Samaria: Country of: Jesus Heals Lepers In
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Geographical and Historical Context

Samaria, historically a central region of ancient Israel, holds significant biblical importance. It was established as the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the reign of King Omri around 880 BC (1 Kings 16:24). The region, named after the city of Samaria, became a focal point of political and religious activity. Following the Assyrian conquest in 722 BC, Samaria experienced a period of cultural and religious syncretism, which led to tensions between the Samaritans and the Jews of Judea.

Biblical Significance

In the New Testament, Samaria is notably mentioned in the context of Jesus' ministry. Despite the historical animosity between Jews and Samaritans, Jesus traversed this region, demonstrating His message of reconciliation and inclusivity. One of the most profound events recorded in the Gospels is the healing of the ten lepers, which took place in this area.

Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers

The account of Jesus healing the ten lepers is found in the Gospel of Luke. As Jesus was traveling along the border between Samaria and Galilee, He encountered a group of ten men afflicted with leprosy. According to the Berean Standard Bible, the passage reads:

"Now on His way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As He entered a village, ten men with leprosy met Him. They stood at a distance and raised their voices, shouting, 'Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!' When Jesus saw them, He said, 'Go, show yourselves to the priests.' And as they went, they were cleansed" (Luke 17:11-14).

This miraculous healing underscores several key theological themes. Firstly, it highlights Jesus' compassion and willingness to heal those marginalized by society. Leprosy, a debilitating skin disease, rendered individuals ceremonially unclean, isolating them from community and worship. By healing the lepers, Jesus not only restored their physical health but also their social and religious standing.

Secondly, the narrative emphasizes faith and obedience. Jesus instructed the lepers to show themselves to the priests, a requirement for re-entry into society as prescribed by Mosaic Law (Leviticus 14:2-32). Their healing occurred as they obeyed His command, illustrating the power of faith in action.

The Grateful Samaritan

Among the ten lepers, only one returned to express gratitude, and he was a Samaritan. The text continues:

"One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, 'Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?' Then He said to him, 'Rise and go; your faith has made you well'" (Luke 17:15-19).

This interaction is significant for several reasons. It highlights the theme of gratitude and the recognition of divine grace. The Samaritan's return to thank Jesus is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of faith and the breaking down of ethnic and religious barriers. Jesus' commendation of the Samaritan's faith serves as a reminder of the universality of His message and the inclusivity of God's kingdom.


The healing of the ten lepers in Samaria is a profound testament to Jesus' ministry of compassion, faith, and reconciliation. It serves as a reminder of the transformative power of Christ's love and the call to gratitude and faithfulness in response to His grace.
Nave's Topical Index
Luke 17:11-19
And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the middle of Samaria and Galilee.
Nave's Topical Index


Index i. Of Subjects
... Galilee, country of, exports and character of, i.117, 223, 224; ... Jesus Christ,
annunciation of, i.150-152; His Name, 155; ... the two days in Samaria, 420-422; ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/index i of subjects.htm

Miracles of Healing Solicited by the Sufferers.
... The sacred customs of his country our Lord in ... to blaze abroad the matter, insomuch
that Jesus could no ... done apparently in a village of Galilee towards Samaria. ...
/.../macdonald/miracles of our lord/v miracles of healing solicited.htm

The Jerusalem Sinner Saved;
... that grace that has laid hold on the man; and so Christ Jesus sows much ... way is ofttimes
to step out of the way, to Jericho, to Samaria, to the country of the ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the jerusalem sinner saved.htm

Homilies on the Gospel of John.
... by the Samaritans, [315]123; avoided His own country, not to ... of, rebuked by the woman
of Samaria, [594]110 ... of, [760]102; slow to believe in Jesus Christ, [761 ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homilies on the gospel of.htm

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Bible ConcordanceBible DictionaryBible EncyclopediaTopical BibleBible Thesuarus

Ancient Samaria: A Mountainous Country

Ancient Samaria: had Many Cities

Ancient Samaria: Inhabitants of, Carried Captive to Assyria

Ancient Samaria: People of Characterised as Corrupt and Wicked

Ancient Samaria: People of Characterised as Idolatrous

Ancient Samaria: People of Characterised as Proud and Arrogant

Ancient Samaria: Predictions Respecting Its Destruction

Ancient Samaria: Repeopled from Assyria

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Besieged Again by Benhadad

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Besieged and Taken by Shalmaneser

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Besieged by Benhadad

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Built by Omri King of Israel

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Called After Shemer the Owner of the Hill on Which It Was

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Called the Head of Ephraim

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Called the Mountain of Samaria

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Deliverance of, Effected

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Deliverance of, Predicted

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Delivered by Miraculous Means

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Elisha Predicted Plenty In

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Kings of Israel Sometime Took Their Titles From

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Remarkable Plenty In, As Foretold by Elisha

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Suffered Severely from Famine

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of The Burial Place of the Kings of Israel

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of The Pool of Samaria Near To

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of The Prophet Elisha Dwelt In

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of The Residence of the Kings of Israel

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Was a Fenced City, and Well Provided With Arms

Ancient Samaria: The Territory of Ephraim and Manasseh Properly So Called

Ancient Samaria: The Whole Kingdom of Israel Sometimes Called

Modern Samaria: Christ After his Resurrection Commanded the Gospel to Be

Modern Samaria: Christ at First Forbade his Disciples to Visit

Modern Samaria: Christ Preached In

Modern Samaria: Cities of, Mentioned in Scripture: Antipatris

Modern Samaria: Cities of, Mentioned in Scripture: Samaria

Modern Samaria: Cities of, Mentioned in Scripture: Sychar

Modern Samaria: had Many Cities

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Abhorred by the Jews

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Boasted Descent from Jacob

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Expected the Messiah

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of had No Intercourse or Dealings With the Jews

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of More Humane and Grateful than the Jews

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Opposed the Jews After Their Return from Captivity

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Professed to Worship God

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Ready to Hear and Embrace the Gospel

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Their Religion Mixed With Idolatry

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Their True Descent

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Were Superstitious

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Worshipped on Mount Gerizim

Modern Samaria: Many Christian Churches In

Modern Samaria: Situated Between Judea and Galilee

Modern Samaria: The Gospel First Preached In, by Philip

Modern Samaria: The Persecuted Christians Fled To


Samaria: City of, Built by Omri

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Besieged by Ben-Hadad

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Besieged by Shalmaneser, King of Assyria, for Three Years

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Capitol of the Kingdom of the Ten Tribes

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Idolatry of

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Paul and Barnabas Preach In

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Temple of, Destroyed

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Visited by Philip, Peter, and John

Samaria: Country of

Samaria: Country of: Disciples Made from the Inhabitants of

Samaria: Country of: Foreign Colonies Distributed Among the Cities of, by the King of Assyria

Samaria: Country of: Jesus Forbids the Apostles to Preach in the Cities of

Samaria: Country of: Jesus Heals Lepers In

Samaria: Country of: Jesus Travels Through

Samaria: Country of: No Dealings Between the Jews and the Inhabitants of

Samaria: Country of: Roads Through, from Judaea Into Galilee

Samaria: Country of: Samaritans Were Expecting the Messiah

Samaria: Country of: The Good Samaritan From

Samaria: The King of Syria is Led Into, by Elisha, Who Miraculously Blinds Him and his Army

Related Terms

Sama'ria's (1 Occurrence)

Sama'ria (102 Occurrences)

Samaria: Country of: Jesus Forbids the Apostles to Preach in the Cities of
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