His multitude of horses will cover you in their dust. When he enters your gates as an army entering a breached city, your walls will shake from the noise of cavalry, wagons, and chariots. People Ezekiel, Nebuchadnezzar, NebuchadrezzarPlaces Babylon, Edom, Jerusalem, TyreTopics Abundance, Breach, Breached, Broken, Broken-up, Cavalry, Chariots, Cover, Covered, Doorways, Dust, Enter, Entered, Enters, Gates, Horseman, Horsemen, Horses, Multitude, Noise, Open, Raised, Reason, Rider, Shake, Shaking, Town, Tremble, Wagons, Walls, War, War-carriages, Wheel, Wheels, WhereinOutline 1. Tyrus, for insulting Jerusalem, is threatened with destruction7. The power of Nebuchadnezzar against her15. The mourning and astonishment of the sea at her fall |