Epistles of Paul To Timothy
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Epistles of Paul To Timothy

The Epistles to Timothy and Titus are called the Pastoral Epistles, because they are principally devoted to directions about the work of the pastor of a church. The First Epistle was probably written from Macedonia, A.D. 65, in the interval between St. Paul's first and second imprisonments at Rome. The absence of any local reference but that in (1 Timothy 1:3) suggests Macedonia or some neighboring district. In some MSS. and versions Laodicea is named in the inscription as the place from which it was sent. The Second Epistle appears to have been written A.D. 67 or 68, and in all probability at Rome. The following are the characteristic features of these epistles:-- (1) The ever-deepening sense in St. Paul's heart of the divine mercy of which he was the object, as shown in the insertion of the "mercy" in the salutations of both epistles, and in the "obtained mercy" of (1 Timothy 1:13) (2) The greater abruptness of the Second Epistle. From first to last there is no plan, no treatment of subjects carefully thought out. All speaks of strong overflowing emotion memories of the past, anxieties about the future. (3) The absence, as compared with St. Paul other epistles, of Old Testament references. This may connect itself with the fact just noticed, that these epistles are not argumentative, possibly also with the request for the "books and parchments" which had been left behind. (2 Timothy 4:13) (4) The conspicuous position of the "faithful sayings" as taking the place occupied in other epistles by the Old Testament Scriptures. The way in which these are cited as authoritative, the variety of subjects which they cover, suggests the thought that in them we have specimens of the prophecies of the apostolic Church which had most impressed themselves on the mind of the apostle and of the disciples generally. (1 Corinthians 14:1) ... shows how deep a reverence he was likely to feel for spiritual utterances. In (1 Timothy 4:1) we have a distinct reference to them. (5) The tendency of the apostle's mind to dwell more on the universality of the redemptive work of Christ, (1 Timothy 2:3-6; 4:10) and his strong desire that all the teaching of his disciples should be "sound." (6) The importance attached by him to the practical details of administration. The gathered experience of a long life had taught him that the life and well being of the Church required these for its safeguards. (7) The recurrence of doxologies, (1 Timothy 1:17; 6:15,16; 2 Timothy 4:18) as from one living perpetually in the presence of God, to whom the language of adoration was as his natural speech.


The Epistles of Paul.
... It is urged again that when Paul wrote the pastoral epistles Timothy was
a young man.1 Tim.4:12; 2:Tim.2:22. But according to ancient ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxx the epistles of.htm

The Epistles of Paul
... Ephesians, Philippians, and the farewell counsels in the Pastoral Epistles. ... 6. Pastoral:
Timothy and Titus. ... the man." This applies with peculiar force to Paul. ...
/.../schaff/history of the christian church volume i/section 88 the epistles of.htm

The First Epistle to Timothy
... 1. This letter is one of the Pastoral Epistles of Paul, which are so ... It is evident,
however, that, with the possible exception of II Timothy, they were not ...
/.../drummond/introduction to the new testament/the first epistle to timothy.htm

The Future of Christ's Kingdom First Group of Epistles the First ...
... "These are called 'The Pastoral Epistles,' and were designed to instruct Timothy
and Titus as ... Common Plan.+"The plan in all of Paul's Epistles, with slight ...
/.../sell/bible studies in the life of paul/study vii the future of 2.htm

The Epistles of St. Paul
... Paul's Epistles in the 2nd century, and the impossibility of finding any one who
had the genius to personate the great ... The Epistles to Timothy and Titus are ...
/.../pullan/the books of the new testament/chapter viii the epistles of.htm

Homilies on the Epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.
... Episcopate, dangers of the, [3309]522. Epistles, occasional, not superfluous,
[3310]545. ... Paul, St., why he wrote to Timothy and Titus only, [3630]407 ...
/.../homilies on the epistles to.htm

The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople ...
... the homilies of St. john Chrysostom archbishop of constantinople, on the EPISTLES
OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE TO timothy, titus, and philemon. ...
/.../the homilies of st john 2.htm

The Pastoral Epistles
... 1 and 2 Timothy nd Titus form the fourth and last group of St. Paul's Epistles,
and are known as the Pastoral Epistles,[1] because they deal so largely with ...
/.../pullan/the books of the new testament/chapter xvii the pastoral epistles.htm

Pastoral and Personal
... THE QUESTIONS DISCUSSED. +The Personal Element+ in these epistles is quite large
both in respect to Timothy and Titus and Paul himself, but it is quite evident ...
/.../sell/bible studies in the life of paul/study x pastoral and personal.htm

The Pastoral Epistles.
... The Second Epistle to Timothy, whether genuine or not, hails from a Roman prison,
and appears to be the last of Paul's Epistles; for he was then hourly ... Paul. ...
/.../history of the christian church volume i/section 99 the pastoral epistles.htm



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Epistles of Paul To Timothy

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Epistles: from the Congregation at Jerusalem to the Gentiles

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