Jump to: ISBE • Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (n. pl.) Two small, concave shells of ivory or hard wood, shaped like spoons, fastened to the thumb, and beaten together with the middle finger; -- used by the Spaniards and Moors as an accompaniment to their dance and guitars.International Standard Bible Encyclopedia CASTANETSkas'-ta-nets, kas-ta-nets' (mena`an`im): Are mentioned in 2 Samuel 6:5 among the musical instruments upon which David and the house of Israel played at the time of the bringing up of the ark out of the house of Abinadab. This word is incorrectly translated "cornets" in the King James Version. The castanet was probably about the same kind of instrument as the Egyptian sistrum, and the Revised Version (British and American) has "sistra" in the margin of 2 Samuel 6:5. The sialrum was a loop-shaped metal frame through which were passed loose rods at the ends of which were rings. The instrument was held by a long handle and was rattled during songs and dances. It was used in Egypt in religious worship or to scare away evil influences. There is only the one reference to this instrument in the Bible. Strong's Hebrew 4517. menaanea -- probably (a kind of musical) rattle... 4516, 4517. menaanea. 4518 . probably (a kind of musical) rattle. Transliteration: menaanea Phonetic Spelling: (men-ah-ah') Short Definition: castanets. ... /hebrew/4517.htm - 6k Library Was it for this He Sent Souls, that Some Should Infest the ... That the Inventors of Other Arts were Mostly Barbarians. Jerusalem Made the Capital City But Let There Be, as You Wish, Honour in Wine and in Incense... The Last Days of the Old Eastern World Thesaurus Castanets (1 Occurrence)... guitars. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. CASTANETS. kas'-ta ... Bible. AW Fortune. Multi-Version Concordance Castanets (1 Occurrence). 2 Samuel ... /c/castanets.htm - 8k Cymbals (15 Occurrences) Lyres (21 Occurrences) Fir-wood (4 Occurrences) Tambourines (13 Occurrences) Music (143 Occurrences) Cypress-wood (6 Occurrences) Castaway (1 Occurrence) Celebrating (7 Occurrences) Stringed (34 Occurrences) Resources Castanets: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.comBible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Castanets (1 Occurrence)2 Samuel 6:5 Subtopics Related Terms |