Isaiah 9:7
Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from that time and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of Hosts will accomplish this.
Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.
This phrase speaks to the eternal and ever-expanding nature of the Messiah's reign. The concept of an unending government contrasts with the temporal and often tumultuous reigns of earthly kings. The promise of peace is significant, as it reflects the Hebrew concept of "shalom," which encompasses wholeness and harmony. This eternal peace is a fulfillment of the covenant promises made to Israel, pointing to a future where the Messiah's rule brings ultimate reconciliation and order.

He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom,
This phrase connects the prophecy to the Davidic Covenant found in 2 Samuel 7:12-16, where God promises David that his throne will be established forever. The Messiah is thus identified as a descendant of David, fulfilling the Jewish expectation of a king who would restore Israel. This lineage is confirmed in the genealogies of Jesus found in Matthew 1 and Luke 3, establishing Him as the rightful heir to David's throne.

to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness
Justice and righteousness are central themes in the prophetic literature, often associated with the ideal king. In the ancient Near East, a king was expected to uphold these virtues to ensure the well-being of his people. The Messiah's reign is characterized by perfect justice and righteousness, reflecting God's own nature and fulfilling the prophetic visions of a restored and just society as seen in passages like Jeremiah 23:5-6.

from that time and forevermore.
This phrase emphasizes the eternal nature of the Messiah's kingdom. Unlike earthly kingdoms that rise and fall, the Messiah's reign is perpetual. This eternal aspect is echoed in Daniel 7:14, where the Son of Man is given an everlasting dominion. The concept of an eternal kingdom is a cornerstone of eschatological hope, promising believers a future where God's rule is fully realized.

The zeal of the LORD of Hosts will accomplish this.
The term "zeal" refers to God's passionate commitment to fulfill His promises. The "LORD of Hosts" underscores God's sovereignty and power, as He commands the armies of heaven. This assurance that God's own zeal will bring about the fulfillment of the prophecy provides confidence that the establishment of the Messiah's kingdom is not dependent on human effort but on divine initiative. This reflects the biblical theme of God's faithfulness to His covenant promises, as seen throughout the Old Testament.

Persons / Places / Events
1. The Messiah
The prophesied ruler whose government and peace will have no end. This is understood to be Jesus Christ in Christian theology.

2. Throne of David
Represents the Davidic covenant, where God promised David that his throne would be established forever.

3. The Kingdom
Refers to the eternal kingdom established by the Messiah, characterized by justice and righteousness.

4. The LORD of Hosts
A title for God emphasizing His power and authority, indicating that it is His zeal that will bring about the fulfillment of this prophecy.

5. Isaiah
The prophet who delivered this message, speaking to the people of Judah during a time of political turmoil and spiritual decline.
Teaching Points
The Eternal Kingdom
The promise of an everlasting kingdom under the Messiah assures believers of the ultimate victory and stability found in Christ.

Justice and Righteousness
The reign of the Messiah is characterized by justice and righteousness, setting a standard for how believers should live and govern their lives.

God's Zeal and Sovereignty
The fulfillment of this prophecy is driven by God's zeal, reminding us of His active role in history and His sovereign power to accomplish His purposes.

The Davidic Covenant
Understanding the continuity of God's promises from the Old Testament to the New Testament strengthens our faith in His unchanging nature.

Hope in Turmoil
Just as Isaiah's prophecy provided hope during a time of political instability, believers today can find hope in the promise of Christ's eternal reign.
Bible Study Questions
1. How does the promise of an eternal kingdom in Isaiah 9:7 provide hope and assurance in your current circumstances?

2. In what ways can you reflect the justice and righteousness of Christ's kingdom in your daily life?

3. How does understanding the Davidic covenant deepen your appreciation for the fulfillment of prophecy in Jesus Christ?

4. What role does God's zeal play in the fulfillment of His promises, and how can this encourage you in your faith journey?

5. How can the promise of Christ's eternal reign influence your perspective on current world events and personal challenges?
Connections to Other Scriptures
2 Samuel 7:12-16
This passage contains the Davidic covenant, where God promises David that his throne will be established forever, directly connecting to the promise in Isaiah 9:7.

Luke 1:32-33
The angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary about Jesus' birth echoes the promise of an eternal kingdom and throne, fulfilling Isaiah's prophecy.

Revelation 11:15
This verse speaks of the eternal reign of Christ, affirming the everlasting kingdom prophesied in Isaiah 9:7.

Psalm 89:3-4
Reiterates God's covenant with David, promising to establish his line forever, which is fulfilled in the Messiah.

Hebrews 1:8
Refers to the Son's eternal throne and kingdom, emphasizing the righteousness and justice of His reign.
Christian Peace ConditionalA. Plummer, M. A.Isaiah 9:7
Christ's Influence Ever IncreasingIsaiah 9:7
Claiming and ReckoningF. B. Meyer, B. A.Isaiah 9:7
He Will Do ItSunday School Teacher.Isaiah 9:7
The Continuity of a Kingdom Founded on RighteousnessR. Tuck Isaiah 9:7
The Empire is PeaceF. B. Meyer B. A.Isaiah 9:7
The Government of the Prince of PeaceR. Macculloch.Isaiah 9:7
The Increase of His GovernmentE. Parsons.Isaiah 9:7
The Missionary WorkT. Dale, M. A.Isaiah 9:7
The Zeal of the LordProf. G. A. Smith, D. D.Isaiah 9:7
Clearest Promises of Christ in Darkest TimesIsaiah 9:1-7
Fulness of ChristW. Bridge, M. A.Isaiah 9:1-7
Good Things in the Days of the Great MessiahE. Erskine.Isaiah 9:1-7
Immanuel the Light of LifeIsaiah 9:1-7
Light Out of DarknessG. F. Pentecost, D. D.Isaiah 9:1-7
Lux in TenebrisIsaiah 9:1-7
NeverthelessD. Davies.Isaiah 9:1-7
Phases of Divine PurposeJ. Parker, D. D.Isaiah 9:1-7
The Nativity of Our LordClergyman's MagazineIsaiah 9:1-7
The Prophecy ExplainedBishop Perowne.Isaiah 9:1-7
The Remedy of the World's MiseryR. Watson.Isaiah 9:1-7
Vision of Future GloryE. Johnson Isaiah 9:1-7
A Christmas Day SketchB. Preece.Isaiah 9:6-7
A Christmas QuestionIsaiah 9:6-7
A Prediction of an Ideal KingB. Blake, B. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
A Prophecy of ChristW. Gregory.Isaiah 9:6-7
A Son and a BrotherF. B. Meyer, B. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Ah! That's the NameGates of ImageryIsaiah 9:6-7
All Creation At War with the SinnerW. Anderson, LL. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
An Infant's Birth a Great EventW. Jay.Isaiah 9:6-7
Apparent ContradictionsB. W. Noel, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ Our Life's RulerF. B. Meyer, B. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ Presented to Mankind SinnersT. Boston.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the Best CounsellorT. Boston.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the CounsellorT. Boston.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the CounsellorW. Reading, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the Everlasting FatherT. Boston.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the Kinsman of the RaceJ. B. Brown, B. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the Mighty GodT. Boston.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the New Life of HumanityJ. B. Brown, B. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the Prince of PeaceT. Boston.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the Prince of PeaceW. Reading, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the Prince of PeaceThe EvangelistIsaiah 9:6-7
Christ the Revealer of GodJ. B. Brown, B. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the Revealer of God and the Asserter of ManA. Maclennan, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ the Universal GovernorE. Phillips.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ Wonderful in His VictoriesT. De W. Talmage, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ Wonderful in the Magnetism of His PersonT. De W. Talmage, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ, the Son of God, Gifted to SinnersT. Boston.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christians Bear Christ's ImageT. Boston.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christmas Celebrates a PersonalityW. H. Murray.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ's BirthdayA. Littleton, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ's Name Above Every NameT. Boston.Isaiah 9:6-7
Christ's Name WonderfulIsaiah 9:6-7
God's NamingsMrs. H. W. Smith.Isaiah 9:6-7
His Name -- the Almighty GodIsaiah 9:6-7
His Name -- the CounsellorIsaiah 9:6-7
His Name -- the Everlasting FatherIsaiah 9:6-7
His Name -- WonderfulIsaiah 9:6-7
Human Redemption by the Divine ManNovalis.Isaiah 9:6-7
Important BirthsW. H. Murray.Isaiah 9:6-7
Jesus Christ the King of All CreationEvan Lewis, B. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Jesus Had Universal ConnectionsW. H. Murray.Isaiah 9:6-7
Jesus Meets Universal WantsW. H. Murray.Isaiah 9:6-7
Jesus the Everlasting FatherJ. H. Evans, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Jesus the Mighty GodJ. H. Evans, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Jesus the Mighty GodJ. Parker, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
Messiah the CounsellorB. W. Noel, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Messiah, the Prince of PeaceB. W. Noel, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Messiah's NameSir E. Strachey, Bart.Isaiah 9:6-7
No Extravagance in ChristJ. Leckie, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
Redemption from Within HumanityJ. B. Brown, B. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Advent of Jesus Joy ProducingFaithful Witness.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Birth of ChristJ. Saurin.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Birth of the WonderfulB. P. Grenoble.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Child Born: the Son GivenJ. Bannerman, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Child DivineW. Birch.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Child Hezekiah -- Yet Someone ElseSir E. Strachey, Bart.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Child JesusW. Jay.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Everlasting FatherF. Delitzsch.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Everlasting FatherB. Blake, B. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Everlasting FatherJ. Edmond, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Good Time ComingP. B. Meyer, B. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Government on Christ's ShoulderT. Boston.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Government on Christ's ShoulderIsaiah 9:6-7
The Government Upon Christ's ShoulderE. Erskine.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Great DelivererJ. Parker, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Great DelivererG. Innes.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Hope of IsraelD. Davies.Isaiah 9:6-7
The IncarnationG. E. Watkins.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Joyful QuarterSunday MagazineIsaiah 9:6-7
The Message of HopeCanon H. Scott-Holland.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Messianic ProphesiesA. T. Pierson, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The NativityA. Littleton, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Nativity of ChristD. Wilson, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Need for the IncarnationBishop Beveridge.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Nurses and Titles of the MessiahJ. Ross, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Predicted Names of ChristJ. Bannerman, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Preparation of the World for ChristJ. B. Brown, B. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Prince of PeaceW. Anderson, LL. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Prince of PeaceC. Bradley, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Prince of PeaceJosiah Mee.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Prince of Peace not Responsible for Strife and ViolenceB. W. Noel, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Prince of the Four NamesProf. G. A. Smith, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Prophet's Supernatural PrevisionJ. Parker, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
The Son GivenIsaiah 9:6-7
The Way that Led to ChristSunday School ChronicleIsaiah 9:6-7
The Wonderful NameT. Kelly.Isaiah 9:6-7
The World into Which Christ was BornJ. B. Brown, B. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Titles of ChristE. Payson, D. D.Isaiah 9:6-7
Unto UsA. Maclennan, M. A.Isaiah 9:6-7
Who was Jesus ChristF. W. Aveling, M. A. , B. Sc.Isaiah 9:6-7
Oracles Concerning SamariaE. Johnson Isaiah 9:7-10:4
Aram, David, Isaiah, Jacob, Manasseh, Naphtali, Rezin, Syrians
Galilee, Jordan River, Midian, Samaria
Accomplish, Age, Almighty, Armies, David, David's, Decision, Establish, Establishing, Evermore, Fixed, Forever, Forevermore, Forth, Government, Henceforth, Hosts, Increase, Increased, Judgment, Justice, Kingdom, Order, Peace, Perform, Power, Princely, Purpose, Reign, Righteousness, Rule, Seat, Strong, Support, Supporting, Throne, Uphold, Upholding, Wise, Zeal
Dictionary of Bible Themes
Isaiah 9:7

     1185   God, zeal of
     1351   covenant, with David
     2072   Christ, righteousness
     2215   Christ, Son of David
     2312   Christ, as king
     2345   Christ, kingdom of
     5089   David, significance
     5360   justice, God
     5426   news
     5581   throne
     7735   leaders, political
     9145   Messianic age

Isaiah 9:1-7

     8370   zeal

Isaiah 9:4-7

     2354   Christ, mission

Isaiah 9:6-7

     1075   God, justice of
     1443   revelation, OT
     2042   Christ, justice of
     2230   Messiah, coming of
     5366   king
     5467   promises, divine
     6641   election, responsibilities
     9140   last days

May 27. "The Government Shall be Upon his Shoulder" (Isa. Ix. 6).
"The government shall be upon His shoulder" (Isa. ix. 6). You cannot make the heart restful by stopping its beating. Belladonna will do that, but that is not rest. Let the breath of life come--God's life and strength--and there will be sweet rest. Home ties and family affection will not bring it. Deliverance from trouble will not bring it. Many a tried heart has said: "If this great trouble was only gone, I should have rest." But as soon as one goes another comes. The poor, wounded deer on the mountain
Rev. A. B. Simpson—Days of Heaven Upon Earth

The Kingdom and the King
'The people that walked in darkness hare seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. 3. Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before Thee according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil. 4. For Thou hast broken the yoke of His burden, and the staff of His shoulder, the rod of His oppressor, as in the day of Midian. 5. For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture

The Nativity
'Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. 19. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily. 20. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture

The Sun Rising Upon a Dark World
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon then hath the light shined. C ontrasts are suited to illustrate and strengthen the impression of each other. The happiness of those, who by faith in MESSIAH, are brought into a state of peace, liberty, and comfort, is greatly enhanced and heightened by the consideration of that previous state of misery in which they once lived, and of the greater misery to which they were justly exposed.
John Newton—Messiah Vol. 1

Characters and Names of Messiah
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. S uch was the triumphant exultation of the Old Testament Church! Their noblest hopes were founded upon the promise of MESSIAH; their most sublime songs were derived from the prospect of His Advent. By faith, which is the substance of things hoped for, they considered the gracious declarations
John Newton—Messiah Vol. 1

December the Twenty-Fourth Entering in at Lowly Doors
"Unto us a Child is born." --ISAIAH ix. 1-7. How gentle the coming! Who would have had sufficient daring of imagination to conceive that God Almighty would have appeared among men as a little child? We should have conceived something sensational, phenomenal, catastrophic, appalling! The most awful of the natural elements would have formed His retinue, and men would be chilled and frozen with fear. But He came as a little child. The great God "emptied Himself"; He let in the light as our eyes were
John Henry Jowett—My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year

Harvest Joy
"Thou hast magnified the nation, and increased the joy: they joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil."--Isaiah 9:3. Notice that I make a correction in the version from which I am reading. The Authorized Version has it, "Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy." This is not consistent with the connection; the Revised Version has very properly put it, "Thou hast multiplied the nation, thou hast increased their joy." I have not
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 38: 1892

His Name --Wonderful!
My dear friends, we live to-day upon the verge of that bright spot. The world has been passing through these clouds of darkness, and the light is gleaming on us now, like the glintings of the first rays of morning. We are coming to a brighter day, and "at evening time it shall be light." The clouds and darkness shall be rolled up as a mantle that God needs no longer, and he shall appear in his glory, and his people shall rejoice with him. But you must mark, that all the brightness was the result
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 4: 1858

His Name --The Counsellor
We shall now enter upon the discussion of this title which is given to Christ, a title peculiar to our Redeemer; and you will see why it should be given to him and why there was a necessity for such a Counsellor. Now, our Lord Jesus Christ is a Counsellor in a three-fold sense. First, he is God's Counsellor; he sits in the cabinet council of the King of heaven; he has admittance into the privy chamber, and is the Counsellor with God. In the second place, Christ is a Counsellor in the sense which
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 4: 1858

His Name --The Mighty God
The term here used for God, El, is taken from a Hebrew or root, which, as I take it, signifies strength; and perhaps a literal translation even of that title might be, "The Strong one," the strong God. But there is added to this an adjective in the Hebrew, expressive of mightiness, and the two taken together express the omnipotence of Christ, his real deity and his omnipotence, as standing first and foremost among the attributes which the prophet beheld. "The mighty God." I do not propose this morning
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 5: 1859

A Christmas Question
This morning, however, the principal object of my discourse, and, indeed, the sole one, is to bring out the force of those two little words, "unto us." For you will perceive that here the full force of the passage lies. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given." The divisions of my discourse are very simple ones. First, is it so? Secondly, if it is so, what then? Thirdly, if it is not so, what then? I. In the first place, IS IT SO? Is it true that unto us a child is born, unto us a Son
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 6: 1860

The Same Text Further Explained.
For His Only-begotten Son might, ye Arians, be called Father' by His Father, yet not in the sense in which you in your error might perhaps understand it, but (while Son of the Father that begat Him) Father of the coming age' (Isa. ix. 6, LXX). For it is necessary not to leave any of your surmises open to you. Well then, He says by the prophet, A Son is born and given to us, whose government is upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Angel of Great Counsel, mighty God, Ruler, Father of the
Athanasius—Select Works and Letters or Athanasius

Two Famous Versions of the Scriptures
[Illustration: (drop cap B) Samaritan Book of the Law] By the blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, on the coast of Egypt, lies Alexandria, a busy and prosperous city of to-day. You remember the great conqueror, Alexander, and how nation after nation had been forced to submit to him, until all the then-known world owned him for its emperor? He built this city, and called it after his own name. About a hundred years before the days of Antiochus (of whom we read in our last chapter) a company of Jews
Mildred Duff—The Bible in its Making

Two Things to be Observed in Gratuitous Justification.
1. The glory of God remains untarnished, when he alone is acknowledged to be just. This proved from Scripture. 2. Those who glory in themselves glory against God. Objection. Answer, confirmed by the authority of Paul and Peter. 3. Peace of conscience obtained by free justification only. Testimony of Solomon, of conscience itself, and the Apostle Paul, who contends that faith is made vain if righteousness come by the law. 4. The promise confirmed by faith in the mercy of Christ. This is confirmed
John Calvin—The Institutes of the Christian Religion

Christ's Prophetic Office
'The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet,' &c. Deut 18:85. Having spoken of the person of Christ, we are next to speak of the offices of Christ. These are Prophetic, Priestly, and Regal. 'The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet.' Enunciatur hic locus de Christo. It is spoken of Christ.' There are several names given to Christ as a Prophet. He is called the Counsellor' in Isa 9:9. In uno Christo Angelus foederis completur [The Messenger of the Covenant appears in Christ alone].
Thomas Watson—A Body of Divinity

The Upbringing of Jewish Children
The tenderness of the bond which united Jewish parents to their children appears even in the multiplicity and pictorialness of the expressions by which the various stages of child-life are designated in the Hebrew. Besides such general words as "ben" and "bath"--"son" and "daughter"--we find no fewer than nine different terms, each depicting a fresh stage of life. The first of these simply designates the babe as the newly--"born"--the "jeled," or, in the feminine, "jaldah"--as in Exodus 2:3, 6, 8.
Alfred Edersheim—Sketches of Jewish Social Life

The Disciple, -- Master, if Thou Wouldst Make a Special Manifestation of Thyself to The...
The Disciple,--Master, if Thou wouldst make a special manifestation of Thyself to the world, men would no longer doubt the existence of God and Thy own divinity, but all would believe and enter on the path of righteousness. The Master,--1. My son, the inner state of every man I know well, and to each heart in accordance with its needs I make Myself known; and for bringing men into the way of righteousness there is no better means than the manifestation of Myself. For man I became man that he might
Sadhu Sundar Singh—At The Master's Feet

Of the Name of God
Exod. iii. 13, 14.--"And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." We are now about this question, What God is. But who can answer it? Or, if answered, who can understand it? It should astonish us in
Hugh Binning—The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning

Humility is the Root of Charity, and Meekness the Fruit of Both. ...
Humility is the root of charity, and meekness the fruit of both. There is no solid and pure ground of love to others, except the rubbish of self-love be first cast out of the soul; and when that superfluity of naughtiness is cast out, then charity hath a solid and deep foundation: "The end of the command is charity out of a pure heart," 1 Tim. i. 5. It is only such a purified heart, cleansed from that poison and contagion of pride and self-estimation, that can send out such a sweet and wholesome
Hugh Binning—The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning

Wesley's Hymns Reconsidered
Bernard Manning A paper read before the Cambridge University Methodist Society on February 9, 1939. SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE, sometime Scholar of Jesus College in the University of Cambridge, once wrote some ingenious verses {Metrical Feet: Lesson for a Boy.} to help his sons to remember the chief sorts of metre. If Coleridge had been a Methodist instead of a pilgrim from Anglicanism to Unitarianism and back again, he would have needed to do no such thing: he would have needed only to advise his boys
Bernard L. Manning—The Hymns of Wesley and Watts: Five Papers

The Lord's Prayer.
(Jerusalem. Thursday Night.) ^D John XVII. ^d 1 These things spake Jesus; and lifting up his eyes to heaven [the action marked the turning of his thoughts from the disciples to the Father], he said, Father, the hour is come [see pp. 116, 440]; glorify thy Son, that the son may glorify thee: 2 even as thou gavest him authority over all flesh, that to all whom thou hast given him, he should give eternal life. [The Son here prays for his glorification, viz.: resurrection, ascension, coronation, etc.,
J. W. McGarvey—The Four-Fold Gospel

Grace unto you and peace be multiplied. I Pet 1:1. Having spoken of the first fruit of sanctification, assurance, I proceed to the second, viz., Peace, Peace be multiplied:' What are the several species or kinds of Peace? Peace, in Scripture, is compared to a river which parts itself into two silver streams. Isa 66:12. I. There is an external peace, and that is, (1.) (Economical, or peace in a family. (2.) Political, or peace in the state. Peace is the nurse of plenty. He maketh peace in thy borders,
Thomas Watson—A Body of Divinity

How those who Fear Scourges and those who Contemn them are to be Admonished.
(Admonition 14.) Differently to be admonished are those who fear scourges, and on that account live innocently, and those who have grown so hard in wickedness as not to be corrected even by scourges. For those who fear scourges are to be told by no means to desire temporal goods as being of great account, seeing that bad men also have them, and by no means to shun present evils as intolerable, seeing they are not ignorant how for the most part good men also are touched by them. They are to be admonished
Leo the Great—Writings of Leo the Great

Messiah's Entrance into Jerusalem
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: He is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass. -- And He shall speak peace unto the heathen. T he narrowness and littleness of the mind of fallen man are sufficiently conspicuous in the idea he forms of magnificence and grandeur. The pageantry and parade of a Roman triumph, or of an eastern monarch, as described in history, exhibit him to us
John Newton—Messiah Vol. 1

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