Biblical Illustrator Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause. I. ITS PRESCRIBED LIMITATION. Enforced by(1) (2) (3) II. ITS TENDER INTIMACY, III. ITS CONDITIONAL DISSOLUBILITY: (1) (2) IV. ITS OPTIONAL FORMATION. (Dr. Thomas.) (2) (3) (4) (J. P. Lange, D. D.)Husband and wife should be not only one flesh, but also one heart and mind. (Hedinger.)
(Bp. Jeremy Taylor.)
(A. . Barnes, D. D.)
(Bp. Taylor.)
I. LET US TURN TO THE SCRIPTURES IN PROOF OF THIS VIEW. "What God hath joined together let not man put asunder." God thought it not good for man to be alone: so He made him an helpmeet. Had it been better for a man to have more than one wife, God would doubtless have made two. But in our Saviour's time women had multiplied; but He did not change the original law. The relation of man and wife is nearer than that of parent and offspring. "For this cause shall a man leave father and mother," etc. Where is the nation or man who shall assume authority to put apart these thus joined together save for the one cause? "And I say unto you, whoso shall put away his wife," etc. St. Paul says, "The woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth." II. THE VIEWS OF SOME OF THE LEADING WRITERS IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Dr. A. Clarke, in his Commentary, has the following: "It does not appear that there is any other case in which Jesus Christ admits of divorce" (Matthew 5:32). On Matthew 19:9, "The decision of our Lord must be very unpleasant to these men; the reason why they wished to put away their wives was, that they might take others whom they liked better; but our Lord here declares that they could not be remarried while the divorced person was alive; and that those who did marry during the life of the divorced person were adulterers." "In this discourse our Lord shows that marriage, except in one case, is indissoluble, and should be so. 1. By Divine institution (ver. 4). 2. By express commandment (ver. 5). 3. Because the married couple become one and the same person (ver. 6). 4. By the example of the first pair (ver. 8). And 5. Because of the evil consequent on separation (ver. 9).Watson's "Theo. Institutes," vol. 2., p. 543, has the following: "The foundation of the marriage union is the will of God that the human race should increase and multiply, but only through a chaste and restricted conjunction of one man and one woman, united by their free vows in a bond made by the Divine law indissoluble, except by death or by adultery." Dr. Wayland, in his "Elements of Moral Science," says: "In the act of marriage, two persons, under the most solemn circumstances, are thus united, and they enter into a mutual contract thus to live in respect to each other. This relation, having been established by God, the contract thus entered into has all the solemnity of an oath. Hence, he who violates it, is guilty of a twofold crime: first, the violation of the law of chastity, and second, of the law of veracity — veracity pledged under the most solemn circumstances. 1. The contract is for life, and is dissoluble for one cause only: the cause of adultery." Referring to the text, he says: "We are here taught that marriage, being an institution of God, is subject to His laws alone, and not to the laws of man. Hence, the civil law is binding upon the conscience only, in so far as it corresponds to the law of God." Matthew Henry's testimony is, "Christ allows of divorce in cases of adultery; he disallows it in all others." Olshausen says: "This union is to be considered indissoluble, one which man cannot, and only God can dissolve, and in which the Omniscient does really dissever only in cases of adultery." Such are the opinions of some of the most learned and pious Biblical scholars. III. NOW LET US TURN TO THE QUESTION ALREADY ANTICIPATED: WHAT MAN OR NATION DARE ASSUME AUTHORITY TO PUT ASUNDER THOSE WHOM GOD HATH JOINED TOGETHER? The answer I call your attention to is this: 1st, the Jews, and 2nd, our own nation. 1. The Jews. I quote from Dr. Adam Clarke's Commentary, Matthew 19:3. "At this time there were two famous divinity and philosophical schools among the Jews, that of Shammai, and that of Hillel. On the question of divorce, the school of Shammai maintained that a man could not legally put away his wife, except for adultery. The school of Hillel taught that a man might put away his wife for a multitude of other causes: and when she did not find grace in his sight, that is, when he saw any other woman that pleased him better." Rabbi Akiba said: "If any man saw a woman handsomer than his own wife, he might put his wife away; because it is said in the law, 'If she find not favour in his eyes'" (Deuteronomy 24:1). " Josephus, the celebrated Jewish historian, in his Life, tells us, with the utmost coolness and indifference, About this time I put away my wife, who had borne me three children:, not being pleased with her manners." These cases are enough to show to what a scandalous and criminal excess this matter was carried among the Jews. 2. Then we inquire, How is it with us in America? I find that divorces are wry common, some for one cause and some for another. So that the question, "Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?" is far from being foreign, but really is applicable to us, and a question of the greatest importance. For, for almost any little thing that springs up between man and wife. a divorce is applied for, and is obtained. From the Standard, a Baptist paper, I took the following: "Those whose attention is not directed to the subject of divorce, will be surprised at the number of applications in the courts of our large cities and centres of population to have the bonds of marriage dissolved. In Indianapolis, in 1866, there were 822 marriages, and 210 applications for divorce, which is more than one to four of the whole number of marriages. In Chicago, the same year, there were 4,182 marriages, and 330 applications for divorce, being nearly one to every thirteen marriages. In both these cases the number seeking divorce is alarming. But the unenviable and disgraceful distance in which Indianapolis leads Chicago in this warfare on marriage, is to be attributed to the peculiarly lax legislation of Indiana, which, for years, has been notorious on the subject of divorce." "The various courts of Chicago granted bills of divorce in 1865 to the number of 274; in 1566, the number was 209; in 1867, 311; making the whole number of divorces granted in three years, 794. Is not this appalling? But since 1868, Chicago has registered as high as 730 applications in a single year, representing families containing about 3,500 souls, and the most of which are poor women." The Christian Statesman says that the number of divorces in eight years, in four States, viz., Vermont, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Connecticut, have been 5,831. And in the year 1877, in Maine, there were 500 divorces. Brethren and fellow-citizens, I believe that our lawmakers are to blame for allowing such laws to exist as they do, and not bringing the law of divorce in these United States to the Scriptural standard. Look at our statutes of Minnesota, and see the looseness of this matter. In the General Statutes of Minnesota, page 407, sec. 6, we find the following: "A divorce from the bonds of matrimony may be adjudged and decreed by the district court on suit brought in the county where parties, or either of them, reside, for either of the following causes: 1st, adultery; 2nd, impotency; 3rd, cruel and inhuman treatment; 4th, when either party, subsequent to the marriage, has been sentenced to imprisonment in the State Prison; 5th, wilful desertion of one party by the other for the term of three years next preceding the filing of the complaint; 6th, habitual drunkenness for the space of one year, immediately preceding the filing of the complaint." Here, then, are six causes in our State statutes for which a man or woman may put away wife or husband. The first is according to Scripture; the others are unscriptural. What latitude is here given for divorces! I remark, further, that the peace of the churches is endangered by this ungodly practice of divorce. All Christian people and all true philanthropists must awake to their duty. Politicians have made these laws, and by them public sentiment has been educated. (A Cressey, in American Homiletic Review.)
(Van Lennep.)
(Thomas Pierce.)
1. AS children, they are within the covenant and provisions of grace. 2. They are naturally blind and dark. 3. Nor let us forget that they are guilty. 4. They need, therefore, to be led to Jesus as penitent sinners for forgiveness and peace. They need a guide, a shield, a true friend, etc. II. THEY MAY BE BROUGHT TO HIM WHEN VERY YOUNG. 1. On this point, opinion among godly people has been very much modified since the general establishment of Sunday-schools. 2. It is a great mistake, and involves a great wrong to the child, not to insist upon his deciding and choosing Christ now, for unbelief and carnality are gaining strength. 3. There is no kind of knowledge which will find readier access to the juvenile mind, and be more easily retained there, than the knowledge of Christ. 4. How many and how marked are the examples of early piety which the Bible records. 5. The religion of children — if genuine and healthy — will differ in some respects from the religion of elderly people. Ignorant prejudice has done a world of mischief. III. ONE OF THE FIRST DUTIES WE, AS A CHURCH, OWE THE LORD JESUS IS TO ASSIST IN BRINGING THESE CHILDREN TO HIM. 1. They are our own flesh and blood. They are our own immediate successors in the Church and the world. They are immortal. They are the object of Jesus' redeeming love; they are brought within our influence that we may be Christ's ministers to them, and their guides to Him, etc. 2. The present is the golden Opportunity. The promise is true to your children, that they also shall receive:' remission of sins," and "the gift of the Holy Ghost." Bring them to Jesus! Alas! some of you parents, masters, heads of households are not yourselves following Christ, and how can you bring your children or young people to Him? Teachers, suffer the children to come to Jesus, and hinder them not, etc. (J. Findlay.)
II. THE END, THE GREAT OBJECT, WHICH SHOULD BE PROPOSED AND KEPT STEADILY IN VIEW BY ITS FRIENDS. The great end is, to awaken the soul of the pupil, to bring his understanding, conscience, and heart into earnest, vigorous action on religious and moral truth, to excite and cherish in him spiritual life. The great end in religious instruction, whether in the Sunday-school or family, is, not to stamp our minds irresistibly on the young, but to stir up their own; not to make them see with our eyes, but to look inquiringly and steadily with their own; not to give them a definite amount of knowledge, but to inspire a fervent love of truth; not to form an outward regularity, but to touch inward springs; not to burden the memory, but to quicken and strengthen the power of thought;... not to tell them that God is good, but to help them to see and feel His love in all that He does within and around them. In a word, to awaken intellectual and moral life in the child. III. WHAT IS TO BE TAUGHT IN SUNDAY SCHOOLS? The Gospels, the Gospels, these should be the text-book of Sunday Schools. There are three great views of Christianity, which pervade it throughout, and to which the mind of the learner must be continually turned. 1. The spirituality of the religion. 2. Its disinterestedness. 3. The vastness, the infinity, of its progress. IV. How SHALL IT BE TAUGHT? Attention must be secured by moral influence. You must love the children. You must be interested yourselves in that you teach them. Be intelligible. Teach by questions. Teach graphically where you can. Lay stress on the most important things. Carry a cheerful spirit into religious teaching. (Dr. Channing.)
II. FOR WHAT END WERE THEY BROUGHT TO CHRIST? Probably not to be healed of sickness or weakness. It was, that He might lay His hands upon them and bless them. They had a high opinion of the piety of Jesus, and of His interest in the Divine favour. III. THE RECEPTION JESUS GAVE THE CHILDREN. Kind and gracious. IV. THE DECLARATION HE MADE CONCERNING THEM. "Of such is the kingdom of heaven." Christ commends in children three or four things, wherein they who are adult ought to resemble them. 1. Freedom from prejudice or openness to conviction; freedom from pride, or humility; freedom from worldly affections, or indifference to earthly things: and finally, freedom from custom of sinning, or innocence. (Nath. Lardner.)
2. It teaches us to be cautious, how we disparage the human nature, and say, that it is, in its original conception, corrupt, depraved, and defiled. 3. This history teaches us the right of young persons to be present at the worship of God, and seems to hold forth the duty of those under whose care they are, to bring them early to it. 4. We may infer that it is not below persons of the greatest eminence for wisdom and piety to show affection and tenderness for little children. 5. We hence learn, that all of us arrived to years of knowledge and understanding should see to it, that we bear a resemblance to little children. And 6, this history affords encouragement to young persons arrived to the use of reason and understanding to come to Christ, and offer up themselves to God in and through Him. (Nath. Lardner.)
2. A child's mind has a wonderful power of realization. They soon picture what is said to them. We should realize the invisible. 3. Little children may be angry, but their anger never lasts. 4. They are innocent and do not hurt. 5. They are, as a rule, generous with their possessions. 6. The sympathy of a child is perfect, to a tear or a smile he will respond in a moment. 7. A little child is a thing new born. We must be born again. (J. Vaughan, M. A.)
II. WHAT DISCIPLES SOMETIMES WANT FOR THE CHILDREN. TO run away and not be troublesome. Sometimes they would keep them away from Christ until they grow big. Whence can such a mistake arise? From such ideas as — 1. Christ is too busy with saving men to care about the children. 2. Children have not the needs which Jesus came to supply. 3. If the children get the blessing now they will lose it ere they become men. III. WHAT JESUS WANTS FOR THE CHILDREN. To come to Him. They can trust, love, etc. (R. Tuck, B. A.)
I. JESUS IS ATTRACTIVE TO CHILDREN. Some men and women for whom they do not care. Jesus not like these. There are others for whom children are never shy, or afraid. Jesus like these. II. JESUS IS DEEPLY INTERESTED IN CHILDREN. III. JESUS PRAYS FOR CHILDREN. "He put His hands on them," etc. Ancient custom. He ever liveth to make intercession for us. IV. JESUS WISHES CHILDREN TO BE HAPPY. He blessed the children who came to Him, and He blesses you. V. MANY CHILDREN ARE WITH JESUS IN HEAVEN. (Alex. McAuslane, D. D.) I. WHO SPAKE THESE WORDS, AND WHY WERE THEY SPOKEN, "Jesus said." Because He loved children and came to do them good. II. HOW SHOULD LITTLE CHILDREN COME TO CHRIST. 1. By thought. 2. Prayer. 3. Obedience. III. WHAT KEEPS LITTLE CHILDREN BACK FROM CHRIST, AND WHO FORBIDS THEM TO COME TO HIM. The disciples. I will point out what in yourselves keeps you back. 1. Idleness. 2. The mockeries of your playfellows. 3. Satan. IV. WHAT IS TO BE GAINED BY COMING TO CHRIST. (T. J. Judkin M. A.)
1. Confidence, instead of scepticism. 2. Self-surrender, instead of distrust. 3. Truth, instead of hypocrisy. 4. Want of pretension, instead of pride. (Lisko.)
I. By not being taught of Christ through word and example. II. By being taught legalism; that is, "Be good, or God will not love you," instead of this: Christ (God) loves you, therefore go to Him in order to be good. (Schaff.)
2. Our right to bring children to Him for blessing, and this before they can understand anything concerning Him or His truth. 3. That they are members of Christ's kingdom, and are so regarded by Him, and are to be so regarded by us, and this irrespective of any parental faith. 4. That such as die before they have wandered out of God's kingdom into the kingdom of Satan are certainly saved, since they are of the kingdom of heaven. 5. The incident condemns all conduct on the part of the church, the teacher, or the parent, which tends to repress, chill, or check the enthusiasm of childhood for Christ, and darken its simple faith in Him. (Abbott.)
II. A mother's responsibility. III. A mother's consolation. (P. Robertson.)
(Wilmot Buxton.)
(Dr. Thomas.)
I. IT IGNORES THE VERY DESIGN OF MAN'S CREATION, viz., the glory of God. Social morality is at best a very inferior virtue. It is only the submission of one part of man's nature to an inferior series of God's laws. If this world were all, that might be enough. Man is endowed with faculties which can only be exercised toward the unseen world. As well might the planet, obeying the one law of its propulsion around the earth, break away from the other which binds it to the sun, and yet hope to escape, as he who, fulfilling his duty to man, neglects his duty to God. II. IT IS FOUNDED ON A FALSE IDEA OF RELIGION. God seeks not mere abject obedience, but the devotion of the heart. Without a distinct movement of the will and affections towards Him, all religious observances are worse than naught. They are the casket without the diamond — the body without the sustaining, invigorating, glorifying life. III. IT MAKES THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST AN UNNECESSARY THING. If man by being honest and upright and humane and gentle could merit heaven, no need for Calvary. Yet Jesus laid aside the robes of His Deity and came to earth, and offered Himself a sacrifice on the cross. To rely for salvation on natural morality is, then, to mock Christ in His sufferings; it is to go up, as it were, upon the blood-stained slopes of Calvary, and, beholding Him in His agony, to cry aloud, "We need not Thy blood, we despise Thine aid!" (W. Rudder, D. D.)
I. How he came. 1. Publicly. 2. Eagerly — "running." 3. Humbly — "kneeling." 4. Respectfully — "good Master." II. Why he came: "inherit eternal life." 1. Belief in a future state. 2. Concern to obtain it; in this he differed from many. 3. Thought something must be done; many think not of this, and consequently do nothing. 4. Thought he was willing and able to do anything needful; but did not know himself; had not counted the cost. III. LEARN — 1. Salvation not by works. 2. Works an evidence, not a cause of grace. (The Hive.)
1. He was ignorant of his moral inability. 2. He displays an ignorance of his actual guilt. 3. He was ignorant of the prevailing disposition of his heart. II. THE MANNER IN WHICH THE APPLICATION WAS DIET. 1. Our Lord repels his adulatory address. 2. Our Lord shows the imperfection of his obedience. 3. The youth went away sorrowful. III. THOSE IMPORTANT LESSONS WHICH NATURALLY ARISE OUT OF THIS INTERESTING CASE. 1. Learn the danger and prevalence of self-deception. 2. The great responsibility which the ministerial office involves. 3. The dangerous situation which the rich occupy. The subject guards us against the following: Low thoughts of God, high thoughts of ourselves, slight thoughts of sin, and mean thoughts of Christ. (J. Thorp.)
1. Ignorance of the total, deep, and universal pollution of our natures. 2. Ignorance of the spiritual exactness and obligation of the law. 3. Attention only to the negative commandments. 4. Not understanding either positive or negative precepts in their comprehensive sense. 5. Neglecting self-reflection and self-examination. 6. From the abominable self-love, and self-flattery, which cleaveth to every man. 7. Fear of guilt makes men hoodwink their eyes that they may neither look into the law, nor into their hearts. 8. Ignorance of regeneration and the necessity for being born again. 9. The devil hath blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts. 10. Every man is naturally destitute of the Spirit, without which we are all devoid of light and life. (Anthony Burgess.)
1. Extensive. 2. Exact. 3. Constant. II. ANSWER HIS QUESTION. He lacked: 1. A new heart. 2. A sense of guilt and sin. 3. Faith in Christ. 4. Spirituality and self-denial. (G. Brooks.) I. How entirely even an intelligent man may misapprehend his own spiritual attainment. II. And his willingness to attain. III. Between our present attainment and perfection there may be a sacrifice equivalent to cutting off a right hand, or plucking out a right eye. IV. The one thing essential, if we are to attain perfection, is the following of Christ. V. Other things may also be lacking, as, for example, determination to be holy. Conclusion: The lack of one thing may make all other attainments useless. (M. Dods, D.D.)
1. A young man — special promises to the young. 2. A meeting with Christ — patient and physician. 3. One who was in earnest. Mark says, "he came running." 4. One who had many rare qualities. "Jesus loved him." 5. One who was bold (compare Nicodemus); yet reverent, for he "kneeled." II. AN IMPORTANT CONVERSATION. It reveals: 1. Our simpleness — unable to keep the law. 2. Our pride — trusting to our own works. 3. Our idolatry — loving other things better than Christ. 4. Our only hope of salvation — willing to leave all, take the cross and follow Christ. III. A SORROWFUL PARTING. 1. It was parting with Christ, therefore no hope. 2. It was a deliberate parting — not a sudden step. 3. It was a final parting. IV. IMPORTANT LESSONS. HOW far some may advance and yet not be saved. Abandon at once that which keeps us from Christ. (D. Macmillan.)
II. THE PLEASURES AND VANITIES OF YOUTH; especially when they are fed by great possessions. These unreasonable sordid pleasures are not to be compared with the exalted substantial delights that are to be found in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. III. A FALSE PREJUDICE, as if the ways of Christ were nought and melancholy. Thus the young man thought when Christ told him to take up his cross and follow Him. Grace would give new tastes and make the burden easy. Christ will never let you be a loser by Him. IV. AN INCONSIDERATE, HEEDLESS TEMPER. To be heedless about small matters is a blemish; about essential, a reproach without excuse. V. A PRESUMPTUOUS, DARING RASHNESS OF SPIRIT. Young persons are most sanguine, even to foolhardiness. VI. THE COMPANIONS OF YOUTH. VII. AN APPREHENSION OF LONG LIFE, They have a long day before them and can put away the thought of death. (John Guyse, D.D.)
2. He was also grieved at the idea of losing heaven. 3. Thus opened to the young man's mind some of the difficulty which there always is in the attainment of everything which is really worth having. 4. Part of his sorrow was the discovery which he was making at that moment of his own heart. 5. But he was most sorrowful of all in the wretched sense he had of his own guilty hesitation and inexcusable weakness. Many worldly people are sorrowful in the midst of their worldliness; it indicates life and struggle. In any state of life the characteristic of the Christian is self-renunciation. (J. Vaughan, M. A.)
1. That our Master was not fond of flattering titles. 2. The language affords a remarkable instance of our Lord's modesty and humility. 3. Our Lord's question contains a proof of His reverence for His Father. II. EXPLAIN AND ENFORCE OUR LORD'S ANSWER. 1. There is none good in comparison of God; and consequently, our sentiments of regard and devotion should not stop short of Him. 2. God alone is absolutely good. His goodness is from Himself, independently of all others.Application — 1. Our Lord hath set us an example for our imitation. 2. Our Lord will not finally approve of any pretended reverence and respect paid to Himself which in the least lessens the glory due to His Father. (Thomas Twining.)
II. We have the ordinary way to happiness marked out to us. III. In some extraordinary cases God does require some extraordinary things of particular men, which are not generally necessary to the salvation of all men. IV. We have the sad example of one that went far towards happiness, and yet fell short. (Samuel Johnson.)
II. God is the only originally good being. III. God is the only self-subsistently good being. IV. God is the only immutably good being. 1. If God is alone supremely good, He alone is to be glorified and adored. 2. If He alone is supremely good, it is sin, and the very essence of it, not to glorify Him. (Dr. Shedd.)
2. Faith in Christ. As the only Saviour. He did not know that Christ was the end of the law for righteousness. 3. A new heart. An essential. He loved the world, etc. This shows the old heart. 4. Self-denial. He loved ease and riches. He had no heart to give these up for Christ. He had much to give up, and the surrender would be hard; but a Christian spirit is willing to give up all; even life if needs be for Christ, and the "needs be" is Christ's word. (Anon.)
II. THERE ARE VARIOUS EVILS WHICH KEEP MEN FROM BEING ENTIRELY THE SAVIOUR'S. Self-complacency, favour of the world, attachment to riches, unwillingness to deny self, etc. III. THE INQUIRY OF THE TEXT IS ONE WHICH IS WORTHY OF PERSONAL CONSIDERATION. Ask the question as in Christ's presence, with all possible seriousness, with perfect deference to God's word, in the spirit of prayer and with a resolution to obey the answer. (J. Burns, LL. D.)
(F. W. Farrar, D. D.)
(F. W. Farrar, D. D.)
(F. W. Farrar, D. D.)
(F. W. Farrar, D. D.)
(John Trapp.)
1. Exact. 2. Extensive. 3. Constant. II. SHOW HIS DEFICIENCIES. 1. A sense of guilt. 2. Faith in Christ. 3. A new heart. 4. Self-denial. (Pulpit Germs.)This query must not be regarded as an expression of satisfied self-righteousness, as if it implied, "In that case I lack nothing." It is, indeed, true that the young man was still self-righteous. He had no conception of the spirituality, the depth, or the height of the commandments of God. Taking only the letter of the law, he considered himself blameless, and perhaps even righteous, before God. Yet his heart misgave him, and he felt that he still lacked something. Under this sense of want, he put the question to the Saviour, as if he would have said, "What is it then that I yet lack? All these things have not given me peace of mind." (J. P. Lange, D. D.)
1. Of the head and of the heart (of doctrine and of sentiment); or, Pharisees in the strictest sense. 2. Self-righteousness of the heart with orthodoxy of the head, as in the case of some in the Church who seem to be zealous for soundness of doctrine. 3. Self-righteousness of the head, combined with a deep sense of spiritual need, although its grounds may not be fully understood, as in the case of this young man and of many Christian legalists. (J. P. Lange, D. D.)
(W. Rudder, D. D.)
(Bishop H. C. Potter.)
(Bishop H. C. Potter.)
(John Trapp.)
(F. W. Robertson, M. A.)
1. We discover many circumstances which are calculated at first sight to impress us with very favourable sentiments of his state and character. He was young; engaging manners; amiable disposition. He exhibits a pleasing combination of many attractive qualities. 2. How inadequate his conception of the corruption of his own heart. What "good" thing can he do? 3. The defective views which he entertains of his own guilt. 4. He is not better acquainted with the secret bias of his affections than with his depravity and guilt. II. THE CONDUCT OF OUR LORD ON THIS OCCASION. 1. He does not promote the self-deception and thus augment the danger. He does not compliment the young man on his moral attainments. He acts the part of a true Physician and Friend; palliatives will only increase the disorder. 2. Compassionate regard. 3. Admirably suited to the peculiar circumstances of his case. Christ mentions the law as a corrective to his pride and self-sufficiency. 4. Eminently calculated to prove in the highest degree beneficial to his most important interests. (1) (2) (3) (E. Cooper.)
1. A thorough devotion to God's service. 2. A spirit of prayer. 3. A due appreciation of the work that God has appointed you to do. 4. You may lack patience. 5. You require to be incited to perseverance. (J. H. Norton, D. D.)
1. He believed that the character of this life determines that to come. 2. He believed that obedience to God was the first principle of religion. 3. He desired to exhaust his powers in perfecting his character. 4. He had faith that Christ would show him the way of salvation. "What lack I yet?" I. SELF-RENUNCIATION. "Sell that thou hast." This embraces a recognition of the supreme right of God over the soul. God gave all; this leads to an abandonment of selfish pursuits. Why religion makes this demand. 1. Selfishness is deceitful and delusive; it does not see man's real interests; it does not comprehend the Divine relations of man;it looks only at things seen. 2. Selfishness and self-love dwarf manhood; narrow the thought and corrupt the affections; they shut out noble sentiment which leads men to deeds of daring. 3. There must be this self-abandonment to allow a higher ideal of life to possess the soul. That man who is full of himself can contain nothing beside. He must forget himself who would live after the pattern shown him on the mount. II. Religion demands CHRIST CONSECRATION. 1. Supreme affection for Christ. The heart must be first given to Him. 2. The purposes of the heart must be turned to Christ's cause. 3. The influence must be for God. 4. Human passions must be at God's disposal. Is the demand too rigorous, and does it embrace too much?It may encourage us to yield full submission to call to mind a few precious facts. 1. It assimilates us to a likeness of Christ. His soul exceeded all bounds and barriers, and poured out its life an immortal benediction upon His enemies. The widowed mother, whose midnight toil earns bread and raiment for her darling ones, is embalmed in poetry and song; the artist weaves a crown of glory" about her brow. But such labour and consecration is yet only that of a true heart and human impulses. But he who is consecrated to Christ is Godlike. 2. It brings peace to the heart. Men who are vacillating are unhappy. No soul rests so perfectly at ease as that one which has its home on God's altar. 3. It centralizes and makes the man strong. Scattered men are weak. A consecrated man is a felt man. 4. It enlivens and sets the life on fire. Men go to sleep and are frozen, as the fairy city celebrated in story. God breathes on the powers of the man consecrated; he is set on fire by the breath of Jehovah. Such a life will have given back to it from God, in its new realm, a better being. The curtains are now withdrawing. See, yonder the field is fairer and the sward is all green! There that life runs on and on and on for ever! It gathers to itself all that was of possible value on earth in the years of its pilgrimage, and, having yielded obedience to the conditions of its noble being, enters upon that higher life of love and joy for which it has been fitted by a faithful stewardship. (J. W. Holt.)
I. THERE IS A POINT WHICH ATTRACTS THEM TO EACH OTHER. A noble young man; although surrounded by great wealth, he has not yielded himself to youthful frivolities, but has kept his spirit intent on higher aims than earthly qualifications. He is modest enough to be conscious of imperfection, and to make inquiry where there is an opportunity to learn. He retains enthusiasm, and the object of his enthusiasm is no inferior one. Such people must feel the attraction of the person of Jesus Christ. They love the good, and Christ is the good One. All their ideals are realized in Jesus. The rich young man felt this. But this attraction was mutual. Jesus came to seek the lost and to save the sinner; much more would the purity of this naturally noble heart receive His recognition. Neither is this mutual attraction for a moment merely; the attraction remains, though the discipline required is hard to understand; an inner impulse draws us to Him. II. THERE IS A POINT WHICH SEPARATES THEM FROM EACH OTHER. At the very point where the Lord exerts the strongest power of attraction upon the naturally noble, their separation begins. It is a necessity of the case. Our Lord's word about the "good," and the mention of the commandments, had been designed to awaken distrust of self. Then comes the unheard-of demand, "Sell all," etc. He was touched in his heart's core. Christ exposes the point in which this good person was not good. Christ wants complete persons for His followers; it takes a complete person to win the prize of eternal life. If you want to be perfect you must renounce the secret reservations you oppose to the rigour of the Divine commands, put away the lusts which hamper the inner man. Renew your heart; put a new object in its centre. But for the sake of one thing you will turn away from your Saviour, in spite of all your noble efforts and ideal endowments. III. THIS SEPARATION MUST BE REALIZED IN ORDER TRULY TO FIND THE LORD. When the physician performs an operation, it is because he wants to heal; and when our Lord seems to discourage nearer approach it is because He wants to deepen the reason for it, so that after they unite nothing shall be able to separate them. Hence we believe this young man's separation was not final. He will return, no longer fiery and with a surplus of power; for with God all things are possible. It was necessary that he should be impressed with the requirements of Christ, for as long as he can say, "All these things have I kept," a Redeemer is superfluous — a Moses or a Socrates would suffice. But when he learns to despair of his own strength, then he arrives before the gate of salvation and stretches imploring hands for a Redeemer. Therefore Christ first destroys this young man's merit; and this is the more difficult from his high virtue. In the light of Jesus little sins becomes great. To sacrifice for Him for love is to lose nothing. His yoke is easy. (E. Dryander, D. D.)
1. We call that physical morality which consists in the knowledge of men, and of those physical laws which surround them. Thus a man is immoral who violates law in eating and drinking and sleeping. 2. Next is social morality. Men are obliged to obey those laws which connect them with their fellow men; also as members of the household; as neighbours. 3. Next comes civil morality. Men are organized into states and nations. 4. Business morality.What is the relation of obedience in these different spheres to the nature and character of men? 1. All these observances are external. They are not in their nature internal at all. They leave out entirely the vital question of character. A man may be obedient to physical law, and yet be proud. Man is a creature of two worlds; so that when he is called to the other sphere the physical elements which he has accumulated here drop off. The spiritual only he carries with him. 2. This lower morality leaves out of view the higher human relations to God. A man may be an atheist and yet good in lower respects; but it is not fair to measure his genial qualities by his atheism as he has been brought up amidst Christian influences. A man has an immortal self as distinguished from his physical, social, and civil self; what about that part of him which is to live for ever? Are there no laws higher than those which belong to secular affairs, which apply to the higher reason and the moral sense. Are there no laws for faith, imagination in its dealings with religion, which connect a man with the invisible, universal, and infinite? Is there no morality which reaches beyond the earthly sphere? Morality is not complete without religion. There are practical uses in the inferior forms of morality; from them we learn the typical forms of the higher religion. "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar," etc. The lower moralities are schools, as it were; it is a great preparation for religion. Generally speaking the higher you go the more difficult is the achievement. Few men are competent to be eminent artists. In realizing the higher conceptions of religion there are inherent difficulties: but some make it harder than they need. The sun may shine on a slate roof for ever, and yet the garret beneath it may be dark; but make the roof of glass and the sun Will shine through. Let your higher life have the best care. (H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(J. W. Thew.)
(J. W. Thew.)
II. THE WHOLE SURRENDER. The decisive act which consecrates all to the kingdom: — MUST BE DONE BY THE MAN HIMSELF. Not even God can do it for you. It was useless for Christ to say "Follow Me" as He was, for his body only could have followed, his anxieties would still have been with his possessions. It was also a prudent provision against approaching persecution. III. How CAN I GO AND SELL? By a full consecration to God. Like the whole burnt-offering, every portion must be consumed on the altar. IV. IT IS AN AWFUL CONSIDERATION THAT THE WORD OF LIFE ITSELF IS POWERLESS TO PERSUADE A COVETOUS WILL, (W. I. Keay.)
2. He employed the language of veneration. 3. He was well instructed in Biblical ethics. 4. He was inordinately attached to worldly possessions.Christ's conduct showed: 1. That He compels men to look at the logical consequences of their own admissions. 2. That personal regard may be entertained where full moral approbation cannot be expressed. I. THE NECESSARY LIMITATIONS OF THE MOST CAREFUL RELIGIOUS TRAINING. II. THAT THE FINAL ATTAINMENT OF EDUCATION IS THE CONQUEST OF THE HEART. 1. That Christ-following involves self-abnegation. 2. That Christ-following must be the expression of the soul's supreme love. 3. That Christ-following means self-giving. III. THAT LACK OF ONE THING MAY BE LACK OF EVERYTHING. IV. THAT THE SINCERITY OF MEN MUST BE TESTED ACCORDING TO THEIR PECULIAR CIRCUMSTANCES. What is a test to one man may be no test to another. A man must be prepared to surrender what he values most. (J. Parker, D. D.)
(J. Parker, D. D.)
(J. Donate.)
(A. L. R. Foote.)
(J. B. Brown.)
(A. L. R. Foote.)
(Dr. Dotage.)
(Dr. Dotage.)
1. By the hand. 2. By the heart: as with a watch so with the life. The face of the watch may be made to represent the truth by simply altering the hands, or it may be corrected by touching the interior works. Here is a young man who says, "What shall I do to make my watch tell the hour accurately?" He is answered, "Thou knowest the great clocks by which time is kept in the city." He replies, "All these have I observed." He is then told to open his watch and correct the regulator. So is it with human life: many seek to correct it by the outside; they search for models, they inquire for foot-prints; but they neglect the life-spring within, and consequently never get beyond the affectation of artificialism, or the stiffness of Pharisaic conceit. (Dr. Parker.)
(W. G. T. Shedd, D. D.)
1. The person making the address to Christ, who was one whose reason was enlightened to a solicitous consideration of his estate in another world. 2. The thing sought for in this address, viz., eternal life. 3. The condition upon which it was proposed, and upon which refused; viz., the sale and relinquishment of his temporal estate. 4. His behaviour upon this refusal. He that deliberately parts with Christ, though for the greatest and most suitable worldly enjoyment, if but his natural reason is awakened, does it with much secret sting and remorse. I. I SHALL SHOW WHENCE IT IS THAT A MAN ACTUATED BY AN ENLIGHTENED REASON FINDS SUCH RELUCTANCY AND REGRET UPON HIS REJECTION OF CHRIST. It may proceed from these causes — 1. The first may be taken from the nature of conscience, that is apt to recoil upon any error, either in our actions or our choice. After a good action, though never so difficult, so grim, and unpleasant in the onset, yet what a lightsome, refreshing complacency does it leave upon the mind! What a fragrancy, what a cheerfulness, upon the spirits! So, on the contrary, an action morally evil and irregular. A man no sooner displeases God but he presently displeases himself. No sooner is the action past but conscience makes the report. As soon as David cut off a piece of Saul's robe how quickly did his heart smite him! An impure heart, like a foul gun, never vents itself in any sinful commissions but it recoils. It is impossible to sequester and divide sin from sorrow. That which defiles will as certainly disturb the soul. As when mud and filth is cast into a pure fountain, it is not so much said to pollute, as to trouble the waters. And. do you think that this young man had not the experience of this? He departed indeed, but it was sorrowful, his conscience ringing him many sad peals within, hitting him in the teeth with the murder of his soul; that he had foolishly and irrationally bartered away eternity for a trifle, and lost a never-returning opportunity, in its improvement invaluable, and in its refusal irrecoverable. 2. The second cause of this trouble and reluctancy that men find in the very instant of their rejecting Christ is taken from the usual course of God's judicial proceeding in this matter, which is to clarify the eye of reason to a clearer sight of the beauties and excellences of Christ in the very moment and critical instant of his departure. God can affect it with a sudden, instantaneous view of a good. It is like a sudden lightning that flashes in the face, but alters not the complexion; it is rather vision than persuasion; it struck his apprehension, but never changed his resolution. This is another cause that whets the sting, that enhances the vexation, and sends him away sorrowful. 3. The third and last cause of the anxiety that a sinner feels upon his relinquishment of Christ, if his reason be enlightened, is because there is that in Christ and in the gospel, even as they stand in opposition to the best of such enjoyments, that answers the most natural and generous discourses of reason. For the proof of which I shall produce two known principles of reason into which the most severe, harsh, and mortifying commands of the gospel are by clear and genuine consequence resolved.(1) The first is that the greatest calamity is to be endured rather than the least sin to be committed.(2) A second principle is this, that a less good is to be forsaken for a greater — an aphorism attested to by the natural, untaught, universal judgment of reason. Now to reduce this principle to the case in hand we are to demonstrate two things. 1st. That the good promised by our Saviour to the young man was really greater than that which was to be forsaken for it. Christ opposed eternal life to the young man's possessions, and what comparison is there between these upon terms of bare reason? 2nd. The second thing to be demonstrated is that the good promised by our Saviour was not only greater in itself, but also proposed as such with sufficient clearness of evidence, and upon sure, undeniable grounds. II. To show THE CAUSES THAT, NOTWITHSTANDING ALL THIS REMORSE OF CONSCIENCE, THE SOUL IS NOT BROUGHT IN THE ISSUE TO REJECT AND SHAKE HANDS WITH CHRIST. 1. The first cause is from this, that the perceptions of sense overbear the discourses of reason. The young man desired eternal life; but he had no notion of the pleasure of it, what kind of thing it was; but he knew and found the sweetness of an estate, so that the sensible impressions of this quickly overcame and swallowed up the weak and languid conceptions that he had of the other. 2. The second cause or reason of this final rejection of Christ is from the prevailing opposition of some corrupt affection, which being predominant in the soul, commands the will and blears the eye of the judgment, showing it all things in its own colour by a false and partial representation. Come to the sensual and voluptuous person and convince him that there is a necessity of his bidding farewell to all inordinate pleasure in order to his future happiness; perhaps you gain his reason, and in some measure insinuate into his will; but then his sensual desire interposes and outvotes and unravels all his convictions. As when by much ado a vessel is forced and rowed some pretty way contrary to the tide, presently a gust of wind comes and beats it further back than it was before. 3. The third cause, inducing men to relinquish Christ contrary to the judgment of their conscience, is the force and tyranny of the custom of the world. And amongst other dissuasives from following Christ the young man could not but be assaulted with such as these: "What! part with all for a new notion of another world? Sell land to buy hope, be preached out of my estate, and worded out of such fair farms and rich possessions? " He would do like the world though he perished with it; swim with the stream, though he was drowned in it; rather go sociably to hell than in the uncomfortable solitude of precise singularity to heaven — the jollity of the company made him overlook the broadness and danger of the way. Now the inferences and deductions from the words thus discussed are these:(1) We gather hence the great criterion and art of trying our sincerity, which is by the test of such precepts as directly reach our peculiar corruptions.(2) The issue of the whole action in the young man's not closing with Christ's proposals about eternal life, and his sorrowful departure thereupon, lays before us a full account of that misery which attends a final dereliction of Christ.(a) Of that which is eternal.(b) But it bereaves even of temporal happiness also, even that which it promises, and which only it designs, and for the retaining of which it brings a man to part with his hopes of that which is future and eternal. (R. South, D. D.)
(R. South, D. D.)If Christ ever wins the fort of the soul, the conquest must begin here: for the understanding and will seem to be like a castle or fortified place; there is strength indeed in them, but the affections are the soldiers who manage those holds, the opposition is from these: and if the soldiers surrender, the place itself, though never so strong, cannot resist. (R. South, D. D.)
(R. South, D. D.)
(R. South, D. D.)Every man's sincerity is not to be tried in the same way. He that should conclude a man pious, because not covetous, would bring but a short argument; for perhaps he may be lustful or ambitious, and the stream be altogether as strong and violent, though it runs in a different channel. (R. South, D. D.)
(Dr. Shedd.)
I. OBEDIENCE. Keep their commands (Colossians 3:20; Ephesians 6:1-3). II. RESPECT, reverence. III. REGARD THEIR OPINIONS. Do not despise them or ridicule them. IV. RESPECT THEIR HABITS. May be different from ours, antiquated, etc. V. PROVIDE FOR THEM. Deny ourselves to promote their welfare. (A. Barnes, D. D.)
II. You should be GRATEFUL to your parents. Consider how much you owe them — every comfort, etc. III. You must make it your study to OBEY your parents, to do what they command, and to do it cheerfully. IV. Do all in your power to ASSIST AND OBLIGE your parents. You can very soon make some return for the kindness you receive. V. Place your UNRESERVED CONFIDENCE in them. Be honest, sincere, and open-hearted. VI. Attend seriously to their INSTRUCTIONS AND ADMONITIONS, and improve the advantages they afford you for becoming wise, useful, good, and happy for ever. (W. E. Channing, D. D.)
II. THE DUTY OF LOVING OUR NEIGHBOUR. 1. This commandment evidently means — that we should not injure our neighbour in his person, property, or character; that we should seek to do him good; that in case of debt, difference, or debate, we should do what is right, regarding his interest as much as our own, that in order to benefit him we should practise self-denial, or do as we would wish him to do to us (Matthew 7:12). 2. It does not mean — that the love of ourselves, according to what we are, or according to truth, is improper; that I am to neglect my own business to take care of my neighbour's (1 Timothy 5:8; Titus 2:5). (A. Barnes, D. D.)
1. Whom am I to love? Thy neighbour (1) (2) (3) 2. What am I to do to my neighbour? It prohibits all rash temper. Then do not neglect him. 3. How we are to love our neighbour. II. REASONS WHY WE SHOULD OBEY this command. 1. God commands it. 2. Selfishness itself would bid you love your neighbour. It is the short way to make yourself happy. 3. Because that will be the way to do good in the world. 4. The quiet of us all. (C. H. Spurgeon.)
2. Religion, both in the individual and in the sects, as well as in theology, is to be tested by its power to develop benevolence. 3. All great schemes of reformation will fail which do not begin with releasing men from animal selfishness. (H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(D. Jackson.)
(D. Jackson.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
1. Riches tend to obscure faith; to make one trust in them, instead of in God. 2. They encourage their possessor to love the world, and to withhold his heart from God. 3. They exclude disinterested love and goodwill toward others. 4. They hinder humility. People dare not tell a rich man of his faults, so he seldom gets an opportunity of mending them. 5. They prevent meekness. 6. They make a man hard and unyielding, difficult to convince of what is true, unwilling to be persuaded, or to submit m any way to others. II. TEMPTATIONS. 1. To atheism. With riches a man seems dependent on no one. He thinks himself his own master. 2. To idolatry. From the worship of no God there is an easy transition to, the worship of false gods. He who loves not the Creator will certainly love the creature, e.g., the gratification of the outward senses. Not necessarily gluttony and drunkenness, destroying the body. A moderate sensuality, a regular kind of epicurism will be quite enough to keep the soul dead to God and all true religion. 3. To the gratification of the imagination — beautiful houses, elegant furniture, curious pictures, delightful gardens. Innocent in themselves, how do all these things draw off the mind from more serious pursuits! 4. To self-inflation. 5. Pride. 6. Salt-will. 7. Contempt of inferiors. 8. Fretfulness and peevishness. A gentleman of large fortune, while we were seriously conversing, ordered a servant to throw some coals on the fire. As he did so, a puff of smoke came out, on which the gentleman threw himself back in his chair and cried out, "Oh, Mr. Wesley, these are the crosses which I meet with every day!" I could not help asking, "Pray, Sir John, are these the heaviest crosses you meet with!" Surely these crosses would not have fretted him so much if he had had only fifty pounds a year, instead of five thousand. (John Wesley.)
(C. H. Spurgeon.)
(C. H. Spurgeon.)
(John Trapp.)
(Bishop H. C. Potter.)
II. MEN CONSIDER WEALTH AS THE CHIEF GOOD, and when this is obtained think they have gained all. III. They are PROUD OF THEIR WEALTH, and are unwilling to be numbered with the poor and despised followers of Jesus. IV. RICHES ENGROSS THE TIME, fill the mind with cares and anxieties, and leave little for God. V. They OFTEN PRODUCE LUXURY, dissipation, and vice. VI. IT IS DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN WEALTH WITHOUT SIN, avarice, covetousness, fraud, and oppression (1 Timothy 6:9, 10, 17; James 5:1-5; Luke 12:16-21; Luke 16:19-31). All these may be overcome. God can give grace to do it. Though to men it may appear impossible, yet it is easy for God (ver. 26). (A. Barnes, D. D.)
(John Trapp.)
I. The ACQUISITION: fraud, etc., heart drawn away from God. II. The POSSESSION: hoarded, they beget covetousness; enjoyed, lead to riot, etc., may be loved inordinately; trusted in, may lead to pride and contempt of the poor. Learn — 1. A difficult thing to get wealth rightly, and use it well. 2. An awful thing to die a rich man in a world of so much sorrow; give an account of stewardship. 3. Do not envy the rich. 4. Remember that the true and lasting riches may be easily got. (The Hive.)
1. There is a fascination in the ownership of money, for it represents much of this world's power; there are few worldly things it cannot purchase. Besides, there is a satisfaction to the rich man in counting his money, in the quiet contemplation, the secret consciousness of the power which if he pleases he cam wield through it. 2. Money takes from man the feeling of dependence on God. Possessing it, he is apt to say to himself, "Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years" — why then should he trouble about possible future wants, when his income is so far above his expenditure? — and hence his state of mind is entirely opposed to the spirit in which we are taught to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread." The possession of wealth is therefore destructive of humility, of dependence upon God. 3. Riches incline a man in all ways to lean upon the world, which provides him with too much in which he delights, to make this world his home, thus hindering him from looking up; for we cannot live by faith and sight any more than we can serve two masters. 4. The possession of wealth tempts a man to be self-indulgent; to a needless display of magnificence in himself and his surroundings. Through the pleasures his wealth creates he soon gets entangled, and the daily cross of a disciple of Christ is altogether kept out of sight; the soul's eye becomes darkened, the affairs of time seem to be the only reality, those of eternity a shadow, a dream about which the man who is happy need not trouble himself. But there are many who have the feeling that they are not rich, and cannot therefore be concerned in the danger which the possession of riches brings. This may be true in one sense, but then "riches" is a word having different meanings to different people. Again, many who have not money look upon its acquisition as the aim of life, and accept success in gaining it as the measure of happiness. Many suffer the danger of the rich, because their thoughts are all centred on becoming rich. Labour being the ordinance of God, we ought to be able to find in our work the path allotted to us by His will. We should love God, not self, the centre, the ultimate aim of our toil. But not one of us, left to himself, is capable of efficiently discharging the responsibilities entailed by the possession of wealth; we need to be sustained by God. (Canon Gregory.)
I. WHAT IS MEANT BY BEING SAVED? In the narrative connected with the text, our Saviour calls it " Entering into the kingdom of heaven." The governing power of true religion over a man. Governed by love. To be saved is to be delivered from the kingdom of Satan, etc. It is a present change. Would you WISH to be SAVED? Or, would you like to compromise this matter in the way of postponement? Or, would you wish to have your love of " good society," etc., made secondary to the love of Christ? Let these questions sink deep into your hearts. The Young Ruler. II. THE HOLY GHOST CAN DEAL, AND DOES DEAL, WITH THIS MORAL HINDRANCE in the way of man's salvation as effectually as God the Son has dealt with the legal hindrance by His work of substitution for man. There is hope for us all. To You is the word of this salvation sent. Use the appointed means, for God works by means, etc. (Hugh McNeile, D. D.)
1. From partial views of the character of God. 2. It is often suggested by correct and scriptural views of the Divine law. 3. It arises from ignorance of the plan of human redemption. II. To ANSWER THE INQUIRY. 1. Shall I first tell you who cannot? Not the ignorant, proud worldling, not the impure. 2. Who, then, can be saved? The vilest can. (Dr. T. Raffles.)
II. The disciples were left to derive from this incident the lesson THAT MORAL UPRIGHTNESS WAS A DIFFERENT THING FROM GOSPEL PIETY. The young man had kept the law. Christ will not be in the heart except He have absolute dominion there. III. OUR PARTICULAR IMPEDIMENT TO SALVATION. Riches. A wealthy class of men in a community is a social necessity. Greed to be avoided; compassion to be cultivated. IV. A practical inference is that, however difficult salvation be, IT IS NEVER IMPOSSIBLE at least, the impossibility is only relative. With man it is impossible; but with God it is possible and promised. (D. Moore, M. A.)
1. Believe the testimony which the Word of God has given as to His character and office. 2. From this principle of faith emanates all the other elements which compose the Christian character. 3. A public profession of His name, and exertion in His cause. Do you believe, etc.? II. THAT IN SUSTAINING THIS CHARACTER PAINFUL SACRIFICES MUST FREQUENTLY BE MADE. The disciples, primitive Christians, etc. 1. Remember for whom these sacrifices are to be made. 2. Remember for what these sacrifices are to be made. Are you determined at all costs to follow Christ? III. THAT OUR PRESENT SACRIFICES IN THE SAVIOUR'S CAUSE SHALL ISSUE IN A GLORIOUS REWARD. 1. Here is an advantage promised as to the present life. 2. As to the life to come. The time and nature of the recompense. What encouragement does this subject hold out to the followers of Christ? (A. Weston.)
II. The example they follow. Christ, as our Teacher, Sovereign, Pattern. III. The reward they anticipate. Following Christ will secure our personal salvation, our temporal interests and our eternal happiness. (Sketches.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) II. THE CHRISTIAN DISCIPLE ENGAGED IN DUTIES OF CHRISTIAN PROFESSION. It involved (1) (2) (3) III. THE CHRISTIAN DISCIPLE'S RECOMPENSE. What shall we have? — (1) (2) (3) (4) (J. C. Gray.)
(J. R. Day, D. D.)
I. Take the case of the YOUNG. You are reluctant to lose the pleasures of earth. We do not wish to deprecate these; all your senses are against our arguments. Christ did not tell Peter that his boat and net were worth but little at the most. We admit the extent of the sacrifice. We take the ground of recompense more than equivalent for all renounced. A nobler pursuit; reward more enduring. II. It is the apparent conflict between duty and interest which causes us in a variety of cases to disobey God and withstand the pleadings of conscience. The conflict is only apparent, as our true interest is always on the side of duty. Here, again, we must magnify the remunerative power of Him in whose cause the sacrifice is made, rather than depreciate the sacrifice itself. But the duty is clear, and the difficulty of discharging it will not excuse its neglect. A man says he must sell his goods on the Sabbath in order to support his family, his interest demands it. But if he follows duty as against apparent interest, we assert that he engages on his side all the aids of Providence, if you cannot be religious but through bankruptcy, let not your name in the Gazette scare you from inscribing it in the Lamb's book of life. We remind you of the inexhaustibleness of God; He is the Proprietor of both worlds. To men who are in danger of being engrossed in business, as well as those who are tempted to swerve from rectitude, we say, dwell on the word " hundred-fold" in our text as suggestive of the Divine fulness and power. (H. Melvill, B. D.)
1. He is the pre-eminent object of moral attraction. He is the centre of all moral power. It is the overpowering force of the sun's attraction that regulates the motion of the planets; it is the overwhelming attraction of the earth that neutralizes the mutual attraction of things upon its surface, and prevents them from inconveniently clinging together. So is Christ the centre of the moral world. As God, He claims our adoration: as Man, our lively affection. He is the realization of every Divine idea. In a gallery of paintings, comprising portraits, allegories, historic scenes, and ideal creations, one grand masterpiece, long concealed, is at length uncovered and disclosed to view. Immediately all others are forsaken; the admiring gaze is directed to this. It is " the attraction," not because of its mere novelty, but because it comprises all the subjects and all the excellences of every other work, and displays them with unrivalled power. He is the way to the Father, and to the soul's everlasting home. "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by Me." A wild country is spread before us, with numerous paths, by-ways, and intersecting roads. Many of these tracks are toilsome, but supposed to lead to the possession of some profit and gain; many are pleasant, but of doubtful issue; many are perilous; many are evidently ways of perdition. But at length a bright "way" appears, and it is seen to lead upwards, and to terminate in a glorious "city of habitation." Shall we not forsake every other way to follow this? He is the fulness of all good. He is all and in all. Is it not great gain to forsake all and to follow Him? He is the friend beloved. When a beloved friend arrives, business and pleasure are alike abandoned, for the joy of his society. Jesus comes, He calls to us; He announces the joyful news of reconciliation with God. Should we not forsake all to follow Him, and to be received into His everlasting friendship? He is the heavenly Bridegroom. The bride forsakes her father's house, her country, her early associates for the bridegroom. 2. He is the boundless source of moral influence. He changes the earthly into the heavenly. No teacher nor doctrine can produce a transformation like this; the all-powerful influence is with Christ alone. If we desire our own true glory, should we not forsake all to follow Him? He changes the corrupt into the spiritual. He raises the spiritually dead into a Divine life. This reminds us that the attraction and influence of the Lord Jesus Christ can only be savingly experienced through the instrumentality of faith. II. To FORSAKE ALL AND TO FOLLOW CHRIST IS ALIKE OUR INDISPENSABLE DUTY AND OUR TRUE HAPPINESS. 1. It is our indispensable duty to forsake all and to follow Christ. It is not by abstract considerations we usually judge of duty, but by contemplating actual and living relations. Now, if we contemplate the actual relations Christ sustains to us, and of the reality of which we are assured by Divine testimony, the entireness of His claims will become immediately evident. As the Son of God, He claims supreme homage and entire obedience: as Mediator, He has a peculiar claim, because we are the subjects of His all-prevailing intercession. This imperative duty is sustained by every conceivable motive; it is also indispensable. It is the divinely appointed condition of salvation. We must look at the awful alternative. We are all under the most sacred obligation to hold the possession of earthly things in subservience to the service of Christ. 2. It is our true happiness to forsake all to follow Christ. "What shall we have therefore?" Is it not true happiness to derive present and everlasting joy in the contemplation of so pre-eminent an object of love; to experience the transforming influence of His Spirit and truth changing us into His likeness; and to enter into living and effectual relation with Him, all whose names are significant of unlimited blessing? "What shall we have therefore?" Exemption from eternal death, and the inheritance of everlasting life. The truth of Christ. The fellowship of the saints. An infinite compensation; a blissful result of self-denial. "And the last shall be first." As the first in their own and in the world's esteem should be really the last, so the last shall be first. The last in worldly esteem. The last in social conditions — Christians are required to avoid all vain display and ostentation. The last in their own esteem. "What things were gain to them, these they counted loss for Christ." (J. T. Barker.)What called forth this question? An event had just taken place which had made a deep impression on the minds of the disciples. I. LET US CONSIDER THE SPIRIT IN WHICH THOSE WORDS WERE UTTERED BY ST. PETER. There are some who always seem to delight in putting a bad construction upon the actions and words of God's saints. We have no sympathy with such men. They judge others by their own standard and motives. But in the words of the text we find no instance of human infirmity. Whatever St. Peter's faults may have been, certainly he was the last man to think of payment for service, or of reward. He was impetuous, affectionate, generous. .Nor, again, can we admit that there was something vain-glorious in the words. What, then, led St. Peter to say, "What shall we have therefore?" It was thankfulness. He was thrilled with gratitude at the thought of the grace which had enabled him to do what others had not done. But further, instead of pride there was, we believe, humility in this utterance. It was as much as to say, "What condescension that thou hast chosen us, such as we are, for so great a vocation!" They felt the greatness of the love which had called them, and their own unworthiness of the dignity. Let us look at the statements which are made. They are two. Christ had bidden the rich youth to give up all, and St. Peter now says, "'We have done this — we have forsaken all. Yes, it was not much, but it was all, and the sacrifice is to be measured not by the amount which is surrendered, but by the love which prompted it. Again, St. Peter adds, "We have followed Thee." This was the second thing which our Lord demanded of the rich youth. Perfect does not consist in the mere abandonment of external goods. St. Peter was careful to add that they had forsaken all with a definite motive — that of following Christ, and of being like Him in the external conditions of his life. It is not merely world-surrender, but self-surrender which Christ demands. The forsaking is the preliminary of the following. Detachment from the creature is useless unless it leads to attachment to the Creator. Sin consists in two things — the turning away from God, and the turning to the creature. "My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, saith the Lord, the Fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no waters" (Jeremiah 2:13). Holiness, on the other hand, requires a spirit of detachment from visible things, and love for God. They loved Him. It was a progressive love. II. OUR LORD'S REPLY TO ST. PETER'S QUESTION WAS AN ENCOURAGING ONE. He did not find fault with the question, knowing the purity of motive which prompted it. But He was careful to elevate their thoughts. They should have some great honour, some mysterious union with Christ in His exaltation, as they now had fellowship with Him on earth. Christ is Judge alone. They can have no share in His judiciary authority. In what sense, then, will the Apostles sit with Christ and judge the world? By the judgment of comparison. They will be examples of faithfulness to grace, condemning those thereby who have clung to earthly things and forsaken Christ. And besides this, by the judgment of approbation. They will be Christ's court, His princes, marked out from others by special glory and blessedness as the recompense of their allegiance to Him. Is this honour to be confined to the original disciples? We are not called, as Apostles were, actually to forsake all, and to follow Christ. But all Christians must share their spirit. We must "use this world, as not abusing it" (1 Corinthians 7:31). The outward acts of religion, necessary as they are, will not compensate for a worldly spirit. But the Christian life is no mere negative thing — the quenching of the love of the temporal; it is the following of Christ. Try by meditation to gain a clearer view of our Lord's example. Nor is it a sordid movement of soul to desire to look over the hills of time into the glories of the eternal world. Love, not selfishness, prompts all sacrifice made for Christ. But He who "for the joy which was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame" (Hebrews 12:2), permits the inquiry of the text when made in the spirit of hope and thankfulness. "What shall we have therefore?" It is not merely happiness, it is blessedness. (W. H. Hatchings, M. A.)
1. Joy in the Holy Ghost, peace of conscience, the sense of God's love; so as, with the Apostles, they shall rejoice that the)" are thought worthy to suffer for Christ. 2. Contentment. They shall have a contented frame of spirit with the little that is left to them; though they have not so much to drink as they had, yet they shall have less thirst (Philippians 4:11, 12). 3. God will stir up the hearts of others to supply their wants, and that supply shall be sweeter to them than their abundance was. 4. God sometimes repays them in this life, as He restored Job after his trial to greater riches. (M. Pool.)
1. The security of those who are poor for the gospel's sake. 2. The privilege of judging. 3. Dignity and eminence above others. 4. The nearest place to Christ and most perfect union with Him. 5. A principality of grace, happiness, and glory, that inasmuch as they are princes of the kingdom of heaven, they should have the right of judging, and of admitting into it those who are worthy, and excluding the unworthy. (Lapide.)
( Ambrose.)
( Cassian.)
(M. Pool.) The Biblical Illustrator, Electronic Database. Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Bible Hub |