Tinkling (4 Occurrences)... Easton's Bible Dictionary
Tinkling ornaments. (Isaiah 3:18
... insects.
Multi-Version Concordance
Tinkling (4 Occurrences). 1 Corinthians
.../t/tinkling.htm - 8kTinkle (1 Occurrence)
... the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched-forth necks and wanton
eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet ...
/t/tinkle.htm - 7k
Mincing (1 Occurrence)
... min'-sing (Taphaph): "Taking short steps," "walking trippingly." Only in Isaiah
3:16, "walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling (a jingling of the ...
/m/mincing.htm - 7k
Bravery (1 Occurrence)
... er-i: tiph'arah or `tiph'ereth = "beauty," "glory," "honor" and "majesty," hence,
"splendor of bravery." "The bravery of their tinkling ornaments" (Isaiah 3:18 ...
/b/bravery.htm - 7k
... legs." It was these "anklets" that Isaiah represented the ladies of Jerusalem as
"rattling" as they walked (Isaiah 3:16 to end), "making a tinkling with their ...
/a/ankle-chain.htm - 7k
... legs." It was these "anklets" that Isaiah represented the ladies of Jerusalem as
"rattling" as they walked (Isaiah 3:16 to end), "making a tinkling with their ...
/a/anklet.htm - 7k
... legs." It was these "anklets" that Isaiah represented the ladies of Jerusalem as
"rattling" as they walked (Isaiah 3:16 to end), "making a tinkling with their ...
/a/anklechain.htm - 7k
Ornaments (50 Occurrences)
... Easton's Bible Dictionary Tinkling ornaments. (Isaiah 3:18), anklets of silver or
gold, etc., such as are still used by women in Syria and the East. ...
/o/ornaments.htm - 22k
Wantonly (8 Occurrences)
... the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched-forth necks and wanton
eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet ...
/w/wantonly.htm - 9k
Wanton (20 Occurrences)
... the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton
eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet ...
/w/wanton.htm - 13k
Bible Concordance
Tinkling (4 Occurrences)1 Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
Exodus 28:35 It shall be on Aaron to minister: and its sound shall be heard when he goes in to the holy place before Yahweh, and when he comes out, that he not die.
(See NAS)
Isaiah 3:16 Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:
Isaiah 3:18 In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon,
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Tinkling ornaments
(Isaiah 3:18), anklets of silver or gold, etc., such as are still used by women in Syria and the East.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (
p. pr. & vb. n.) of Tinkle.
2. (n.) A tinkle, or succession of tinkles.
3. (n.) A grackle (Quiscalus crassirostris) native of Jamaica. It often associates with domestic cattle, and rids them of insects.
Strong's Hebrew
5914. ekes -- an anklet, bangle... stocks,
tinkling ornament. From akac; a fetter; hence, an anklet -- stocks,
tinkling ornament. see HEBREW akac. 5913, 5914. ekes. 5915 . Strong's Numbers.
/hebrew/5914.htm - 6k 5913. akas -- to shake bangles, rattle, tinkle
... NASB Word Usage tinkle the bangles (1). make a tinkling ornament, put on
anklets. A primitive root; properly, to tie, specifically ...
/hebrew/5913.htm - 6k
6963. qol -- sound, voice
... roared loudly* (1), roared* (1), screamed* (1), shout (1), sound (98), sound* (1),
sounds (3), speaks (1), thunder (11), thunderbolt* (2), tinkling (1), voice ...
/hebrew/6963.htm - 6k
Lost in the Woods.
... After listening carefully for the tinkling of the cow-bells, Bessie was bewildered,
for she could seemingly hear them in every direction. ...
/.../byrum/the value of a praying mother/chapter xix lost in the.htm
Heracleon's view of the Voice, and of John the Baptist.
... for the battle," and that which says that though a man have knowledge of mysteries,
or have prophecy but wants love, he is a sounding or a tinkling cymbal. ...
/.../origen/origens commentary on the gospel of john/12 heracleons view of the.htm
An Illustration Showing How we are Taught that Unclean Spirits ...
... the dark shades of night sprinkle with careful hands little grains of sand and discover
the hidden treasures which they cannot see by the tinkling sound with ...
/.../cassian/the works of john cassian /chapter xvi an illustration showing.htm
The True Gentleman
... Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity,
I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. ...
/.../kingsley/sermons for the times/sermon xx the true gentleman.htm
The Preacher as a Patriot.
... Because the daughters of Jerusalem are haughty, and walk with outstretched neck
and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, making a tinkling with their ...
/.../stalker/the preacher and his models/lecture iii the preacher as.htm
Power in Operation.
... with the eloquence of a Demosthenes, or of the greatest living orator, if there
is no love back of his words, it is like sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. ...
// power/chapter iv power in operation.htm
Love, the Motive Power for Service.
... love" instead of "charity":""Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. ...
/.../moody/to the work to the work/chapter ii love the motive.htm
Gifts no Certain Evidence of Grace.
... yet be nothing in religion""Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. ...
/.../lee/sermons on various important subjects/sermon xiv gifts no certain.htm
The Greatest Thing in the World And Other Addresses
... THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD. THOUGH I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
and have not love, I am become as a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. ...
/.../drummond/the greatest thing in the world and other addresses/title page.htm
The Vain Pretensions of False Gods.
... "There is no God, O woman, that can save. One man by another; if indeed a man,.
With sound of tinkling cymbals, charm a god. Where'er he listeth, then assuredly ...
/.../justin on the sole government of god /chapter v the vain pretensions of.htm
Related Terms
Tinkle (1 Occurrence)
Mincing (1 Occurrence)
Bravery (1 Occurrence)
Ornaments (50 Occurrences)
Wantonly (8 Occurrences)
Wanton (20 Occurrences)
Tires (3 Occurrences)
Tiny (2 Occurrences)
Embroidered (26 Occurrences)
Deceiving (18 Occurrences)
Moons (17 Occurrences)
Bracelet (5 Occurrences)
Cauls (1 Occurrence)
Stretched-forth (1 Occurrence)
Stretched-out (21 Occurrences)
Ornament (23 Occurrences)
Extended (40 Occurrences)
Messengers (182 Occurrences)
Charity (29 Occurrences)
Stretching (84 Occurrences)
Moon (70 Occurrences)
Tongues (67 Occurrences)
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