Topical Encyclopedia The term "damsel" in the Bible typically refers to a young woman or girl, often unmarried, and is used in various contexts throughout the Scriptures. The word is derived from the Hebrew and Greek terms that denote a young female, and it appears in several key passages, illustrating different aspects of life and society in biblical times.Old Testament References In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word often translated as "damsel" is "na'arah," which signifies a young woman of marriageable age. One notable mention is in the account of Rebekah, who is described as a damsel when she meets Abraham's servant at the well (Genesis 24:16): "Now the girl was very beautiful, a virgin who had not had relations with any man. She went down to the spring, filled her jar, and came up again." This passage highlights the cultural importance of purity and readiness for marriage. Another significant reference is found in the account of Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah, who is referred to as a damsel in the narrative of her encounter with Shechem (Genesis 34:3-4): "And his soul was drawn to Dinah, the daughter of Jacob. He loved the young woman and spoke tenderly to her. So Shechem said to his father Hamor, 'Get me this girl as a wife.'" This account underscores the vulnerability and societal position of young women in ancient times. New Testament References In the New Testament, the Greek term "korasion" is used to describe a young girl or damsel. One of the most well-known instances is the account of Jairus' daughter, whom Jesus raises from the dead. In Mark 5:41-42 , it is written: "Taking her by the hand, He said to her, 'Talitha koum!' (which means, 'Little girl, I say to you, get up!'). Immediately the girl got up and began to walk around. She was twelve years old, and at once they were utterly astounded." This miracle demonstrates Jesus' compassion and authority over life and death. Another mention is in the parable of the ten virgins, where the term "damsels" is used to describe the young women waiting for the bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13). This parable emphasizes the importance of readiness and vigilance in the Christian life. Cultural and Social Context In biblical times, damsels were often seen as symbols of purity and potential, with their primary societal role being preparation for marriage and family life. The protection and provision for young women were significant concerns, as seen in various laws and narratives throughout the Scriptures. The status and treatment of damsels can also reflect broader themes of justice, mercy, and the value of individuals in the eyes of God. Spiritual Significance The use of the term "damsel" in the Bible often carries a deeper spiritual significance, illustrating themes of innocence, faith, and the transformative power of God's intervention. The accounts involving damsels frequently highlight God's care for the vulnerable and His ability to bring life and hope in seemingly hopeless situations. Library The Adventures of Saint Patrick of Ireland. A Favourite Song, or we Might Almost Call it a Ballad for Easter ... Ephesians iv. 17-19 The Rival Empresses --Pulcheria and Eudocia The Adventures of Saint Denis of France. The Adventures of Saint Anthony of Italy. How David Prevailed. Psalm 68 The Pilgrim's Progress of 1352 Knox and Queen Mary (Continued), 1561-1564 Thesaurus Damsels (9 Occurrences)... Multi-Version Concordance Damsels (9 Occurrences). Genesis 24:61 And Rebekah arose, and her damsels, and they rode upon the camels ... /d/damsels.htm - 9k Damsel's (8 Occurrences) Damsel (43 Occurrences) Weeds (14 Occurrences) Immanuel (3 Occurrences) Timbrels (9 Occurrences) Embroidery (12 Occurrences) Players (7 Occurrences) Broidery (1 Occurrence) Resources What does the Bible say about women music ministers / worship leaders? | GotQuestions.orgHow should Christians view Disney? | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Damsels (9 Occurrences)Genesis 24:61 Exodus 2:5 Judges 5:30 1 Samuel 25:42 Job 41:5 Psalms 68:25 Proverbs 9:3 Proverbs 27:27 Proverbs 31:15 Subtopics Related Terms |