1 Samuel 3
The LORD Calls Samuel
The Divine Calling of Samuel

The chapter's profound exploration of Samuel's divine calling reminds us of the importance of being open to God's guidance and revelations. It shows how God's plans are righteous and just, calling us to faithful obedience and humility before His divine will. Despite our fear or reluctance, we must faithfully carry out our duties and acknowledge His sovereignty in our lives.

Verses 1-3: Samuel's Routine and God's Call

At a time when visions were rare in Israel, young Samuel served the Lord under Eli's guidance. One night, as Eli's sight began to dim and Samuel was lying down in the temple, God called Samuel.

Verses 4-9: Samuel's Response to God's Call

Initially mistaking the voice of God for Eli's, Samuel ran to Eli, who denied calling him. After this happened three times, Eli realized God was calling the young boy and instructed him to respond, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening."

Verses 10-14: God's Message to Samuel

When God called again, Samuel responded as Eli had instructed. God then told Samuel of His imminent judgment on Eli's household for their sins, for which they would forever be guilty.

Verses 15-18: Samuel's Reluctance and Eli's Acceptance

Samuel was afraid to relay God's message to Eli. However, Eli, acknowledging God's sovereignty, asked Samuel to tell him everything. Samuel did so, and Eli accepted that the Lord was righteous in His judgments.

Verses 19-21: Samuel's Growth and God's Presence

Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him. God did not let any of Samuel's words fall to the ground, establishing him as a trustworthy prophet throughout Israel. The chapter ends with a powerful testament to Samuel's relationship with God, demonstrating God's continual revelation to Samuel at Shiloh.

The third chapter of 1 Samuel marks a pivotal moment in the history of Israel. Here, we witness the divine calling of young Samuel, the last judge, who later becomes a renowned prophet in Israel. This chapter delves into the supernatural calling of God to Samuel and Eli's understanding and acceptance of God's judgment.

1. Divine Intervention
2. Faithfulness in Listening
3. Transformation from Secular to Spiritual
4. Mentorship and Leadership
5. The Consequences of Disobedience
1. The Call of God
2. The Consequence of Sin
3. Guidance in Spiritual Understanding
4. God's Justice and Sovereignty
5. Role of Prophets
1. Samuel
2. Eli
3. Hannah (mentioned indirectly)
4. The Lord (God)
5. Hophni and Phinehas (indirectly, as Eli's sons)
1. Shiloh
2. Temple of the Lord
Bible Study Questions

1. In today's secular world, how can you distinguish the voice of God from other voices?

2. Reflect on a time when you felt God was speaking to you. How did you respond?

3. Samuel served faithfully before he understood God's voice. What does this say about the importance of faithfulness in our daily tasks?

4. How does Eli's reaction to the impending judgment model acceptance of God's will? How can we apply this acceptance in our lives?

5. What consequences do Eli and his family face due to their disobedience? How does this reinforce the importance of personal and family responsibility in our spiritual lives?

6. How does God's selection of young Samuel for a prophetic role challenge our understanding of leadership and capability?

7. How does God prepare Samuel for the task he is given? How does God prepare us for the tasks He sets before us?

8. In what ways does Samuel's growth and establishment as a prophet inspire you in your spiritual journey?

9. How can we cultivate a faithful and humble response to God's call, like Samuel?

10. How would you handle a situation where you had to relay an uncomfortable truth, as Samuel did to Eli?

11. Eli mentored Samuel, yet his own sons were disobedient. What does this tell us about influence and personal choice in spiritual matters?

12. What can we learn from the rarity of visions in those times, and how might that apply to our perception of God's voice today?

13. How does the certainty of God's judgment affect the way you live your life?

14. How does the transition of leadership from Eli to Samuel reflect on God's sovereignty?

15. How can we make sure that none of God's words "fall to the ground" in our lives?

16. Eli recognized his shortcomings and accepted God's judgment. How do you respond when confronted with your mistakes or sins?

17. How can we foster a strong spiritual foundation for future generations, as seen in Samuel's life?

18. What steps can we take to ensure that we are not just hearing, but truly listening to God's call?

19. In what ways does Samuel's calling challenge your understanding of God's purpose for your life?

20. How does Samuel's relationship with God inspire you to cultivate your personal relationship with God?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

1 Samuel 2
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