Acts 13
Difficult Questions and Answers
Acts 13:8–12: If Elymas was instantly blinded through a supernatural act, how can this miracle be historically verified or scientifically explained?

Acts 13:19–20: Why does Paul’s recounting of Israel’s history (a 450-year period) seem to conflict with Old Testament timelines?

Acts 13:7,12: If Sergius Paulus was a real proconsul who converted, why is there scant archeological or historical evidence to confirm this event?

Acts 13:9: Why does Saul suddenly become “Paul” in the narrative with no recorded explanation or formal name change?

Acts 13:36–37: Paul claims David “saw corruption” while Jesus did not; how is this consistent with other scriptural passages about bodily decay and resurrection?

Bible Study Questions

1. What does the commissioning of Barnabas and Saul teach us about the role of the Holy Spirit in ministry?

2. How does the confrontation with Elymas the sorcerer showcase the power of God and the consequences of opposing His work?

3. How does Paul's sermon in the synagogue of Pisidia reflect on his understanding of the Old Testament and its fulfillment in Christ?

4. How do we see the theme of Jewish opposition and Gentile acceptance of the Gospel unfold in this chapter?

5. How does Paul and Barnabas' response to persecution inspire us to handle opposition today?

6. What can we learn from the way Paul and Barnabas continuously delivered the message of the Gospel despite the challenges they faced?

7. How does the missionary work in this chapter broaden your understanding of spreading the Gospel?

8. How can Paul and Barnabas' determination to preach the Word of God inspire you in your faith journey?

9. How does the story of Sergius Paulus' conversion underscore the transformative power of the Gospel?

10. How does the boldness of Paul and Barnabas in the face of persecution influence your own courage to share your faith?

11. What lessons can we draw from the way Paul and Barnabas relied on the Holy Spirit throughout their missionary journey?

12. How does the departure of John Mark from the missionary team challenge us to commit wholeheartedly to God's calling?

13. What does the believers' joy in Pisidia teach us about the reception of the Gospel?

14. How can Paul's sermon help us understand the significance of the Old Testament in revealing the Gospel?

15. How does the interaction between Paul, Barnabas, and Elymas challenge you to confront falsehood?

16. In what ways does the Jews' rejection of the Gospel reflect on the hardness of human hearts?

17. How does the Gospel's acceptance among the Gentiles in Pisidia challenge the Church's outreach today?

18. How do you understand the significance of the phrase "continue in the grace of God" in your life?

19. How does the portrayal of the Gentile's joy at hearing the Gospel challenge our own reception of God's word?

20. What does Paul and Barnabas shaking the dust off their feet symbolize, and how can this action speak to us when facing rejection?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Acts 12
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