Genesis 1
Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Par ▾ 
1In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. 2The Earth was chaos and empty and darkness on the faces of the depths and the Spirit of God hovered on the faces of the waters.

3And God said, “The light shall be”, and the light was. 4And God saw the light that it is beautiful and God separated between the light unto the darkness. 5And God called the light the day, and the darkness he called the night, and it was evening and it was dawn, day one.

6And God said, “The sky shall be in the middle of the waters, and will be separating between the waters unto the waters.” 7And God made the firmament, and it separated between the waters lower than the sky and between the waters that were higher than the sky, and it was in this way. 8And God called the sky, Heaven; and it was evening and it was dawn, day second.

9And God said, “The waters shall be gathered that are lower than Heaven to one region, and the dried land shall appear”, and it was in this way. 10And God called the dried land, Earth, and the assembly of waters he called, the Seas, and God saw that it was excellent. 11And God said, “The Earth shall bring forth new grass, grass that seeds seed for its kind, and the tree of fruit that makes fruit for its kind, of its planting inside it on the Earth”, and it was in this way. 12And the Earth brought out new grass, grass that seeds the seed for its kind, and the tree that makes the fruit of its planting inside it, for its kind, and God saw that it was pleasing. 13And it was evening, and it was dawn, day third.

14And God said, “Lights shall be in the firmament of Heaven to distinguish between daytime and night and they shall be for signs and for times and for days and for years: 15And they shall be giving light in the firmament of Heaven to give light on the Earth”, and it was in this way. 16And God made two great lights: a great light for a ruler of daytime, and one little light for a ruler of the night, and the stars. 17And God gave them in the firmament of Heaven to give light on the Earth, 18And to rule by day and by night and to separate between the light unto the darkness, and God saw that it was good. 19And it was evening, and it was dawn, day fourth.

20And God said, “Swarmers shall swarm the waters, the living soul, and the bird will fly above the Earth, above the face of the firmament of Heaven.” 21And God created the great Dragon and every living soul, swarmers that made the waters swarm with their kinds, and every bird of the wing with its kind, and God saw that it was beautiful. 22And God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters that are in the Seas, and the bird will increase in the earth.” 23And it was evening, and it was dawn, day fifth.

24And God said, “The Earth shall produce the living soul with its genus, beast, and creepers, and the beast of the Earth with its kind”, and it was in this way. 25And God made the animal of the Earth with its genus, and the cattle with its genus, and every creeper of the Earth with its kind, and God saw that it was excellent.

26And God said, “We shall make men in our image, according to our form, and they shall rule among the fish of the Sea, and among the birds of Heaven, and among cattle, and among all animals of the Earth, and among all creepers that creep on the Earth.” 27And God created Adam in his image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28And God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the Sea, and over the fowl of Heaven, and over cattle, and over all animals that creep on the Earth.” 29And God said, “Behold, I have given to you all grass of the seed that bears seed on the face of all the Earth, and every tree that has in itself the fruit of the tree, of its seed, bearing seed; you shall have it for food. 30And every animal of the wilderness and every bird of Heaven and for everything that swarms on the Earth that has in it the living soul and all green grass for food”, and it was so. 31And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very pleasing, and it was evening and it was dawn, the sixth day.

The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated
Translated by Glenn David Bauscher
Glenn David Bauscher
Lulu Publishing
Copyright © 2018 Lulu Publishing
3rd edition Copyright © 2019

Revelation 22
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