Why do religious experiences happen in all religions, not just Christianity? I. Introduction to the Universality of Religious Experiences Religious experiences—feelings of awe, transcendence, spiritual awakening, or a sense of the divine—are reported in countless cultures and belief systems worldwide. These happenings might range from dramatic visions to deep, inner impressions of peace or revelation. Many ask why such experiences occur in virtually all faith traditions. This article explores Biblical teaching and other relevant insights that shed light on this phenomenon. II. Humanity’s Innate Awareness of the Divine Even those who are not followers of the God of Scripture still sense a spiritual dimension in the world. The Bible indicates that people have an inborn awareness of God: • “For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen…” (Romans 1:19–20). Such verses highlight that no one is entirely lacking in awareness of the divine. Across time, geography, and culture, individuals have tried to connect with something greater, responding to an inherent imprint placed in the human heart. III. The Role of General Revelation Scripture describes two main categories of divine revelation: general and special. General revelation is God’s witness to Himself through creation, consciousness, and the moral law discernible in the human heart. • “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men…” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). This explanation illuminates why people in diverse contexts pursue spiritual realities—even if their understanding is incomplete. Many religious experiences in non-Christian contexts rise from that broad, universal awareness of the supernatural realm. They reflect humanity’s universal search for truth and meaning implanted by the Creator. IV. Spiritual Realities Beyond Christianity The Bible also acknowledges the existence of supernatural dimensions that are not aligned with the God of Scripture. Certain spiritual encounters might stem from deceptive sources or misinterpretations of genuine yearnings for God: • “For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14) • “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God…” (1 John 4:1) These passages caution that not all spiritual experiences are divine in origin. Nevertheless, their occurrence throughout various religions and cultures points not merely to psychological or sociological factors but also to genuine spiritual realities. Some experiences may be prompted by demonic influences, others by the human desire for a transcendent connection. V. Misdirected Worship and Idolatry From a biblical perspective, humans tend to worship something, whether the living God or idols and false deities. The archaeological record shows widespread construction of temples, shrines, and sacred sites long before modern times, suggesting that the impulse to worship predates and transcends individual cultures. Scripture views idolatry as misdirected worship: • “They exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images of mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.” (Romans 1:23) When people who do not know the true God experience what they deem divine manifestations, these encounters can fulfill their desire for spiritual significance while veering from the truth. Nonetheless, these experiences remain a signpost to the deep-seated need for God that lies within every person. VI. Emotional, Psychological, and Behavioral Explanations From a behavioral and philosophical standpoint, humans yearn for purpose, community, and hope. Religious rituals and experiences often foster belonging, moral structure, and emotional reassurance. While secular theories sometimes explain religious experiences as purely psychological or neurological phenomena, Scripture affirms that these human faculties (imagination, reason, emotion) are themselves part of God’s design. That design, however, can be susceptible to misunderstanding or distortion when not grounded in biblical truth. VII. The Centrality of Salvation through Christ Though religious experiences are widespread, Scripture emphasizes that only through Jesus Christ is genuine reconciliation with God made possible: • “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” (John 14:6) All humans, regardless of cultural or religious background, are created in God’s image with a capacity to search for Him. Still, the Bible teaches that true salvation requires learning of, believing in, and following the risen Christ (Romans 10:9–10). While other religions might produce profound spiritual sensations, they lack the complete revelation and atoning sacrifice found in Jesus. VIII. Testing Religious Experiences Against Scripture Authenticity in spiritual encounters is measured against God’s revealed Word. Throughout history, unbiblical practices or ideas have been tested and found inconsistent with biblical revelation. As the psalmist writes, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). In modern times, claims of miracles or supernatural experiences in any religion must be evaluated by biblical guidance. This principle ensures that believers avoid deception and build spiritual discernment. IX. Consistency with God’s Design for Creation God designed the universe with order, beauty, and intricate complexity. People respond to that design by seeking relationship with the Creator, though not everyone recognizes Him in His fullness. Scientific fields, from cosmology to microbiology, have uncovered layers of complexity that continually astonish researchers. Such findings can enhance the sense of wonder and possibly fuel religious experiences across many worldviews. Yet Scripture provides the crucial lens through which that sense of awe is rightly directed to the one true God (Psalm 19:1). X. The Historicity of the Christian Faith and the Resurrection Among all spiritual traditions, the resurrection of Jesus stands uniquely attested. Historical documents, including multiple early sources, support the reality of His empty tomb and post-resurrection appearances. Archaeological discoveries further affirm the existence of biblical places and cultural settings. While this does not diminish the genuineness of others’ spiritual experiences, it underscores the distinctive claim that Christ literally rose from the dead: • “He is not here; He has risen, just as He said…” (Matthew 28:6) This event forms the bedrock of Christian belief and confirms that Jesus fulfills the long-awaited promises of Scripture. XI. Conclusion: Understanding the Universal Hunger for God Religious experiences across myriad faiths highlight humanity’s innate hunger for the divine, implanted by the Creator. Though such experiences vary and can be genuine or deceptive, they reveal that people everywhere seek a higher purpose. Scripture affirms that God has placed eternity in the human heart, and that creation itself declares His glory. However, it is in Jesus Christ that God’s ultimate truth and salvation are made known. Other traditions may spark encounters, but Scripture proclaims that full redemption and the truest knowledge of God are found only through “the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). |