Greetings from Paul and Timothy 1Paul & Timotheus the seruauntes of Iesus Christ: To all the saintes in Christ Iesus, whiche are at Philippos, with the bisshops & deacons:
2Grace Thanksgiving and Prayer 3I thanke my God, with all remembraunce of you,
4( Alwayes in all my prayer for all you, makyng prayer with gladnesse,)
5For your felowship in the Gospell, fro the first day vntyll nowe.
6And beyng perswaded of this same thyng, that he which hath begun good worke in you, wyll perfourme it vntyll the day of Iesus Christe,
7As it becommeth me to iudge this of you al, because I haue you in my heart, and in my bondes, in the defence and confirmation of the Gospell, you all beyng partakers of my grace.
8For God is my recorde howe greatly I long after you all, in the bowels of Iesus Christe.
9And this I pray, that your loue may abounde yet more and more in knowledge, and in all vnderstandyng:
10That ye maye discerne thynges that differ, that ye maye be pure, and without offence, tyll the day of Christe.
11Beyng fylled with the fruites of righteousnesse, which Paul’s Trials Advance the Gospel 12But I woulde ye should vnderstande brethren, that the thinges which To Live Is Christ 21For Christe Worthy of the Gospel 27Only let your conuersation be, as it becommeth the Gospell of Christe: that whether I come and set you, or els be absent, I may yet heare of your matters, that ye continue in one spirite, in one soule, fyghtyng together for ye fayth of the Gospell.
28And in nothyng fearyng your aduersaries, which is to them a token of perdition: but to you of saluatio, and that of God.
29For vnto you it is geuen for Christe, not only this to beleue on hym: but also this, to suffer for his sake,
30Hauing the same fight, which ye sawe in me, and nowe heare in me. |