Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
9:1 5274-1161 9:1 υπολαβών δε 9:1 And undertaking, |
1014 βούληται he should want |
2919 κριθήναι to enter into judgment |
5219 υπακούση shall God obey |
9:4 4680 9:4 σοφός 9:4 [3wise |
1514 ειρήνευσεν made peace? |
2690 καταστρέφων eradicating |
2310 θεμελίων its foundations, |
2696 κατασφραγίζει 1he seals up]. |
9:10 3588 9:10 ο 9:10 The one |
421 ανεξιχνίαστα untraceable things; |
1808.1 εξαίσια extraordinary things |
5233 υπερβή he should pass over |
1492 ίδω shall I behold it; |
3928 παρέλθη he should go by |
379.1 αναπόστρεπτος turn away |
1252 διακρίνει shall he litigate |
3756-1522 ουκ εισακούσεταί shall he listen not to |
1189 δεηθήσομαι I will beseech. |
5219 υπακούση he should hearken, |
1522 εισακήκοέ he has listened to |
9:17 3361 9:17 μη 9:17 [2not |
9:18 3756 9:18 ουκ 9:18 [4not |
378.2 αναπνεύσαι to breathe, |
4088 πικρίας with bitterness. |
436 αντιστήσεται 1shall oppose]? |
764 ασεβήσει will be impious; |
576 αποβήσομαι 1I shall turn out]. |
851 αφαίρειταί [2is removed |
9:22 1352 9:22 διό 9:22 Therefore |
9:23 3754 9:23 ότι 9:23 For |
1808.1 εξαισίω 1 are extraordinary], |
2606 καταγελώνται are ridiculed. |
9:24 3860-1063 9:24 παραδέδονται γαρ 9:24 For they are delivered |
765 ασεβούς of the impious; |
4780 συγκαλύπτει 1he covers up]; |
590.2 απέδρασαν my days ran away, |
105 αετού a trace of an eagle |
1950 επιλήσομαι I shall forget |
4794 συγκύψας I will stoop down |
4383 προσώπω my countenance |
4727 στενάξω and I will moan. |
9:28 4579 9:28 σείομαι 9:28 I shake |
1439 εάσεις 1you will 3let]. |
628 απολούσωμαι I should wash myself off |
599.6 αποκαθάρωμαι should clear away |
9:31 2427.1 9:31 ικανώς 9:31 fittingly |
9:32 3756 9:32 ου 9:32 [3not |
480.1 αντικρινούμαι I can judge by comparison, |
2064 έλθωμεν we should come |
3661 ομοθυμαδόν with one accord |
9:33 1489 9:33 είγε 9:33 If indeed |
1651 ελέγχων the one reproving, |
1251 διακούων the one hearing |
9:34 525 9:34 απαλλαξάτω 9:34 let him dismiss |
9:35 2532 9:35 και 9:35 and |
4902.2 συνεπίσταμαι conscious of guilt. |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.