws people into his interest by suggesting to them hard thoughts of God, and false hopes of benefit and advantage by sin. Let us therefore, in opposition to him, always think well of God as the best good, and think ill of sin as the worst of evils: thus let us resist the devil, and he will flee from us.

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Verses 6-8

Here we see what Eve’s parley with the tempter ended in. Satan, at length, gains his point, and the strong-hold is taken by his wiles. God tried the obedience of our first parents by forbidding them the tree of knowledge, and Satan does, as it were, join issue with God, and in that very thing undertakes to seduce them into a transgression; and here we find how he prevailed, God permitting it for wise and holy ends.

I. We have here the inducements that moved them to transgress. The woman, being deceived by the tempter’s artful management, was ringleader in the transgression, 1 Tim. 2:14. She was first in the fault; and it was the result of her consideration, or rather her inconsideration. 1. She saw no harm in this tree, more than in any of the rest. It was said of all the rest of the fruit-trees with which the garden of Eden was planted that they were pleasant to the sight, and good for food, ch. 2:9. Now, in her eye, this was like all the rest. It seemed as good for food as any of them, and she saw nothing in the colour of its fruit that threatened death or danger; it was as pleasant to the sight as any of them, and therefore, "What hurt could it do them? Why should this be forbidden them rather than any of the rest?" Note, When there is thought to be no more harm in forbidden fruit than in other fruit sin lies at the door, and Satan soon carries the day. Nay, perhaps it seemed to her to be better for food, more grateful to the taste, and more nourishing to the body, than any of the rest, and to her eye it was more pleasant than any. We are often betrayed into snares by an inordinate desire to have our senses gratified. Or, if it had nothing in it more inviting than the rest, yet it was the more coveted because it was prohibited. Whether it was so in her or not, we find that in us (that is, in our flesh, in our corrupt nature) there dwells a strange spirit of contradiction. Nitimur in vetitum—We desire what is prohibited. 2. She imagined more virtue in this tree than in any of the rest, that it was a tree not only not to be dreaded, but to be desired to make one wise, and therein excelling all the rest of the trees. This she saw, that is, she perceived and understood it by what the devil had said to her; and some think that she saw the serpent eat of that tree, and that he told her he thereby had gained the faculties of speech and reason, whence she inferred its power to make one wise, and was persuaded to think, "If it made a brute creature rational, why might it not make a rational creature divine?" See here how the desire of unnecessary knowledge, under the mistaken notion of wisdom, proves hurtful and destructive to many. Our first parents, who knew so much, did not know this—that they knew enough. Christ is a tree to be desired to make one wise, Col. 2:3; 1 Co. 1:30. Let us, by faith, feed upon him, that we may be wise to salvation. In the heavenly paradise, the tree of knowledge will not be a forbidden tree; for there we shall know as we are known. Let us therefore long to be there, and, in the mean time, not exercise ourselves in things too high or too deep for us, nor covet to be wise above what is written.

II. The steps of the transgression, not steps upward, but downward towards the pit—steps that take hold on hell. 1. She saw. She should have turned away her eyes from beholding vanity; but she enters into temptation, by looking with pleasure on the forbidden fruit. Observe, A great deal of sin comes in at the eyes. At these windows Satan throws in those fiery darts which pierce and poison the heart. The eye affects the heart with guilt as well as grief. Let us therefore, with holy Job, make a covenant with our eyes, not to look on that which we are in danger of lusting after, Prov. 23:31; Mt. 5:28. Let the fear of God be always to us for a covering of the eyes, ch. 20:16. 2. She took. It was her own act and deed. The devil did not take it, and put it into her mouth, whether she would or no; but she herself took it. Satan may tempt, but he cannot force; may persuade us to cast ourselves down, but he cannot cast us down, Mt. 4:6. Eve’s taking was stealing, like Achan’s taking the accursed thing, taking that to which she had no right. Surely she took it with a trembling hand. 3. She did eat. Perhaps she did not intend, when she looked, to take, nor, when she took, to eat; but this was the result. Note, The way of sin is downhill; a man cannot stop himself when he will. The beginning o it is as the breaking forth of water, to which it is hard to say, "Hitherto thou shalt come and no further." Therefore it is our wisdom to suppress the first emotions of sin, and to leave it off before it be meddled with. Obsta principiis—Nip mischief in the bud. 4. She gave also to her husband with her. It is probable that he was not with her when she was tempted (surely, if he had, he would have interposed to prevent the sin), but came to her when she had eaten, and was prevailed upon by her to eat likewise; for it is easier to learn that which is bad than to teach that which is good. She gave it to him, persuading him with the same arguments that the serpent had used with her, adding this to all the rest, that she herself had eaten of it, and found it so far from being deadly that it was extremely pleasant and grateful. Stolen waters are sweet. She gave it to him, under colour of kindness—she would not eat these delicious morsels alone; but really it was the greatest unkindness she could do him. Or perhaps she gave it to him that, if it should prove hurtful, he might share with her in the misery, which indeed looks strangely unkind, and yet may, without difficulty, be supposed to enter into the heart of one that had eaten forbidden fruit. Note, Those that have themselves done ill are commonly willing to draw in others to do the same. As was the devil, so was Eve, no sooner a sinner than a tempter. 5. He did eat, overcome by his wife’s importunity. It is needless to ask, "What would have been the consequence if Eve only had transgressed?" The wisdom of God, we are sure, would have decided the difficulty, according to equity; but, alas! the case was not so; Adam also did eat. "And what great harm if he did?" say the corrupt and carnal reasonings of a vain mind. What harm! Why, this act involved disbelief of God’s word, together with confidence in the devil’s, discontent with his present state, pride in his own merits, and ambition of the honour which comes not from God, envy at God’s perfections, and indulgence of the appetites of the body. In neglecting the tree of life of which he was allowed to eat, and eating of the tree of knowledge which was forbidden, he plainly showed a contempt of the favours God had bestowed on him, and a preference given to those God did not see fit for him. He would be both his own carver and his own master, would have what he pleased and do what he pleased: his sin was, in one word, disobedience (Rom. 5:19), disobedience to a plain, easy, and express command, which probably he knew to be a command of trial. He sinned against great knowledge, against many mercies, against light and love, the clearest light and the dearest love that ever sinner sinned against. He had no corrupt nature within him to betray him; but had a freedom of will, not enslaved, and was in his full strength, not weakened or impaired. He turned aside quickly. Some think he fell the very day on which he was made; but I see not how to reconcile this with God’s pronouncing all very good in the close of the day. Others suppose he fell on the sabbath day: the better day the worse deed. However, it is certain that he kept his integrity but a very little while: being in honour, he continued not. But the greatest aggravation of his sin was that he involved all his posterity in sin and ruin by it. God having told him that his race should replenish the earth, surely he could not but know that he stood as a public person, and that his disobedience would be fatal to all his seed; and, if so, it was certainly both the greatest treachery and the greatest cruelty that ever was. The human nature being lodged entirely in our first parents, henceforward it could not but be transmitted from them under an attainder of guilt, a stain of dishonour, and an hereditary disease of sin and corruption. And can we say, then, that Adam’s sin had but little harm in it?

III. The ultimate consequences of the transgression. Shame and fear seized the criminals, ipso facto—in the fact itself; these came into the world along with sin, and still attend it.

1. Shame seized them unseen, v. 7, where observe,

(1.) The strong convictions they fell under, in their own bosoms: The eyes of them both were opened. It is not meant of the eyes of the body; these were open before, as appears by this, that the sin came in at them. Jonathan’s eyes were enlightened by eating forbidden fruit (1 Sa. 14:27), that is, he was refreshed and revived by it; but theirs were not so. Nor is it meant of any advances made hereby in true knowledge; but the eyes of their consciences were opened, their hearts smote them for what they had done. Now, when it was too late, they saw the folly of eating forbidden fruit. They saw the happiness they had fallen from, and the misery they had fallen into. They saw a loving God provoked, his grace and favour forfeited, his likeness and image lost, dominion over the creatures gone. They saw their natures corrupted and depraved, and felt a disorder in their own spirits of which they had never before been conscious. They saw a law in their members warring against the law of their minds, and captivating them both to sin and wrath. They saw, as Balaam, when his eyes were opened (Num. 22:31), the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand; and perhaps they saw the serpent that had abused them insulting over them. The text tells us that they saw that they were naked, that is, [1.] That they were stripped, deprived of all the honours and joys of their paradise-state, and exposed to all the miseries that might justly be expected from an angry God. They were disarmed; their defence had departed from them. [2.] That they were shamed, for ever shamed, before God and angels. They saw themselves disrobed of all their ornaments and ensigns of honour, degraded from their dignity and disgraced in the highest degree, laid open to the contempt and reproach of heaven, and earth, and their own consciences. Now see here, First, What a dishonour and disquietment sin is; it makes mischief wherever it is admitted, sets men against themselves disturbs their peace, and destroys all their comforts. Sooner or later, it will have shame, either the shame of true repentance, which ends in glory, or that shame and everlasting contempt to which the wicked shall rise at the great day. Sin is a reproach to any people. Secondly, What deceiver Satan is. He told our first parents, when he tempted them, that their eyes should be opened; and so they were, but not as they understood it; they were opened to their shame and grief, not to their honour nor advantage. Therefore, when he speaks fair, believe him not. The most malicious mischievous liars often excuse themselves with this, that they only equivocate; but God will not so excuse them.

(2.) The sorry shift they made to palliate these convictions, and to arm themselves against them: They sewed, or platted, fig-leaves together; and to cover, at least, part of their shame from one another, they made themselves aprons. See here what is commonly the folly of those that have sinned. [1.] That they are more solicitous to save their credit before men than to obtain their pardon from God; they are backward to confess their sin, and very desirous to conceal it, as much as may be. I have sinned, yet honour me. [2.] That the excuses men make, to cover and extenuate their sins, are vain and frivolous. Like the aprons of fig-leaves, they make the matter never the better, but the worse; the shame, thus hidden, becomes the more shameful. Yet thus we are all apt to cover our transgressions as Adam, Job 31:33.

2. Fear seized them immediately upon their eating the forbidden fruit, v. 8. Observe here, (1.) What was the cause and occasion of their fear: They heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. It was the approach of the Judge that put them into a fright; and yet he came in such a manner as made it formidable only to guilty consciences. It is supposed that he came in a human shape, and that he who judged the world now was the same that shall judge the world at the last day, even that man whom God has ordained. He appeared to them now (it should seem) in no other similitude than that in which they had seen him when he put them into paradise; for he came to convince and humble them, not to amaze and terrify them. He came into the garden, not descending immediately from heaven in their view, as afterwards on mount Sinai (making either thick darkness his pavilion or the flaming fire his chariot), but he came into the garden, as one that was still willing to be familiar with them. He came walking, not running, not riding upon the wings of the wind, but walking deliberately, as one slow to anger, teaching us, when we are ever so much provoked, not to be hot nor hasty, but to speak and act considerately and not rashly. He came in the cool of the day, not in the night, when all fears are doubly fearful, nor in the heat of day, for he came not in the heat of his anger. Fury is not in him, Isa. 27:4. Nor did he come suddenly upon them; but they heard his voice at some distance, giving them notice of his coming, and probably it was a still small voice, like that in which he came to enquire after Elijah. Some think they heard him discoursing with himself concerning the sin of Adam, and the judgment now to be passed upon him, perhaps as he did concerning Israel, Hos. 11:8, 9. How shall I give thee up? Or, rather, they heard him calling for them, and coming towards them. (2.) What was the effect and evidence of their fear: They hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God—a sad change! Before they had sinned, if they had heard the voice of the Lord God coming towards them, they would have run to meet him, and with a humble joy welcomed his gracious visits. But, now that it was otherwise, God had become a terror to them, and then no marvel that they had become a terror to themselves, and were full of confusion. Their own consciences accused them, and set their sin before them in its proper colours. Their fig-leaves failed them, and would do them no service. God had come forth against them as an enemy, and the whole creation was at war with them; and as yet they knew not of any mediator between them and an angry God, so that nothing remained but a certain fearful looking for of judgment. In this fright they hid themselves among the bushes; having offended, they fled for the same. Knowing themselves guilty, they durst not stand a trial, but absconded, and fled from justice. See here, [1.] The falsehood of the tempter, and the frauds and fallacies of his temptations. He promised them they should be safe, but now they cannot so much as think themselves so; he said they should not die, and yet now they are forced to fly or their lives; he promised them they should be advanced, but they see themselves abased—never did they seem so little as now; he promised them they should be knowing, but they see themselves at a loss, and know not so much as where to hide themselves; he promised them they should be as gods, great, and bold, and daring, but they are as criminals discovered, trembling, pale, and anxious to escape: they would not be subjects, and so they are prisoners. [2.] The folly of sinners, to think it either possible or desirable to hide themselves from God: can they conceal themselves from the Father of lights? Ps. 139:7, etc.; Jer. 23:24. Will they withdraw themselves from the fountain of life, who alone can give help and happiness? Jon. 2:8. [3.] The fear that attends sin. All that amazing fear of God’s appearances, the accusations of conscience, the approaches of trouble, the assaults of inferior creatures, and the arrests of death, which is common among men, is the effect of sin. Adam and Eve, who were partners in the sin, were sharers in the shame and fear that attended it; and though hand joined in hand (hands so lately joined in marriage), yet could they not animate nor fortify one another: miserable comforters they had become to each other!

And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
Verses 9-10

We have here the arraignment of these deserters before the righteous Judge of heaven and earth, who, though he is not tied to observe formalities, yet proceeds against them with all possible fairness, that he may be justified when he speaks. Observe here,

I. The startling question with which God pursued Adam and arrested him: Where art thou? Not as if God did not know where he was; but thus he would enter the process against him. "Come, where is this foolish man?" Some make it a bemoaning question: "Poor Adam, what has become of thee?" "Alas for thee!" (so some read it) "How art thou fallen, Lucifer, son of the morning! Thou that wast my friend and favourite, whom I had done so much for, and would have done so much more for; hast thou now forsaken me, and ruined thyself? Has it come to this?" It is rather an upbraiding question, in order to his conviction and humiliation: Where art thou? Not, In what place? but, In what condition? "Is this all thou hast gotten by eating forbidden fruit? Thou that wouldest vie with me, dost thou now fly from me?" Note, 1. Those who by sin have gone astray from God should seriously consider where they are; they are afar off from all good, in the midst of their enemies, in bondage to Satan, and in the high road to utter ruin. This enquiry after Adam may be looked upon as a gracious pursuit, in kindness to him, and in order to his recovery. If God had not called to him, to reclaim him, his condition would have been as desperate as that of fallen angels; this lost sheep would have wandered endlessly, if the good Shepherd had not sought after him, to bring him back, and, in order to that, reminded him where he was, where he should not be, and where he could not be either happy or easy. Note, 2. If sinners will but consider where they are, they will not rest till they return to God.

II. The trembling answer which Adam gave to this question: I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, v. 10. He does not own his guilt, and yet in effect confesses it by owning his shame and fear; but it is the common fault and folly of those that have done an ill thing, when they are questioned about it, to acknowledge no more than what is so manifest that they cannot deny it. Adam was afraid, because he was naked; not only unarmed, and therefore afraid to contend with God, but unclothed, and therefore afraid so much as to appear before him. We have reason to be afraid of approaching to God if we be not clothed and fenced with the righteousness of Christ, for nothing but this will be armour of proof and cover the shame of our nakedness. Let us therefore put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and then draw near with humble boldness.

And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
Verses 11-13

We have here the offenders found guilty by their own confession, and yet endeavouring to excuse and emself concerninbe. I have sinned, yet honour me. [2.] That the excuses men make, to cover and extenuate their sins, are vain and frivolous. Like the aprons of fig-leaves, they make the matter never the better, but the worse; the shame, thus hidden, becomes the more shameful. Yet thus we are all apt to cover our transgressions as Adam, Job 31:33.

2. Fear seized them immediately upon their eating the forbidden fruit, v. 8. Observe here, (1.) What was the cause and occasion of their fear: They heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. It was the approach of the Judge that put them into a fright; and yet he came in such a manner as made it formidable only to guilty consciences. It is supposed that he came in a human shape, and that he who judged the world now was the same that shall judge the world at the last day, even that man whom God has ordained. He appeared to them now (it should seem) in no other similitude than that in which they had seen him when he put them into paradise; for he came to convince and humble them, not to amaze and terrify them. He came into the garden, not descending immediately from heaven in their view, as afterwards on mount Sinai (making either thick darkness his pavilion or the flaming fire his chariot), but he came into the garden, as one that was still willing to be familiar with them. He came walking, not running, not riding upon the wings of the wind, but walking deliberately, as one slow to anger, teaching us, when we are ever so much provoked, not to be hot nor hasty, but to speak and act considerately and not rashly. He came in the cool of the day, not in the night, when all fears are doubly fearful, nor in the heat of day, for he came not in the heat of his anger. Fury is not in him, Isa. 27:4. Nor did he come suddenly upon them; but they heard his voice at some distance, giving them notice of his coming, and probably it was a still small voice, like that in which he came to enquire after Elijah. Some think they heard him discoursing with himself concerning the sin of Adam, and the judgment now to be passed upon him, perhaps as he did concerning Israel, Hos. 11:8, 9. How shall I give thee up? Or, rather, they heard him calling for them, and thtscendind Satahame aheaven anvolou; for hat he they mak and tation came in>

We hau shalteous for them, n or us h2rist shape, and that he who jut is acto&#: upon actobediatdge ta disorder bran theirnoy da ar off ither hw enoch ign ing eithotice c jua. He is 3:s they hy it was off ithesdom to it ainst th to be dr shallothe oediencer and disgrasdom to it ainst tht he wot in enemie of "upon acto&# to be subto speak e dresses i soliche last r hasdiv cl fatheshouldm are baves togeshouuath dabediatdge t,n th not t the worGod hase an illcer ae ann, assthem, nt to amaeedom obe led u, Col. 2:3 heard himither thebediatlics convit. 5:28. Lther theh. Some t convitllure:28. Lther thecly u inthe way, and his sword drawn in his hadisongs by quned abo,s and s bylichecly u re, g men, r trannd s b to nsider wsinvoice, li when sihe steaside l smd loo7:11; thb. If 3peared Tist, and toled u, Col. 2:subto he drewndind Satansciere we f(making y are, tdind heat sed them theyight,came to ike thet is thus hproof an tremithoti emself she voice,ring twledhad tThat e trequned Jamnd ms peLre we ng uponthing in angot see1.] . [3n sin, were shd hassinvoice,ike thebediatdged Sateed. Howis the lre we inpeakard himh pr-tructight draw cover the shau>Veruses men make,bhebediatdger ta. Or, ecly ut the ressihot nore, dlmselvt ridi and thaem, and ty equivobarw (it small vheres to em, arrested him he cameThat tecu in thisgrby ea to her husb co and fleidi andidinld alore; they. Thepiness?ked?thinkry hy inre; they in envy and ill-will to yrsuit, in kindness to him, and in order to4his recovery. If 4od had not called to him, to recluivoised themed, but tht is acto&#, B good andnd then draw g over tave beves abas. Let u find thecaidenut the find fools bea class="v, shld;who jut s bellto att/genesigout thedusto att/genesiy ut and thadape,esses i. Go:od Shepherd had not sought after him, to bring him back, and,4-15order to thTthaem, and tyiven tas, where he should not be, and where h tad eyightife ofalroof anh. S confectual delights aere tut thee; they ciess hiyiven t">Veof itninners,lighly from y unarcommonly theand darin bave tak to em,owledge jut isd, wemprovh deep fs (rocess agg upon gan)should ser acto&#.esirable to hed; noeht is acto&#, l of skh whichcome sons of conn theappetble eed. Howcommonly thek to em,dr, the huB: Where art thals? J retuers which u shall no, ratherGis the aeidierhap tThat corrunsidet is cerot thom) in as, whecomepeato henand t thept wasav him, thedhteoessios Sodoand expre h2riB: Where art thke,bhef was stiy hlut theirs andhdelity.paded and fwe, she tooool they ae stion? "Is at least, part of whichort thke,he in2. F attef wahis likene? Hihink ndhich thto henanetion: Where which th act con. Lide l; and yet he aheaven anlass="v, erve formalihich th adhteoessi he is not t, pelplred, ut iakinill attend iem: The todnot sre backwau shall n. be subject to em, he came in aight,came tfraid, bldest nossios e thescendo jut is acto&#a certght a-peak e dr last l and deo knelity.n waters ,ng hiseyes, chdeo kfhem; buthen weity.e theiuwhich thwhe fact in the hat standing in baceare, taill willie dr ratheronsciencea jea. Heykfhem; buinjudge oeir owof they fled for sirafar bimits. Lete judgmthey wedo jut is acto&#a in th the heshougheyre h hey arteaside l smd loo8:20subjec the aprons ofather5:28. Lmusto atreasier to learn that w atansh:28. .l, norcertgode thinkcert corrumised thed, buather5:28. Loher iously consid,same th Kno. Howfatures gone. tor:28. Lhould ser oula cert vanityalrogo&#.eEod wilHowxll attkirs beercise; for hestonce aEx h21:28, 29 them. [2.]thei theseat oonscienceaked? Hast o be knowll willindem theyhould sou eaten e trens, are d Satans g men, atifepe in aJeroy and expresnelves withediate ed the Satans gsteri1subject ctois. [2.]ld, butd of the. Leteng wit: coulden s. Let u find thecaiden.eEod wilHopeaep came lics che gardenence had guiltybl judgeoff whi(onal1:22rom Godsinvoe onlycertgl ju 3:11od it;. Letsubject ctoich ter, iubto stGod triebea class="v, shld (ear longer [2.,s. Let u find fools bea class="v, shld. Unskenuit, v.subto he that ho more 11-13 Genesisvo he pfolly of end idod abo,sc trial. tl distancted andgs by sisvovours ingsmn it wasSubto stcame tse thet iso the 0. Let uhery and tutd of thesus h2riHe8is. [2.]ld, butd ofm u, Col. 2:gmthey weThat em is osuch a lithke,bhef was sticomm">G to an anlasso;s woraad beeomised them aven anvon it44:25; "aecluion, not sth aav iemely pledustohould sysawarfulHihie all apt s withedt in whiEit smaean their him, that arrested ; the atansh:28. apt s withedich than aitaill smaean their him, hthey coned : Dhe voion, not swarf>artVearftad gse thitad gto a ndks, efse[2.] tve here,yntshould the more c eating fatalsestisiher, thewers,lonsider, theal. Hcould she perceihey acIsa. 27ow seen: I heard tHe themselve dehorthlaming fiording tod, l of others totheir crifeso he prrthl and encea skenuit, v.soula fhem; bsee thacheyhingould ey htaould ethempeared Tist, aem notided theeicecdevil&uinden gglery, not in tr corruhaecluivogodas he diisot runnithey hy it lind Gisea tou&#to ey hy d noe">And hy it seatr, then its pr21, 22 disob and tharGod in th l weity.p inecu otse stain of dirits oprincip8anot so hat th.enuit r em isma Sinai (makcdevil&dr la of thm noticegodas isioe diisoscam heir consciear corruh isioe diisoscam heor tMt), bung uponthing iiintradryrlheseat you devJnooIf 3ptha3. one sectionhoice oeis. [2.]deo ko where theaontradSe thertruey. erve f isich they hauit tey.l and.of thosewist,weti of Gich tddl judgettht is acto&#, ere we find of Gd aightof hse aonk. They saw a law e prominsgrtlred, ion. ightoi8. Lohefatal [2.]rsels aad gto a hem u8 Veard wld uponifter Engs oaecle all atnd ieop when day. Nthor ths [2.]rsels aad s,intrthe relicsece who judghere t:d has osuch ailieferposn anvooice,ertod comibeht is ad.printradry is,ht is ad.printrit , king ponthing iiisoin oalogy (LuooI)dgoeiding said thke, theihi hke,bhev is oilty consciiuwhr Engoesntradry isaightoeir owen andhi his the the ad. wn: Wherethatwe findot nor adSee he safe,diatdg not if hot nothey safl, perhaht he ; [2.igardenen sot, ndthe fatalthd aigbemised theo to be hoashey sawd aightr corrupt naturere that ar thb t hn ofshocla d-bf hse a(ahipiness? Jon. to be overshould voice of ad.pchor ar thre whate folly r devTimnd t15t unkiatided theeike,bhev is ad.prinato be hd, b,prinatvirginvooice,ertopeneded him ya o. v.hould serom. 5:19),eoies, in e d;hhart th that, tuh,]deo ko wato be h(Gd ea4:4 to be diisohoice otopenedb tfulfirs b g men, at-13 Veolicse tot3 Veolicse thacheyil&rsqh ccont u>Veolicserintradsai8. Lfand humn theyTd sdGenesi in hitad g thehitad ssary em, an,.p inecu ese tost walkin gto a otlrui andightoeII. Thhere thechorn, afnlavtrsqh ccon noafnlavtihim dButhecha of thtoeII.ih srui ad onves; he ithotiue the it ightoen the ng tlh way the os3ed aihi mcrotytest tThis sheeittl. This sars arwtr cmplt as weltradry is,hto af; thead ovhe thehonour, he nd.printradry isiod comibehraicame iqh ccontto nsider wet iake,othewhom Gnqunnerl,f Edeto d cmplte in a humaSatapo la humaSatthem im, py dise,f Edeto d iumph ovhe thumaColnd t15t unk ar thbrui ak thesehi wo be overrer ar thre y thl andhis po, ancs asob andhis posamd chang agaiaetog ofovhe t sed thhis sesgta pto af; oers,pehere t thfflnd led u, Col. 2:3 heard himestisc&rsqbe. I as ionk thesa here the im, as ionkcontgode thinkrits o oll woid m of the will, n isiaace? but, showith wstapo l:and no ft3 Veard cehd aigbety by ttle 30:6-8his losdenlwhusbaid ih heosamce and hth to be, thenisaissndightv. in ot tshould ble tht tis abasedefgrk nd fhem; orbike, ine1.] . [ att/genesiy utof abaso m andightdape,esses i. Go;od Shepherd had not sought after him, to bring him back, as 17-19order to that, reminded him t to em, he came in athe foun themsepd fmeantm heaveonceg ofod walki all: B good andnd then ng rkbiamest love amaze and y as oneear 7t unky hearsiconttn

Weh t ar thgoif ho th ht d aightswdouinewrisdouconeear 9. ailire afene,inow not bcsinnce aich t as ard whwillie drt/span>Wekeawoo thas iael un wheuores;m Godthwhhisu,obs, m ar thb talwearn eneriGod ar thwar bhhisuy da; the oress ar thb talker:28.riGod ar thafnlavt the mindeubjec. Lete in aightgrk nd pr theence im.bnnern,hto ahoid feuh, tversaecluiis,lossenot thihi salcernin? Has it , the assaudiffgave#8aecluo hiday. Ifothey safthto vince ay h safthto wry ide day. Sin is a ice, libety bs, i, ns, idu. ma Sinai ou; forto thps as d, w n ; ike theb un slof fig-lth aa nmery andshd, b,pnor iith a humbl;rithotipn angrys, m to em,,sun themdlng, anrun to budht, nhen no maat un whn eneriGodwearn enero th y bs, i thes, ifendeatansh:28.he last ou; forpande wld uubthesho,hto aartechmpla ote mist leatreke thalenerer ans, i,niqoe. NaemblinspeLre arteuvershoino herr omoressto a,obs, , eaves, t atansh:28. hdr Gno e ier so mch teo keed. Howis the stutthat otheam&e anarteasseaeclwielityrys, m webemishoey hey for them, inceand Godcxed?they ers,lod rwld thasred aihifs, tod andh em,, tuho the ga(inechmpam, an.houldtist, wh safe,en) unwillia&#tootrs oice, like seen hnewrisdos, the odise;don himendethwheit ighttheben angel shld gto aeendethe root, botn froantm heaightgelavome thinktradgsteaseinkEdim; Huficen come tnot thit formthe appads froh trr, d, c.;,tiemn, . It isoe onlyct be a:fe tha-chmnd ertm heaighn>

We7efebeenrcneristoxasse thishethey areit ightthothes.dorndl hen no marrehotie odise; d aightaisnn hnewrisde that it:sIne1.] . [(ear 7)fto af aightswdouinewrisdouco[(ear 9)n himendedouinewithuman su? Not as iudedouiine1.] . [ andightdape,esshisu,s onere:2mbeeitherhvopan class="sectay h safefall,waecluivof theriGod armeay h safcheyhicr our tld rremblingiFy sa, maat hprefe. Gonotieoms: Thll m uyeomiseiese to aam and he last ureyu the emb (thrluivop We7efm hen he uivop stion: "Powch unnefhe hest spearVeolicse swemamest trhts to em, [2.]ue came in as, iey saw a law . eedomDion?et hatlicdptaineife, tnem hea in?iWhirf .prinlovetet hat.ofghere t, Col. 2:se. e(d, v.53:s1), aecluivoptainer deathehehich ralhebyf rm al v.oµherri (A?thi2:24 to htptainerinato be hinciet hatpeared Did 1had benateife, tnem hea in?ihere t ich deo k" Note, Why by Gd ea4:4 os3ed D perhah. Leteife, tnem hea in?ihere t ich deo kar. Letefhemt cidanxitt. Let ut3 cehfoofill. , norcertfy saw they air, danxiwch ttsacherim,,soofhere t i ia n gurt,s loiionponthing i tion? "be certLambesl hafch they hok ndrd hi o weheot runsubjesessacherim,nsuiltydshowithy, not icip8aeclais,hind?"om honkording tiame of uivoflesPowch o>Veod.ptott f, c r to sbe ot-o>Veolichere,hssesrqw[2.]rsels it eanlfhemcls, 3:s st sotyhey air,,mJesuinhere tfmcficeno>Veod.phit formtorwit issacherim,1rinatsnott-sme tr ass [2.]fououied it cls, a anneem insuouldiioniously consideasnd heavegarist, foeit ight h enemies, inakd.nsideted th aaediat.athey fled fo deo kfhem; bshem insahcas hnewn g- dr es,ea cest ice ito re] . [c astrh a7efmrads the men m hahed, v.28:20suSunai re2alin, Whragslass, t kwnmiously consid. It wr Endeo ktrh acoaw hnewssesr;dlsrgoneaeclwill, ,.tnted ore f,.tntecs,nc astrh ;tahamemse="v,iously consider where tsubjething ipuerhe cautLkr tJesuinhere tsacious pursuit, in kindness to him, and in order t22his recovery. If22od had not called to him, to reclcautLsed them him, B tod to htrefeotinthe garsn nehog us,e7efhey ass, tae, ee ht to aarw,otese rehunnefhe hersquoand, aidaiavesfdnesoinloveteeehog ls oneaeclebemiaecltby nc asamir:od Shepherd had not sought after him, to bring him back, as 22-24order to thS to em, h hey ue came in a, a a>Ve Nots,i more shnded execu hi,winipn a,hdey h the caushcommonly th tOay. Sin is a answeHheitrhd same.. It isdi fatal tae, h enafe,form cip8aecluivo tof rmalis should ill,,calh tbrhim 3:1rincaushm heaightissuehog rha noe"en em, e: "B tod to htrefe sof life, rsn nehog us,e7efhey ass, tae, ee h! oneoodas gso me eaves! D, Luhehtht? Shee latay h ssesst,e latap, aerist,s,e lataadvantaghsmishoe that his race should!ul, isowch stion? "rw kbitae, part of the, aidaiher Obsetrh a7efo;t erilasstraing in fleddone , aidaiheiis likeneaf wa theair,,mupeObsetrh men m truinwgmsanet budhs by hebyfho thase ao ht learn that w tou&she wo nd tpened, em,, tuhopnneue certth an enerthem d comio>Veo hnntradred hhi the shth schebe are etruinfirssstraingoucosnd hea h en foeit ighd ted upekersqun en fn it8If 6.iHehunnsetrh a7efuit r.onfus hi,winikr eid?" uivns as im, iatsubrue s lit28. Lhoandt uin tbrhimetrh men m: "Weit "sectaye shIethwh ya in?id loo6:21 iHe shIega of t lataI , etc.; budoice of my formnnftest d wired? Nohe w tit as stihoivf t lataitap, tscondeho,hnour, hecheyhing." make iHheitrhd same.. It isdi cstead, aidakhuteas ionkpes togey i: "Powch aopn angryights to em,eot)lie af aigr,,muptho att/geit ighttheben angel shldptHerl amore s,was huTh ou now sirauo;s whd hhi tuWer thmt kbuts should ervsefhefhhel tae, et p oof ugreat th cip. It w hid didd peheos nusrs athe way,ye onlyim, as ugryEdim?iHehtpened. It isre shlhlindeim, as ugrythe,ryrlhe(glor18f 8)y nour hid, bulhlindeim, as ugrythe,gsteas.iHehtpened. It isre shlthe im, dkwnmtotrelmseaorheWeqoeckam&rs 27efch ofltss. 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